Author's Note: First the disclaimer, I own nothing, this is the property of George Lucas and the various publishers and production companies. No money made here, no matter how much I wish differently.

Special thanks to Stargatesg1fan1, whose story 'Inheriting a New Prophecy' inspired this story and made me want to explore Harry being cast in other roles in the Multi-verse. The opening sequence is virtually identical to the one in his story, purposefully, and is used with his agreement. If I happen to use material from other fan fiction without giving due credit please let me know as it is unintentional and I will be happy to give credit where due. I have read so much fan fiction it is sometimes hard to remember what is canon, what is from a fan-fic and what is my own twisted mind. Hope you enjoy, please be gentle when you review.

Note: BBY = Before the Battle of Yavin

Prologue: The End of the Beginning

Twenty year old Harry Potter grunted in pain as his body bumped over the hard and unforgiving ground. The Chosen One was currently being dragged into what had previously been Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It had been three years since he was last on the grounds of the only place he had ever called home. Ever since that fateful night when Albus Dumbledore was assassinated, he had stayed away.

The young wizard had been on a horcrux hunt with Albus, and when they returned they had found the school under attack. Harry had stayed under the cloak silently watching as Draco Malfoy made his threats to the headmaster's life and even as he was killed by Snape. The only thing that kept him from chasing after Snape and killing him was the blood curdling scream that came from inside the castle. The emerald eyed youth knew that voice and it belonged to someone whom he never thought could scream like that. Harry raced into the castle to find Professor McGonagall crouched over the dead forms of all his closest friends.

Hermione, Ginny, Luna, Ron, Daphne and even Neville had all fought valiantly but in the end lost to the much more experienced death eaters. The loss of Daphne was a particularly devastating blow to the young Gryffindor, as she had been his girlfriend, and his first true love. It was at that moment, standing over the bodies of his fallen friends and his love, that Harry concluded that he would have to end this war personally. Hermione had always been there to guide him and help him through, and Daphne's love had seen him through the trials of his fifth year, but now there was no one to turn to. So, Harry began training, pushing himself to his utter limits, and then beyond.

When the young hero next went to Gringotts, he found that the headmaster had left him a large inheritance, over 20 million galleons. Apparently Dumbledore, in his infinite wisdom as Harry's magical guardian, had removed the bulk of the Potter fortune to his own accounts but willed it all to be returned upon his death. Apparently, Albus didn't want his impetuous charge using the money to escape the Dursleys. Armed with over 20 million galleons (over 100 million pounds sterling) Harry bought everything he would need for training his mind and body.

Meanwhile, the war continued to escalate in the wizarding world as Voldemort and his supporters grew ever bolder in the wake of Dumbledore's murder. In his search for 'the power he knows not' that the prophecy spoke of, Harry even branched heavily into muggle subjects, especially the sciences. It wasn't difficult with the use of some memory transference charms, which while useless for attempting to transfer between magicals, worked perfectly to transfer memories from muggles to magicals. Something about the magic imprinted the memories to a specific magic user. No such thing existed in the muggle memories and this helped to speed up Harry's learning, especially of the martial skills as he sought out experts in martial arts, weapons and tactics. Once transferred, the skills needed only to be practiced.

Over the next three years, the Chosen One managed to cram over a decade of training in all magical disciplines (earning Masteries in Defense, Charms, Transfiguration, Warding and Cursebreaking), several muggle scientific disciplines (including Physics, Chemistry and Engineering), as well as varied martial skills including several different styles of Kung Fu and the sword, all thanks to a time turner the young Gryffindor discovered in Dumbledore's office. He had become a master of wandless magic, and could perform any spell with or without a wand with ease. Harry had also found a philosopher's stone with detailed notes on how to use it and if necessary make more. The old man had kept it in case he had to use it to keep fighting Riddle. He had known since first year that Riddle had somehow made himself immortal but wasn't sure of the method until after the confrontation in the Chamber of Secrets in Harry's second year.

