A/N So, here's my first attempt at fanfiction! My thinking is: why is Kurt always the one doing the chasing? So I thought it would be fun to make it the opposite:)

PLEASE REVIEW! If I don't know what you think about the story, I don't know whether to keep going or find something else to do. If I don't have anyone review, I probably won't keep going because I won't know if anyone is enjoying it. On that note, if it's terrible and you never want me to write this story again, please let me know that too so I don't waste my time! Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoy:) And all suggestions/criticisms are welcome!:D

Oh, and there's really not too much of a reason it's rated T. I just didn't wanna worry about anything. I figure if I use a bad word that some 10 year old sees, I'd rather not be responsible for scarring anyone. So, if you're wondering, that's why.

Disclaimer: I am most definitely NOT RIB. I don't own Glee, and don't have much of a desire to, because I would totally screw it up. Well, for anyone who likes anything OTHER than Kurt and Blaine with the occasional Puck.

"Ring!" The hallways of McKinley High rang loud with the sound of the last bell. Kurt excitedly skipped down the hallway, heading to Glee club. He knew Mr. Schuester had been recruiting over the summer, so he wasn't too surprised when he saw a new boy in the chorus room. His hair was gelled, but it was clearly very curly. He had gorgeous hazel eyes, and a smile painted across his face. Kurt was somewhat surprised Mr. Schuester had managed to find anyone interested in Glee club, but he hid his small surprise and hoped the boy was a good singer. He walked over to Mercedes and sat down. They hugged, and Mr. Schuester decided to start class before they had any time to talk.

"Welcome to the first Glee club meeting of the year, everyone! It's so good to have you all back. I would like to introduce a new member I found over the summer. His name is Blaine." Blaine gave a little wave.

Blaine. So that's his name, Kurt thought. That's a really pretty name. I wonder what he's like?

"So, since it's our first meet of the year, I figured we could do what you all want. Does anyone – yes, Kurt?" Mr. Schuester said, stopping mid-sentence when he saw Kurt waving his hand in the air.

"If it's all right," Kurt said, standing up to face his peers, "I've prepared a song I want to sing. Consider it an expression of myself and an audition for the solos coming up this year."

He nodded at Brad, who started playing. He took a deep breath and started to sing. He chose the song Big, Blonde, & Beautiful from Hairspray, knowing it would show off his confidence. He belted out the notes and really got into character. He could even see Santana looking impressed. He had a small smug smile on his face as he finished singing and took a bow, basking in the attention. As soon as he took his seat, Rachel popped up.

"Mr. Schue, I have also prepared something to perform for you all." Without further ado, she broke into a song from a musical Kurt didn't know (surprisingly.) He smiled and watched his friend perform, already enjoying the spirit of competition. He had to admit: she was good. He had to step up his game if he wanted those future solos.

After that, they had a class discussion about what types of music the class wanted to do this year. It was mostly dominated by Puck bursting out randomly and singing "Sexy and I Know It". Mr. Schuester, sensing a quick fall to disaster coming, quickly shot down that idea. Rachel, already prepared, had spent 20 minutes lecturing the class on exactly how they should perform the 7 set lists she had prepared. Finally it was time to leave and Kurt headed home, promising to text Mercedes later, and ready to tell his parents all about his first day back.


Blaine walked down the hallway with a confused look on his face as he tried to remember where Mr. Schuester had told him the choir room was. Luckily, his last class wasn't too far from it and he found his way. Mr. Schuester greeted him kindly and asked him to take a seat. He happily did, waiting for the rest of the class to arrive. Two cheerleaders walked in, engaged in conversation with a hot, badass-looking guy. He wasn't really Blaine's type, although Blaine was curious as to whether or not such a guy could and would sing.

More people started arriving. Two minutes before the class started, an excited-looking boy walked in. Blaine quickly looked away and felt a huge grin spread across his face. This boy was the most attractive thing Blaine had ever seen. Blaine kept smiling, knowing it was either that or a shocked expression at how hot the boy was. He was wearing black skinny jeans, a normal, stylish t-shirt, and his hair was spiked to perfection. His eyes sparkled with anticipation and delight. The only think Blaine could think was wow.

Before much else could pass through his head, Mr. Schuester started talking. Blaine gave a shy little wave as he was mentioned. Mr. Schuester kept talking, until something caught his attention. He turned and addressed the beautiful boy, who had his hand in the air, as Kurt. Blaine thought it was a good name.

Kurt started speaking, asking if he could perform. Blaine couldn't help but widen his eyes as Kurt started singing. He had the most pure, beautiful voice Blaine had ever heard. Kurt started to really get into the song. Blaine thought the song choice was weird, but thought it somehow fit Kurt. Kurt was a natural, and Blaine couldn't help but noticed that Kurt looked really good doing such a powerful song. When it was over, Blaine clapped as enthusiastically as everyone else, maybe more so, unable to stop the huge grin plastered on his face. He watched another performer who was also amazing, and saw some competition between Kurt and this other performer, Rachel.

The rest of class passed by quickly and, before he knew it, it was time to go. He watched Kurt say goodbye to his friend and walk out the door. Blaine slipped out after him, hoping he could introduce himself to the boy who, though he didn't yet know it, would soon be the subject of his dreams.