~Chapter 1

England, 1492.

Elena POV

I felt Trevor's soft arm touching me lightly from the back as he gently told me, "My dear." I turned around slowly, to find a man, probably in his early thirties with shoulder-length brown hair and deep brown eyes.

"Hello," I greeted him smiling. He just stared at me like I was some kind of ghost. I inclined my head, waiting for his response.

"Forgive me, you remind me of someone," he excused himself while smiling a little. His kind eyes looked sad; I knew the person I reminded him of had been important to him.

"Elena," Trevor jumped in, "May I introduce the Lord Elijah," he continued to say.

The lord immediately brought his hand forward, smiling, as I took it slowly. "Pleasure, my lord," I bowed giving him a small smile.

"The pleasure's mine, Elena" he replied back, still smiling as he kissed my hand.

Our eyes were locked together for a short time, and then he slowly looked away.

"So where is this mysterious host I've heard so much about?" I asked grinning shyly as we slowly walked amongst the guests. Trevor had brought me to the Lord Niklaus' birthday banquet, but I had not seen him yet. I was quite curious to finally meet him.

"Fashionably late," he replied as I took in the sight around me once more.

"He likes to make an entrance," he continued as he looked around, searching.

"Here he is," he said half-smiling. I slowly turned around, while the lord pointed towards a figure. He was slowly descending the stairs. I could not see the host, but I was curious to see him. What did he look like? Was he charming and polite like the lord Elijah? I hoped so. I wanted to make acquaintances and friends as much as I could in England. After I was banished for having a baby out of wedlock, I felt so alone.

Still I missed mama and my sister, even my father, but I knew I could not afford to think about that. I wanted to make sure I enjoyed this lovely, rich ball. I was sure I would not be invited to a place like that again in my life.

The man was walking towards us. He was still hidden behind the other guests, so I could not see him. The guests were bowing slowly. I strained my neck, still in attempt to see him. The guests slowly moved away and I finally laid eyes on him. He had shoulder-length golden hair, and was wearing a blue suit. Oh my lord, he was handsome, I gasped as he was smirking at the guests who were slowly bowing. I could easily that he was quite a cocky Lord.

Then he turned his head towards me and the Lord Elijah. His smile slowly faded, as his gaze was locked with mine, while he kept creeping near. I could see clearer now, his blonde hair was shoulder length and his eyes were a deep shade of blue. He looked like a Greek god.

"Elena, may I introduce to you," the lord Elijah slowly said as he broke me from my trance.

"The lord Niklaus," he continued. Niklaus and I, both held our stare and I bowed slowly while his eyes followed my movements, his lips curving into an amusing smirk. I held out my hand as he gently took it, kissing the back of my hand lightly.

"Niklaus is the name my father gave me," the lord Niklaus said to me. While I noticed his velvety voice which had a heavy British accent.

"Please, call me Klaus," as his lips formed once again into a smirk. I slowly put my hand down, feeling his eyes still watching me like a hawk. I felt quite uncomfortable at the moment.

"From where have you come, Elena?" he asked curiously.

"Elena is from Bulgaria," the lord Elijah cut in as he saw my uncomfortable gaze.

"Zdravei, Elena," he said softly in his velvety voice. He has quite the Bulgarian accent, I thought as I replied, "Very good," laughing lightly.

He smiled back at me, a smile which showed his boyish dimples. I slowly turned my head towards Elijah, who was eyeing Niklaus in an odd way. My smile suddenly faded, sensing something was wrong.

"Do you mind brother, I would like to have a moment alone with her," he ordered Elijah, who now I could see was his brother. I noticed the way he ordered him and not asked him to have a moment with me.

"No not at all, happy birthday, brother," Elijah replied slowly. I smiled slyly as I realized we would finally be alone, even if just for a second. I held out my hand once more and he took it, smirking back.

A/N: I hope you all enjoy the first of chapter of my new Klaus/Elena fanfic. I absolutely adored them after the last episode of TVD (3x05)

Please take a look at my other Delena fanfic, if you haven't yet :)

Shannon x