Using the stone to slow his aging kept others from noticing the temporal training. Luckily, Harry had removed all the useful and valuable artifacts, particularly the Sword of Griffindor before Riddle took the castle shortly after Dumbledore's death. He'd also managed to locate and destroy all of Riddle's horcrux soul containers in the last two years along with gathering the Deathly Hallows, and becoming the Master of Death. Yet, even with the Hallows the young warrior was not certain he could permanently kill Riddle.

Riddle had used the castle to increase his power after taking up residence there which was the wrinkle, but Harry had a plan. Luckily Hogwarts wasn't located near any muggle populated areas and Hogsmeade had been permanently evacuated shortly after the castle fell.

As Harry was finally dragged into what had once been the Great Hall, and was now serving as a Throne Room, and dropped on the ground in front of Riddle, he looked up at his nemesis and smiled.

"Why are you smiling Potter? Is it because you are about to meet your wretched parents?" Riddle asked with a sneer.

"No Tom, it's because I'm about to send you to hell," Harry replied.

Before Riddle could reply, Harry sent out a magical pulse that called his familiar to him. Fawkes had come to him shortly after the old man died and they bonded. As soon as the phoenix landed on his chest Harry chanted a spell in an ancient language that he had found during his studies in the Potter vault.

As he finished, his body turned into pure energy in a massive explosion of magical energy as his core overloaded, while at the same time he pressed a button on a small cube in his pocket. The cube contained an expanded space in which rested a muggle tactical nuclear weapon. It was small, relatively speaking, but it was big enough to vaporize everything within a mile, and when combined with the explosive conversion of a certain green eyed Seeker into energy, it would ensure that nothing magical or mundane would survive the blast.

Given sufficient time and preparation, it is possible for wizards to survive a nuclear blast through the use of wards, but no wizard could survive a detonation at point blank range without any warning beforehand. Riddle's eyes had just enough time to go wide before he was vaporized. Every death eater in the castle met the same fate. The castle itself didn't survive but the wards did hold long enough to contain the blast before they gave out as their anchor disintegrated.

As the blast cleared, nothing was left of the once great school. Harry could feel his soul being hurtled through time and space as the spell was carried out. His very essence was combined with that of Fawkes and the Hallows due to some of the effects of the ancient spell. It had been modified slightly to accomplish this as it ensured Harry's continued survival.

The spell was designed to let the caster be transported to another reality where they would merge with the soul of their alternate in that reality. It wasn't too hard to allow additional mergers at the advent of the spell.


When Harry felt his consciousness swim into existence in this new reality, he heard alarms blaring, and felt a series of tremors. The green eyed dimensional traveler ran through his Occlumency, absorbing and integrating the knowledge of his new identity. He was a 10 year old Jedi Padawan named Zett Jukassa, he was in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, and they were under attack. After silencing and disillusioning himself, Harry swept out of his room to see who was attacking. And received a nasty shock when he saw Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight and the man hailed by the citizens of the Republic as the 'Hero Without Fear', leading the assault, cutting down his fellow Jedi with his lightsaber, seemingly unstoppable. Knowing that he would be no match for Skywalker at this stage, especially with an army clones in the mix, and with the Force urging him to escape, Harry turned and raced towards the Archives. The attack had just begun, and the Temple had already been breached, Harry knew he would have to move very fast. The emerald eyed Jedi reached the Archives, and quickly began downloading what he needed, information. Specifically, he took information covering the training of Jedi from Initiation to the Knight trials, techniques, and advice from various Masters of the Order, information that would allow him to complete his training without the aid of a Master as it was evident that the Jedi Order was about to fall. Using his newly acquired memories to quickly make his selections, he dumped the information onto a holopad, then he raced into the Antiquary and after a quick search, selected a specific holocron, that of Ood Bnar, a Neti Jedi Grand Master who had died on Ossus, nearly 4,000 years ago. Hesitating a moment, he summoned his trunk forth his trunk from its dimensional pocket (which was bound to his soul, allowing him to access it no matter what reality he wound up in), opened it and with a wave of his hand and a summoning charm, swept all of the holocrons into a storage area in his trunk where they all settled neatly onto storage shelves thanks to the charms on the trunk. He then placed Master Bnar's holocron and the holopad into a separate compartment. Closing the trunk and shifting it back into his dimensional pocket, he then slipped out and raced to the armory where he snatched up a knapsack, a couple of spare lightsabers that felt right to him, a pair of training lightsabers, a few training remotes and a couple cases of ration bars (compact, virtually tasteless, but very healthy and high in necessary nutrients and calories). Snatching up a travel cloak, he stuffed everything into the knapsack and slung it on his back.

