Ok, I couldn't help myself. I really love the idea of barista Blaine, so I had to incorporate it into this story. This idea sparked when my girlfriend and I were walking through the mall a few days ago so she's going to be a huge inspiration for this story. For now, the rating will be T but it very well might change to M. Just a pre-warning. Hope you enjoy and please, please let me know what you think! I think this story has some potential.
Back in high school, Kurt had big dreams. He planned on going to school in New York City and moving in to one of the dorms of a college of his choice or maybe an apartment with Rachel. He worked his ass off senior year of high school, building credentials, running for class president, joining the school musical all while maintaining a GPA of 4.0. Classes at McKinley weren't hard, not at all. However, once you threw in Glee club, the school musical and several other things, those easy classes became a bit of nuisance. Despite all of his hard work, though, Kurt soon realized that good grades and extracurricular activities weren't enough. There was also money involved. Lots of it. He searched for scholarships but he had been a little late. He wouldn't get the money he needed in time and out of state tuition fees were frighteningly expensive. For a while, Kurt had considered taking out a few loans, but he was convinced otherwise by his father. With the amount of money he needed, he would be paying off those student loans several years after he graduated college.
So, as much as it pained him, Kurt settled. The Art Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio. It was a good school for his fashion major. Kurt had always dreamed of designing costumes for Broadway productions in New York. Of course, he still loved performing, but after a whole lot of soul searching and experiences in high school, he decided that his true passion lied in fashion. There was absolutely no doubt about that.
Kurt had a plan, though. He wasn't going to settle forever. He would have to stick around Ohio for a little while longer, but that was only a minor obstacle. He was going to work his way up to where he really wanted to be: The Fashion Institute of Technology, smack dab in the middle of Manhattan. That was his true dream and he would let nothing-absolutely nothing stop him from reaching his goal.
It's Kurt's second year and final semester. His Associate's Degree is just within his grasp and he has enough money saved up and he has several scholarships under his belt to move on. All he needs to do is ace his classes and he's good to go. Honestly, he can't wait and he only wishes he had a time machine. He's itching to leave Ohio and move on to bigger, better things.
Not that he doesn't like his current college. He's met some fantastic people and he's learned quite a bit. He also has an amazing job at Nordstrom. Not in retail, though. No, no. Even better. He has the magnificent job of setting up the window designs and all of the displays around the store. It's pretty amazing, actually, and it's far more than he could have ever asked for. He doesn't have to deal with picky customers trying on clothes that's three sizes too small. Honestly, Kurt isn't sure if he could handle a job in retail. Kurt is thankful for what he has right now. His life is going so much better that it was in high school. But he can't help but want a little bit more. And he doesn't think it's wrong to want more just as long as he works for it. And that's exactly what's he's doing.
Some days are better than others. For the most part, he gets along with his co-workers. Their relationship isn't always perfect, though.
Like today.
There's this new guy, Adam. Adam thinks that he knows everything there is to know about this set up they're working on just because he has a degree in Fashion Design (from Kurt's school, ironically.) But, honestly, Kurt can't help but wonder if it's all a big fat lie. Because those pants on that damn mannequin definitely do not go with the vest he's suggesting. And honestly, why the hell does he want to hang that ugly clump of golden bells with a red bow from the ceiling? It's not Christmas. It's barely October.
Kurt has spent half of his day arguing with Adam about the stupid vest and by mid afternoon, he has a pounding head ache. Eventually, he decides to give in because, seriously, Kurt has never met a more stubborn human being. The guy is worse than Rachel at her worst.
Kurt breathes out a sigh of relief when Adam excuses himself to the bathroom. Right now, Kurt wants to yell at Adam and tell him to just stay there so that he can finish the set up himself. He bites his tongue, though, because Kurt likes his job and he knows that he will be overstepping if he makes a comment like that.
Enjoying the silence for the time being, Kurt moves over to the corner of the small room to grab the Windex bottle. He rips off a piece of paper from the roll on the ground and begins to spray the window, wiping away any little streaks from his and Adam's hands when they held themselves against the glass. Thankfully, they're almost done with the project so Kurt can go home and enjoy the silence that is his dormitory.
It's when Kurt is reaching up high to get a little smudge off the glass window when he sees him. Quite possibly the most adorable, attractive, handsome guy Kurt has ever seen. He's standing a few feet away from the window dressed in black, headphones shoved into his ear. His hair is dark, curls tamed with what looks to be far too much hair gel. Somehow, it works for him. His eyes are big and gorgeous. They almost seem to sparkle against the florescent lighting. Slung over his arm is another black piece of clothing that looks like an apron and Kurt is almost positive he's seen this guy around the mall. He probably works here, actually. Is it the coffee shop downstairs?
