Even when I was 8, I could tell Jax Teller was the love of my life. I didn't have to be his for him to be mine. But that stupid Tara was always with him, giggling at the jokes that came from the joke book I had given him for his birthday. Even though he was 2 years older than me, I loved him with all my heart. Well as much of a heart an 8 year old could have. Sadly, he was in love with Tara Knowles and I hated her for it.

As the years went by, I got glasses & braces while Tara got boobs & the perfect smile (dimples and all). Amazing how the universe can screw you over huh? Jax finally grabbed his balls and asked her out. But I wasn't the only Case sister to be utterly devastated by this news. My sister Wendy would always stand in front of the mirror and just ask, "What does she have that I don't?"

My father ditched us when I was twelve and Wendy was thirteen. My ma decided that Darby could help her ease the pain & shot up whenever she got a 'headache'. After three months, my godparents decided it was time to take me and my younger brother, Jason, in. Wendy was infuriated that I just left so easily but if I hadn't, I would've gone down the same path she did. I still loved her so I gave her half of my paycheck from TM, where I was mechanic in training. The amount of pride I took in that puny title is crazy.

Before my ma became a crack-whore, she was a beautifully thin brunette with high cheekbones and curves that could stop traffic. Clay Morrow was her best friend's husband and her god-brother so to say they were close would be an understatement. Gemma never said anything about Clay's one friendship with a woman because she knew not even my crazy ma would be stupid enough to go and try and take Gemma Teller's man. Nope. My ma was crazy but not that crazy.

As for me? Well, the age of fifteen rolled around and Gemma decided I needed to redo my image. At least I think that's what she meant to say. What she actually said was very... dirty to say the least. She introduced me to a comb and hair spray along with the push up bra & low rider jeans. When I showed up at TM the next morning, I had expected Jax to notice more then my braces and glasses disappearing. But when Tara got a couple of highlights, it was like it was like she had just told him that she won the lottery. He smiled and kissed her, and then dragged her back to the clubhouse while I watched from my spot next to Ope. Everyone knew I was in love with him, except for Jax that is.

A couple of years later, Tara did the unexpected and left Jax broken hearted. He looked like a bum for days afterwards. Opie rented him every action movie BlockBuster had and just dropped them on Jax's bed [along with some smokes, a whole case of Budweiser, & some Playboys]. I just did what I had to do. I applied to schools all over California & eventually got into nine out of the ten I applied to. Choosing the one closest to Charming, I started packing up for USC. The MC obviously couldn't let me go without some huge going away party. Oh no, that would be impossible. Jason, who was a Prospect for the club at the time, was up to his neck in croweaters & loving every minute of it. It was at this party that I made the biggest mistake of my life.

I slept with Jax Teller.

Yup. Now why was this such a bad thing? Well, for the next two weeks Jax avoided & ignored me unless interacting with me was absolutely crucial. Now, I wasn't expecting flowers, chocolates, & a candlelit dinner okay? Just, I don't know, maybe some smiles, normal conversations, compliments. But no. He had to be a total douchebag and ignore me completely. So when it came time to leave, I left for real. I didn't even come home for the breaks or for summer or nothing. All because of that idiot, Jax Teller. If it wasn't for Wendy's dumb-ass, I would still be in LA, living my happy life.

But this is Charming we're talking about. Even if Wendy hadn't overdosed while pregnant, I would've come back anyways. Everybody knows that Charming, California is addictive. No one can stay away for very long.

So here I was, driving down the empty road towards the small little, MC-run town at the crack of dawn. The rising sun was sending unwanted rays of light into my Mustang & I dropped the roof, the wind blowing through my brown hair. Seeing the all-too familiar sign that read, 'Welcome to Charming.', I knew that I was home.