Then, he took up his own lightsaber and renewed the silencing and disillusionment charms. He moved back out into the Temple proper, heading for the nearest landing tower hangar bay, which he would use to escape. Along the way he wandlessly and silently stunned several clone troopers, allowing several Jedi to survive and escape.


When the young warrior arrived at his destination, he noticed several troopers on the dock, and that their leader was speaking to Senator Organa from Alderaan, who had a speeder sitting behind him. With no other option, the young Jedi allowed the charms to expire; ignited his lightsaber and stepped out of the shadows and raced forward, quickly moving through the clones deflecting blaster bolts and removing body parts, he quickly dispatched the clones as he passed through their ranks, noting as he swept through them that he was a great deal faster, his reflexes much sharper, than his memories said he should be, on par with the best swordsmen in the Order. Finally, as he neared the Senator he leapt into the air flipping forward over the leader who had started firing blind, driving his lightsaber into the last clone's heart from behind as he landed. Harry quickly surveyed the area, and then deactivated his lightsaber and turned to towards a shocked Senator Organa, "Hello sir, mind giving me a lift out of here?"


They had quickly left the Temple behind, heading for the Senator's private hangar where his ship the Tantive IV would take them off world. Once they arrived, they hurried aboard and the ship immediately lifted off, heading out to see if they could find any survivors from the Jedi in the field and stop them from returning to Coruscant.

Aboard the Tantive, Harry stood in the fresher in his cabin, looking at himself in the mirror. He stood about 1.6 meters, with sandy brown hair, and his own unnaturally bright emerald eyes stared back at him out his new face. His face fell into a frown as he reflected on the events of the day. It had certainly been on par with his old life, which told him that Fate still considered him her bitch. He sincerely hoped that other Jedi escaped, though he was reasonably sure that few if any besides himself had escaped the Temple itself. The Order was on the verge of extinction, the betrayal of Anakin Skywalker and the clone troops had caught them all flatfooted.

Then there was the issue of how much more powerful he had become, he would need to train this body to adapt to its new power level. He had discretely run a blood test to check his midi-chlorian count. Zett Jukassa had a recorded count of 15,000… The results from the test Harry had run earlier had shown his count was now well over 20,000, putting him essentially off the scale. This put him on par, raw Force potential-wise with Anakin Skywalker, but with his abilities from his own Universe added in and his huge magical core which had become linked into the Force, he probably had a major edge, he just had to train to exploit that edge. He walked over and sat on his bunk, relaxing into a lotus pose, he fell easily into a meditative state. He used the time to properly sort and store all the new memories and skill sets into their proper places in his mindscape with his Occlumency. He took stock of his powers, his magic still functioned, he had proved that during his escape, but it felt different here, his core had altered itself to match the Force that pervaded this reality, giving him a massive, quick recharging personal Force reservoir, something no other Jedi had. He would eventually have to see whether his special abilities like the Animagus transformation, and others had survived the melding of his magic with the Force, but that could wait till the current situation was resolved. As he completed his meditation, and his review of his new skills, Harry felt confident he could survive, and even thrive here in this new reality, despite the fall of the Order. Apparently, in the course of its long history, the Order had fallen before, but had always risen again. This time would be no different. He would need to study and train, integrate his skills so that they would blend seamlessly. He would also need to grow up, but that was fine. The real question now was; where would he go? Standing, he called forth his trunk from its dimensional pocket opened it and put the training remotes and spare lightsabers and training sabers inside with his holopad and Master Bnar's holocron. They would raise questions, and probably be taken by any adult Jedi they found. Once done, he closed the trunk and slipped it back into its dimensional pocket. Then, he lay down and went to sleep, knowing that he needed it, and he long ago learned to sleep whenever he could, as another chance might not occur for a long while.


