Death Korps of Halkagenia

My servant that existed somewhere in this vast universe.

My divine, beautiful, wise and powerful servant, heed my call.

I wish from very bottom of my heart and add to my guidance.


As Louise said this, a massive explosion enveloped herself, her classmates and professor in a large cloud of smoke. Amidst the shouting and coughing, a few jeers were aimed at the pink-haired mage, mostly regarding her ineptitude, with one girl's voice standing out in particular.

"As expected of Louise the Zero, not being able to -" Kirche's sentences was cut short as a figure came out of the smoke. Said figure was dressed in a black greatcoat with matching boots as well as donning a gas mask and a peaked cap sporting a gold eagle insignia. He also had some kind of sword sheathed on his left side while the other accommodating a peculiar object, a bit like one of those new flintlock pistols. As Lord Commissar Hart Schiffe stepped out of the smoke cloud he looked at his surroundings and he screamed:

"Where in the name of the Emperor's Grace am I!"

He drew out his Power Saber and his Bolt Pistol and as he observed the area, he saw that the place was some kind of fortress. The most peculiar thing about it was that it had no hints of being ravaged by war at all.

"Where in frakking hell am I? This isn't Vraks Prime! That damned Cultist..." He thought to himself.

He saw a bald man with robes and a staff of some sort awhilst to the left he saw a bunch of juvies who were shocked like they've seen Chaos itself. He looked down he saw this little pink haired girl who was staring at him with shock. The girl turned to the bald man and said:

"Ummm...Professor Colbert could I do the ritual again?" Louise said in desperation.

"No, you can't because performing the ritual again is against the rules." Professor Colbert said in response.

Having heard this, Louise swallowed her pride and fear and motioned for Hart to come closer. Seeing this as a chance to know what was going on, he leaned downward to what the girl had to say but he was taken by surprise when said girl kissed him where his lips would be if he wasn't wearing his mask.

His left glove glowed pink and there was a hint of pain and heat but he was not bothered much, many years on the battlefield have inured him to such trivial things. As the pain and other sensations stopped, he removed his glove and saw a rune etched onto his left hand and his reaction was simple. "What the frak was that! Oh dear God Emperor I hope this does not wreak of Chaos taint." he thought to himself.

He put back is glove and looking at the Louise he let out a sigh of displeasure. Kirche took this as her cue to continue her jest.

"Her familliar is like a tree that had all of its leaves fallen and and burnt to the ground!" Kirche remarked in a teasing tone.

When Louise heard this she blushed and trembled in anger. As she was about to shout back at Kirche, a sharp crack filled the air and all of the students, especially the redhead, turned their heads in shock towards Hart who had his Bolt Pistol pointed at her.

"What did i hear you say, juvie?" he said with his voice carrying an almost imperceptible edge. His Bolt Pistol had steam hissing out of its barrel.

Kirche was speechless as well as a little pale when she looked down. The bullet had punched a fist-sized hole on the ground a mere two inches away from her foot. She dreaded to think what would happen if the stern man hadn't missed.

"P - put a leash on your familliar Louise!" one student blurted out with fear on his voice.

"How dare threaten to kill a Noble with such a weapon commoner!" Louise swatted the heavy weapon from Hart's hand, or at least tried to as the grim figure moved it way from her short reach.

"Commoner? I think your mistaken little child, I am Lord Commissar Hart Schiffe of the 9th Armoured Krieg Regiment." Hart responded in monotone.

"I have served in countless wars and have endured Hell through the most of them while the men I order are unflinching in the face of Death. You would be ill-advised to trifle with me." he continued, addressing his tirade to all of them.

The bald man approached the Commissar, "Good Sir, I think you are a bit confused. I think I be-" Colbert's sentence came to a halt as the pistol was aimed right at him.

"Take me to whoever's in-charge of this Heresy before I spill your blood on the ground!" Hart said.

Colbert gave a nervous nod and led him into the school.

Author's Note: Ok this is my very first time making a fanfic and i pretty much read some W40k crossover fanfics with zero no tsukaima so please enjoy and feel free to review if i suck or not XD.

P.S. I had my brother do a beta read and he edited out most of my errors, hopefully things are sorted out now.