Author's Note: Woohoo! Finally another chapter up! And guess what? It's actually longer than the other chapters! (I think!) We've had two weeks of Winter break so I've been able to spend some time writing this fic! (I really don't know where it's heading! I briefly know what may happen in the next chapter, but anything further than that is a blank! So any ideas would be absolutely wonderful!)

Hmm… Spent the last couple weeks preparing for the rushed and unorganized Christmas that was approaching but it ended as quickly as it came! I finished this chapter on December 30th, but unfortunately I was up at my cabin where there is no Internet connection so I was unable to post it any earlier. Hope you guys enjoy it! (I had a lot of fun writing this chapter because I got to slut up little Miss Morgan!) I'm writing chapter 15 right now so hopefully it'll be up within the next couple weeks! Please please please give me you're ideas and tell me where you want the story to go!

I don't own, so don't sue.

Thanks for all the reviews for the last chapter! Here we go!

(Since some people have been confused, so to clear it up before you read, Tyler is the little boy that Morgan saved after Ciaran tried to get her to use a skinning spell on him in the last chapter. And Morgan is a bitch because in the last four months Ciaran has basically been brainwashing her and at this point in time, she pissed at the world and feels like taking her anger out on it…. As well as Hunter!)


"No, I don't want the goddamn combo! Just give me two small fries, two hamburgers, and a small coke!" I screamed at the stupid teenager who was trying to place my order. "Here's the money, now get the hell out of my face and make me the food! I expect it to be brought to my table within five minutes!" I snatched the receipt from his hand, turned on my heel and stalked away. I set Tyler down into the seat across from me and turned to get my purse out to re-apply my makeup. I must look pretty for my darling Hunter! The next thing I knew, I felt a little body climb into my lap and I looked down to see Tyler smiling up at me sweetly.

"And what do you think you're doing, sweetheart?" I asked him. He grinned at me and his bright blue eyes sparkled as hugged me. I opened my mouth to say something just as the teenager came by to drop off our food. Tyler hungrily grabbed the tasty hamburger and began chowing down, accidentally dropping small pieces of lettuce onto my lap.

"Okay, Tyler, let's have another secret time." I told him, munching on some fries. He looked over and me and sniffed lightly.

"Who first?" he asked with his timid little voice.

"Hmmm… how about I go first? So far I've told you my age, where I grew up, where I went to school, named all of my old friends, and told you that I was a witch. Today, I'm going to tell you two secrets. It's okay, Tyler, you still only have to tell one," I said as I saw the look on his face. "Okay, first of all, my one and only love is named Hunter. You'll be meeting him today! And secondly, we came to Widow's Vale because I'm very angry with Hunter. The thing is, he hurt me pretty badly. We're here because I want revenge. Your turn."

"Umm…I have a lil' sister named Hallie," he told me quietly.

"Oh that's great! Is she as adorable as you?" I asked, happy that he was finally telling something about his family.

"Yup, and she is even prettier." He said and giggled.

"Okay Tyler, it's time to get going! Let's stop in the bathroom so I can do my makeup and then we can hop in the car and pay a visit to my old coven. They'll be meeting tonight." I whispered and giggled quietly. Damn, revenge was sweet. "Hey Tyler, when we're done tonight," and when I've washed the blood off my hands, I whispered to myself, "we should go get some ice cream to celebrate, okay?" He nodded anxiously and took my hand as I walked to the bathroom.

I sighed deeply as I looked at myself in the broken mirror that graced the wall of the scummy bathroom. I ran my hand lightly down the line of the cracked glass, mending the edges together.

"Hey baby, why don't you sing me one of the songs that I taught you?" I asked Tyler sweetly, enjoying the little smile I got in return. Tyler had a beautiful voice and I taught him songs to kill the time while we drove to Widow's Vale.