A few hours later, he woke up, and sensed two more Force presences on the ship. Master Yoda was easily identified, and Harry would guess the other to be Obi-wan Kenobi. Harry reinforced his Occlumency, with the memories and personality of the young Jedi wrapped tightly around his shields, making it seem that there was nothing there, and masking his true power level. He stepped out of his quarters, and headed forward, to where he could sense the Masters and Senator Organa.

Stepping into the room, he faced the Jedi Masters, Yoda and Kenobi as he had surmised, and bowed, "Masters, I am so glad to see you both."

Yoda stepped forward, moving over to stand next to the young Jedi, "Glad to see you I am as well, young one. Feared all had been killed, we did."

Harry shook his head, "I'm not sure Master Yoda, but I doubt that many others managed to escape the Temple."

The wizened little Master nodded thoughtfully, "Know what happened do you?"

Harry frowned, a sad sigh escaping him, "Yes Masters, the Temple was attacked by an entire legion of clone ARC troopers… led by Master Skywalker."


Harry's announcement had been met by vehement denials from Master Kenobi, but ultimately, both he and Yoda accepted that Anakin Skywalker had turned to the Dark Side. Finally, they decided to return to Coruscant, to alter the beacon at the Temple to warn all surviving Jedi to stay away, and then Yoda would go to face the new Emperor, while Obi-wan would face Anakin. It was decided that Harry would remain on the Tantive, out of sight, and Harry for once was ok with that, he'd had enough of battles for a while.


When they were on approach, Organa received a summons to the Senate. Harry saw the others to the ramp, and then went back in decided to begin integrating his skills. He found an unused cargo bay, and stepped to the center. Taking a deep breath, he settled into a ready stance. He then launched himself, flowing seamlessly through his Kung Fu. Two hours later, sweaty and tired, Harry came to stop in the final position for the style he had been practicing. He then sank into the Force, allowing it to wash away his fatigue. Holding out his right hand, his lightsaber jumped into his hand and ignited and he swept into Form I, moving through the katas seamlessly when he finished he moved immediately into Form III. As he moved his mind was recording and analyzing his movements and the various skills, when he finished Form III, he went through his own sword skills, and when he finally came to a stop and shut off his lightsaber, another two hours had passed. Harry smiled as something clicked in his mind, there it was. He ignited his saber again, and then launched into the lightsaber style he had just created, a blend of Kung Fu, Chinese and European sword fighting techniques and Forms I and III from his Jedi training (as they were the only ones he'd been trained in at this point in his career). It was fast, graceful, and should prove to be a nasty surprise. Another two hours passed as he completed his new katas, and he realized two things, one he was starving, and two he needed a shower badly. Still, he had managed to kill a large block of time.

After a quick shower, Harry dressed in civilian attire, and began reading while he waited for the others to return. Then, he felt a disturbance in the Force, closing his eyes, he saw a vision of the battle between Yoda and Palpatine, and it was something to behold, two Masters of the Force facing each other without holding back. Finally, the battle ended in a stalemate, neither of them able to truly defeat the other, they were too evenly matched, and Yoda escaped.

