Author's Note: First the disclaimer, I own nothing, this is the property of George Lucas and the various publishers and production companies. No money made here, no matter how much I wish differently.

Special thanks to Stargatesg1fan1, whose story 'Inheriting a New Prophecy' inspired this story and made me want to explore Harry being cast in other roles in the Multi-verse. The opening sequence is virtually identical to the one in his story, purposefully, and is used with his agreement. If I happen to use material from other fan fiction without giving due credit please let me know as it is unintentional and I will be happy to give credit where due. I have read so much fan fiction it is sometimes hard to remember what is canon, what is from a fan-fic and what is my own twisted mind. Hope you enjoy, please be gentle when you review.

Note: BBY = Before the Battle of Yavin

ABY = After the Battle of Yavin

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

Part VI

Stealing the Executor: Part III

"Incoming contacts read as Rebel Alliance vessels, Mon Cal Star Cruiser Liberty, and the Dreadnoughts Valance and Bulwark. General Dodonna sends his compliments. The ships are launching fighters and moving into formation with us sir!"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief; those three ships would effectively even the odds, now they just had to cripple or destroy the Interdictor and get their hyperdrive online. "Send my regards to the General and tell him his timing is impeccable as always. Mr. Piett, have all starboard batteries commence ripple fire. I want that Interdictor broken within the next 10 minutes. All fighters are cleared to engage the enemy."

After receiving Piett's acknowledgement, Harry turned again to regard the tactical holotank, he watched the three Rebel starships enter formation and open fire on the Imperial vessels, and with their firepower added to the Executor's, the already crippled Victory class star destroyer detonated in an impressive explosion that sent massive chunks of debris into its sister ships, causing widespread damage throughout the Imperial formation.

The Rebels then divided their fire, with the Executor raining destruction down on the now exposed Interdictor, while the other Rebel ships harried the remaining Imperial warships to keep them from regrouping.

Meanwhile, the rebel fighter wing was heavily engaged with the Imperial TIE fighters, and though heavily outnumbered, was quickly shaving that advantage away. A handful of minutes into the engagement, the Rebels had lost two X-wings, while the Imperials had lost over 40 TIE fighters. The X-wings with their shields had a huge advantage over the TIE fighter force which consisted mainly of standard TIE fighters, with a couple squadrons of Interceptors thrown in.

As the fighter engagement continued, Harry watched like a hawk as the status indicators on the Interdictor steadily dropped as she was pummeled by the Executor, as he watched, the wounded ship slowly turned, vectoring away from the Rebel battle group on an escape trajectory.

"Gunnery, target the Interdictor's engines and shields!"

In space, rapid bursts of turbolaser and ion cannon fire leapt from the massive super star destroyer and collided with the wounded Interdictor's engines and shield generators. As the impacts continued, the ship was finally overwhelmed and exploded, causing yet more damage to spread throughout the Imperial formation.

On the Executor, a massive cheer went up, "Comm, order all ships to prepare for the jump to lightspeed!" With that Harry, activated his comlink, "Luke, what's your status?"

"We've just finished Master, both teams are en route to the airlocks now, give us another five and we'll be inside."

Harry smiled, "Excellent work Padawan, contact the bridge when your teams are inside, and we will make the jump to lightspeed."

"Will do Master, Skywalker out."

Harry walked over to the Nav station, "Status?"

The young officer looked up, "Nav plot has been updated continuously throughout the engagement sir, we are prepared to make the jump, and have programmed in two additional jumps to throw off the Imps sir."

"Good work."

Just then an alarm sounded, Harry ran back to the tactical display, "Report!"

"Sir, the Imperial Star Destroyer Reprisal is on a collision course at maximum thrust, estimate impact in 30 seconds!"

"Have all ships disengage and make the jump to lightspeed now! Helm, turn us to bring our main starboard batteries to bear on the Reprisal, Gunnery, fire for effect, try to disable or destroy that vessel! Piett, status of the hyperdrive?"

The former Imperial raced over, "hyperdrive is in final countdown, and will go active in 20 seconds General!"

Harry studied the display again, impact was now estimated at 23 seconds, it would be very tight. "Helm, stand by to jump to lightspeed on my command!"

Everyone waited tensely as the seconds ticked off, seeming to take an eternity as the Imperial Star Destroyer Reprisal grew ever closer. "Gunnery, stand by to fire all starboard missile tubes… Fire!"

"General, hyperdrive online!"

"Jump to lightspeed!"

