I've been practicing my photomanipulation skills lately. I've been writing drabbles for them too.
You can see them by going to my deviantART gallery.
Don't go
The light streamed in through the window with force. It was early, Merlin was in the princes room, setting out breakfast and getting the blonde ready for the day ahead of him. The tray was already set out; the food was slowly going cold. Merlin gazed out into the courtyard, "Good morning!"
Arthur was already half out of bed so was on his feet within seconds, yawning and stretching to rid himself of the dull aches and pains that sleep brought, "You're cheerful."
"Aren't I always?" Merlin replied, still focused on the outside world.
Arthur glanced down at himself. He was still in his clothes from the previous night. He wondered for a moment how much wine, mead and ale he had ingested. Judging by the pounding in his head, it had been a lot. He looked at Merlin, he was leaning slightly against wall, "Are you injured or just lazy?"
Merlin shrugged, but gave no other answer.
Arthur frowned, "Why didn't you stop me last night?" He noticed the servant stiffen at his words, "I have a seriously massiveheadache. Would you go to Gaius and get me something for it?"
Merlin nodded his head once.
"Silence isn't a blessing at all." Arthur grumbled, "What's your problem?"
Merlin shrugged again. Arthur clenched his fists in irritation, "Merlin!"
"It doesn't matter, you obviously can't remember anything." The black haired boy said with a nonchalant shrug of his thin shoulders. Arthur could have sworn he saw him wince, "I'll get that tonic for you shall I?" he went to move but Arthur stopped him.
"Wait." The prince moved over to him, standing in the shadow of the wall, the light of the window not reaching him like it was Merlin.
"…You're such a jerk…" Merlin muttered, shifting slightly, uncomfortable. Arthur didn't know whether or not it was because of the situation he had created or for some other unknown reason.
Suddenly, as though a bolt of lightning had just struck him, memories of the previous night came flooding back. His eyes widened, "Oh god. M-merlin, I-."
"Don't." the servant cut him off, "Just…" he trailed off and made to move away.
Arthur put his hand on his arm making the boy pause, "I'm sorry. I… I don't know why I…" he found himself at a lack for words.
"It's fine."
"No! No it isn't, I should not have done that and, I feel awful." Arthur admitted with a sigh. Merlin shrugged again, "Will you stay?"
Merlin turned his head slightly to peer at Arthur over his shoulder, "…I have chores to do." He made to move again but,
"Don't go."
Merlin shut his eyes and took a breath and made for the door, "You have a meeting in an hour. Your father expects you."
Arthur watched in silence as the door shut behind the servant, Idiot.
For once, the insult was not directed at Merlin.