Then the perspective shifted, he saw a fiery world, a beautiful and very pregnant woman lay collapsed on the ground with two droids hovering nearby, while Obi-wan and Anakin Skywalker circled each other. Then, they were moving, and this battle, while largely limited to the lightsaber, was truly magnificent to behold. Both men were superb swordsmen, two of the very best in the Order. It was fast, vicious, no quarter offered or accepted by either. Finally, as Harry watched, a critical moment occurred, and Anakin, believing in his own hype was cut down by Obi-wan when he made a foolish attack when his opponent had the clear advantage. The fight over, Harry watched Obi-wan and Anakin's final words to each other, then Kenobi retrieved Anakin's lightsaber and left the younger man to the will of the Force.

Opening his eyes, the green eyed dimensional traveler went to tell the Captain to prep the ship, they would be leaving soon.

Yoda and Senator Organa arrived not long after and the ship lifted off and headed for Polis Massa to rendezvous with Obi-wan.


Harry stood in the waiting room with the Yoda and Organa while Obi-wan was in with Senator Amidala. Harry had been surprised to learn that she was married to Anakin, and the children were his. Harry felt the Force flare a couple times as each child was born, and then he felt Amidala's Force presence flicker and the fade entirely as she passed into the Force. A day of so much tragedy, and now these tiny, innocent children would never know their parents because their father injured their mother and then was himself injured severely and left to die. As the men talked, Harry frowned, he did not support the idea of splitting the twins apart, but obviously his opinion was not sought, as he was only a Padawan. After the children's care had been decided, they all turned to look at Harry.

Yoda spoke, "And now, decide what to do with you, we must."

Harry frowned, "With all due respect Masters, do I get a say in this? It is MY life after all."

Obi-wan looked prepared to reprimand Harry for his tone, but Yoda quelled him a look, "Understand you frustration I do, and a say you will have. Correct you are young one, your life it is."

Harry nodded, relieved he wouldn't have to fight them on this, "I want to complete my training Masters, become a Jedi Knight and help to overthrow Palpatine's Empire and restore the Republic."

The two Masters and Organa exchanged looks, all of them looking a bit grim. Yoda nodded, "Yes, sensed as much I did, come with me you will, to Dagobah, complete your training personally I will. An accelerated course of training it will be. When focused and mindful you are, in five years, a Jedi Knight will you be. In ten, prepared to rebuild and lead a new Jedi Order will you be."

Harry's eyes widened, five years, no one had ever become a Knight at 15 to his knowledge. And the responsibility for rebuilding the Order was a great honor, Harry was truly grateful the ancient Master trusted him so completely. Then he bowed, "I won't fail you Master."

Yoda nodded, "Then take you as my Padawan, I do."

So, they dropped Luke and Ob-wan off on Tatooine, and Harry and Yoda on Dagobah, with Senator Organa promising to set up a supply runner that would check on them every two months, and to return when the younger Jedi was ready to leave and join the fight against the Empire, already the seeds of Rebellion were beginning to take root. The Senator then left, taking Leia home to his wife on Alderaan.

After settling in on the swampy world that literally surged with the Force, Yoda began training his young companion.


5 years later… (14 BBY)

Harry was sitting in a lotus position, meditating calmly while floating a meter in the air, with dozens of objects of varying sizes orbiting in intricate patterns around him.

Yoda watched him with bemusement, the boy had always been powerful, but he had truly blossomed during the intensive training over the last five years. Finally, the objects began to slow in their orbits, then moved to stack themselves neatly in their proper places in the camp. Finally, Harry floated gently to the ground and his eyes opened as he settled. He then stood, stretching out a bit, and shot the ancient Jedi a smile, and walked over. "Good morning, Master."

Yoda grunted, "Hmm, yes, a good morning it is. Completed the training you have, the most skilled and powerful Padawan I have ever trained, you are." Then Yoda poked him the shin with his gimer stick. "But, be mindful you must, passed the Knight Trials you have, and a Jedi Knight you are. The last of the old, hmmm, yes…and the first of the new. Rebuild the Order someday you will. Help you, young Luke Skywalker will."