In space, a barrage of missiles leapt away from the Rebel SSD just before she transitioned into hyperspace. The missiles collided with the badly damaged Reprisal, and tore through her already weakened shields causing catastrophic damage to her engines and power systems and leaving the massive Imperial vessel dead, sailing unpowered on her previous course, which if they didn't get engines back on line would see them drift into a star in a little over 3 months. On the bridge, a wounded and bloody Kendal Ozzel pulled himself to his feet unable to believe that he had failed. As he stood there surveying what was left of his bridge, a battered and bloody comm officer ran up to him and gasped, "Sir, Lord Vader is en route and demands an update on the pursuit!"

Ozzel sighed, so much for the Admiralty he thought. It was no longer a good day to be Kendal Ozzel.


As Obi-wan followed Rostek Horn, he took the opportunity to examine his surroundings and to study the familiar young man walking with him, he could definitely see his old friend Nejaa in him, they shared similar facial features, and Force signatures. Obi-wan couldn't help but feel a bit chagrined, how many Jedi had had secret families before the fall? Nejaa Halcyon had been one of his best friends and Anakin his Padawan and like a brother, and apparently both had managed to have families right under Obi-wan's nose. How many others had disregarded the code? Of course, looking back, the code, which had been implemented as part of the Ruusan Reformation a thousand years before when the Order had taken a much more rigid approach in the wake of the last Sith War, was flawed, only taking new initiates as babies, no longer accepting older children or adults, no matter how gifted, at least until an exception had been made for Anakin. This rigidity had slowly chipped away at the Order, leaving them inflexible and detached from the very people they were sworn to protect, and ultimately, blind to the machinations of the Sith. Clearly, the code needed to be altered and checks put in place to ensure that the Jedi would not fail so spectacularly again.

After walking for a while, they entered a sitting room and after everyone was seated, Rostek began, "Why are you here General Kenobi?"

Ben studied him for a moment, "I was recently recruiting for the Alliance, and with that now complete, I am searching for Force Sensitive beings, as we are hoping to begin a New Jedi Order. My information dropped a promising lead which brought me to you."

Rostek nodded thoughtfully, and Ben could see the interest in Valin's eyes.

Rostek spoke, "And why are you only now trying to rebuild the Order? It has been nearly two decades Obi-wan."

Obi-wan smiled, "We were otherwise occupied my friend, Master Yoda and I realized long ago that the Order had failed terribly, that we had become too insular and that we ourselves were unsuited to build a new Order. So, we have spent the time till now training a new Jedi Master, a much younger man with a much more… progressive view of the Jedi. He is our hope, and the leader of the new order that we are trying to build. Master Yoda and I will serve as advisors, nothing more."

Rostek nodded, "And who is this new Master?"

"Zett Jukassa, the only survivor of the Temple massacre. He has trained and planned and is even now serving the Alliance with his Padawan, Luke Skywalker."

Rostek shot to his feet, "Skywalker! That evil bastard had a son?"

Obi-wan studied the room's occupants for a moment, "Twins actually, a boy and a girl. But surely you would not hold the crimes of the father against two innocent children who have never even met him?"

Rostek shook his head, "No, I wouldn't. Who was their mother if I may ask?"

"Padme Amidala Naberrie of Naboo."

Rostek's eyes widened in shock, "Truly? Well, at least they came from good stock on their mother's side."

Obi-wan frowned, "Anakin was not born evil, he was a young vulnerable boy who was manipulated by an evil old man, as we all were. I failed there, I didn't see what was happening, or maybe I just didn't want to believe it of a young man I regarded as a brother. He was such a kind boy, with so much promise. I failed him, and the galaxy. But, with the help of Yoda, Zett and Luke, I intend to end the tyranny of the Empire and we will defeat Vader and his Emperor for good."

Rostek looked thoughtful, but before he could respond, Valin Horn spoke, "How can I help? My father gave me some training, but he died before we could finish. I have tried to pass on what I could to my own son."

Obi-wan smiled, "We can finish your training, and your son's. The Halcyon legacy can continue. Your father was a good man, a skilled Jedi and most importantly, a great friend. His death was a great loss to us all."

Valin smiled briefly and nodded his head in thanks, then he looked to his adoptive father and the two seemed to share a conversation without words. Then, Rostek gave a slight nod, and the younger man smiled widely and turned to Kenobi.

"I will join you General Kenobi, and if my son is willing, so will he."


A/N: Short one, sorry for that and the long wait between updates. But, life has been very hectic between my PhD, a new baby and all the other assorted madness in my life. I am continuing all of my stories, just not sure when…sigh. Till next time.