The guy is looking at the set up behind Kurt, a small smile on his face as he reaches up to adjust the head phones. He then gives a thumbs up as his smile widens a little. At this, Kurt accidentally drops the paper towel in his hand as his heart flutters. If he thought this guy was cute before, Kurt is convinced that he's absolutely breath-taking when he smiles like that. Kurt smiles back when the guy laughs, watching Kurt pick up the paper towel from the floor and crumple it up.
And then Adam walks back in, scaring Kurt half of death and causing him to nearly drop the stupid Windex bottle. Kurt turns his head quickly to look at the older male. "So, are we done here?" he asks, voice coming out a little sharper and annoyed than he meant.
Adam looks a little taken aback by Kurt's tone, but that shocked look quickly leaves his face as he smiles with a nod. "Yeah, I think so," he says as he takes a step back to look at the set up, adjusting the vest a little. "I'm gonna take a look at it from outside." And then he's opening the little door and heading out.
Kurt quickly turns back towards the window to see that the guy is gone. His heart sinks and he's almost positive his shoulders sag a little bit. Though, he quickly straightens his posture. He's just some random cute guy. There is no reason for Kurt to get so worked up about him walking away. He's probably straight, anyway. And with incredible looks like that, there's a high possibility that he has a girlfriend who would not be too happy knowing that some gay boy at the mall has eyes for her man.
So, after that afternoon, Kurt puts the guy out of his mind and by the following day, he's forgotten about him and his gorgeous hazel eyes and dazzling smile.
There are other things, Kurt decides, that need to be focused on. Like school and work.
However, that little plan of his fails because three days later Kurt sees the guy again when he's walking into the mall. This time, he spots him at the coffee shop that he suspected the guy worked at. And, of course, he's looking as adorable as ever with a black cap perched on his head. His apron hanging at his neck and tied around his waist. For a moment, he catches the guy's eye and Kurt is almost positive he smiles at Kurt. Kurt, of course, smiles back a little awkwardly, unsure if that smile was directed at him.
He quickens his pace, knowing that his racing heart isn't due to his brisk walk.
For the remainder of the day, Kurt finds himself hoping he'll see the gorgeous barista again. It doesn't happen, though, and he's completely annoyed at himself for being disappointed at that.
That night, Kurt finds himself thinking about the guy's bright smile.
The following week, Kurt is assigned a new project. He is to redesign the window on the first floor. He's pissed when he is paired up to work with Adam but he's ecstatic when he realizes that said window offers a perfect view of his favorite coffee shop.
Today, Adam isn't as bad. He mostly keeps to himself and actually asks Kurt for his opinion. He even lets Kurt dress a mannequin without making any stupid comments about it. And whatever comments that Adam makes, roll right off of Kurt's shoulders because he's far too busy admiring the view of his…favorite coffee shop.
"You're quiet today," Adam points out. "Normally you snap at me when I try to correct you."
Kurt just shrugs in response. He hears Adam sigh and hardly pays attention to that because at that moment, he catches the cute barista looking his way. This time, he smiles and waves at Kurt to which Kurt returns the action, smile a little giddy. Thankfully, Adam doesn't notice considering he's too busy sticking some decals on the window.
It's when Kurt is smoothing down the final decal on the window that he notices the cute barista walking towards the window and stopping a few feet away from it like he did last time. Kurt's heart leaps as he smiles over at the guy as he scrunches his face in this adorable little look of, "I approve." arms crossing over his chest. Kurt giggles. Giggles. And he thanks whatever higher power may or may not exist that Adam stepped out of the room about two seconds to get some shoes for the mannequins. Kurt isn't sure what he would have done with himself it Adam heard that little laugh coming out of him.
Then, the guy reaches into his pocket, pulling out a sharpie and a small piece of-what looks to be-receipt paper. He scribbles something down before pressing it against the glass for Kurt to read.
"I'm Blaine." and a little smiley face.
Kurt's heart is racing as he pulls out his phone and opens the notepad application to quickly type out. "Kurt. It's nice to meet you." and hold it out for Blaine to see.
Pulling the paper away, Blaine scribbles something else on the paper and holds it up again with that heart stopping smile of his. "Likewise, Kurt."