Harry nodded and smiled again, "Thank you Master, and I promise to be mindful, and to rebuild the Order."

Yoda nodded, "Hmm, yes, good this is. Now begins the next phase, train you to be a Jedi Master, prepare you to train Luke Skywalker and the Jedi that follow, I will."


9 years later… (5 years BBY)

24 year old Harry Potter stood in a small clearing, his lightsaber in his hand, unlit, his eyes closed. He was relaxed, breathing easily, one with the Force. Suddenly, his lightsaber flashed to life, and swept through a complex series of moves as he spun, flipped, and rolled, dodging and deflecting the bolts being fired by the 10 remotes circling at varying distances. The battle lasted nearly 30 minutes, finally the remotes had reached the end of the test cycle and went to standby. Harry came to a stop, raised his saber into a salute position and dropped into a ready stance, his eyes still closed. In a flash, Masters Yoda and Kenobi swept in attacking simultaneously. Harry became a blur, his lightsaber intercepting every single strike as he moved with a grace and fluidity that astonished his opponents. Over the past 14 years, Harry had created and perfected three new lightsaber Forms, which he was using now to great effect. Both of the older Jedi were skilled fighters, and strong with the Force, but even together they were no match for Harry.

Harry flipped over an attack by Kenobi his lightsaber swinging down and diverting Yoda's blade. As his feet touched he spun and his foot connected with Kenobi's chin in a Force assisted kick, catapulting the older man head over heels to land face down several meters away, unconscious. Even as Kenobi flew through the air, Harry engaged Yoda. The tiny Master flipped and twisted masterfully using Form IV in a remarkable display of acrobatics all the more impressive due to Yoda's advanced age. Harry continued to intercept or avoid all of the smaller beings attacks waiting for the right moment, and finally it came, when their sabers next made contact, Harry disarmed the ancient Jedi with a twist of his wrist and simultaneously hit him with a massive Force Push catapulting him into a tree across the clearing. Yoda hit the ground and moaned. Harry shut down his lightsaber and walked over to the little Jedi and helped him up, then stretched out his hand and Yoda's saber flew into it, the young Knight then offered it to him. Yoda nodded and took it, and together they went over to check on Obi-wan. As they reached, he too started to come around. Rolling onto his back, the older man looked up at his companions and gave a tired smile, "I'm getting too old for this."

Yoda laughed out loud, and Harry offered Obi-wan a hand which he took. Together, they headed back to camp.


After they had reached the camp, Harry had begun preparing the evening meal while the other two conferred. A short while later, as they sat eating, Yoda studied Harry, both physically and with the Force. Finally, he nodded approvingly, and Obi-wan spoke.

"Zett Jukassa, you have trained and studied, you have far exceeded our expectations. You are a remarkable young man, and your skills as we just witnessed firsthand are beyond superb. Yoda and I have conferred, and we both agreed that you are ready. As such, we elevate you to the rank of Jedi Master. Congratulations."

Harry's face lit up in a bright smile, "Thank you both, I won't let you down."

Yoda nodded, "Know that we do. Proud of you, we are. Powerful and wise you have become, the future of the Order you are."


A few days later, the supply transport arrived, and Harry and Obi-wan boarded, after sad goodbyes with the ancient Jedi Master.

"Worry not, happy here I am. Soon, one with the Force I will be, earned it I have." Here he looked at the two humans for a moment, "Be mindful of the Force, and beware the Dark Side. Power Palpatine and Vader are."

Harry nodded, "We will Master." He knelt and embraced the tiny being, who had been like a father to him over these past 14 years. He stood, tears running silently down his face, turned and headed into the transport. Obi-wan soon followed and the ship lifted off, headed for Alderaan, where Harry would meet Bail Organa to discuss joining the Rebellion.

End of Part I