"You don't remember me but I remember you
I lie awake and try so hard not to think of you
But who can decide what they dream?
And dream I do…
I believe in you. I'll-"

"I'm sorry for cutting you off, but can you sing a different song? How about you sing Going Under, instead? I think it may fit the mood a little better, okay baby?" He nodded slowly, looking at me curiously. Yet he continued as I asked.

"Now I will tell you what I've done for you
Fifty thousand tears I've cried
Screaming, Deceiving, and Bleeding for you
And you still won't hear me
Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself
Maybe I'll wake up for once
Not tormented daily defeated by you
Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom
I'm dying again.
I die again.
I'm going under
Drowning in you
I'm falling forever
I've got to break through
I'm going under…"

Tyler's sweet voice echoed throughout the bathroom and I let myself drown in his words. I stared at myself in the mirror, marveling at how much I've changed. How much I've grown. I was so much stronger now, my power swimming underneath my skin, making it look as if my body was lightly glowing. My hair was longer now, looking untamed and wild as it rolled in waves to my waist. Every morning I applied some simple black eyeliner and mascara, put my hair in a high ponytail and went through the day looking causal and comfortable.

But not today. Oh no, not today. Today I was going to be sexy and gorgeous, everything that my past life had stopped me from ever exulting. I was going to show Hunter everything he had lost when he betrayed me.

"That was beautiful, sweetheart! You are so talented," I told Tyler as I leaned over and kissed his forehead. "Now I'm almost done, just a little more makeup and then you can tell me how I look, okay?" He nodded and I leaned over to fix up my eyeliner and lipstick.

Smacking my lips together, I took a couple steps back to assess myself. I smiled mischievously as I took in my stunning appearance. I wore a crimson mini skirt that covered only a shred of my thighs along with a white lace spaghetti strap that ended right above my belly button and showed off my cleavage with its low neckline. My favorite pair of high heels made it look as if my tan legs went on for miles. White fishnet stockings stretched up my legs, ending mid-thigh. Only a couple inches further up were a pair of lacy garters with a single white bow in the center. I now had five piercings in my left ear and four in the right, each holding large silver hoops with tiny rainbow beads. I had my tongue, my eyebrow, my lip, and my belly button pierced as well. My chocolate hair was streaked with red and lay across my shoulders seductively. The best part was the new tattoo that decorated the center of my lower back; a single black rose, adorned with three menacing thorns and two drops of blood falling from one of the tips. Damn, I looked good.

I was finally home, and despite that warm feeling that tingled in my stomach as I remembered my childhood, I couldn't ignore the pure and raw rage that burned under my surface. It was eating me up, spreading through me like a plague as it devoured all the sanity that I possess, leaving a broken and tattered shell in its place. This is what you did to me, my mind whispered. Look how you've destroyed me, Hunter. This is all that's left after you tore me apart.

And then I felt nothing.

"I think you are very pretty, Morgan! I think that Hunter will be sad that he hurt you," Tyler whispered quietly. A smile lit of my face and I scooped him up in my arms, hugging him tight against me.

"I'm so happy I found you," I whispered back to him.

"Me too," Tyler replied.

"So after I've finished with what I need to do here in Widow's Vale, why don't you and me drive to a decent looking town and buy a small cottage to live in? Now that you're six years old we really should get you enrolled in an elementary school and I should probably get a steady job. Sound good?" I asked. He nodded excitedly.

"That'd be great," he said as I set him back down on his feet. Tyler took my hand and led me back to my car. I was leaning over, buckling Tyler's seat belt as I heard a deep voice whistle a catcall in my direction. Looking over my shoulder I saw a heavy man sitting in the driver's seat of a pickup truck covered in dirt. He grinned suggestively at me, showing off his crooked yellow teeth. He took a swig of his beer, a drag of his cigarette, and then backhanded the woman in his passenger seat. My blood began to boil.

"Tyler honey, I'm going to be right back, okay? I need you to stay right here in this seat while I'm gone." I told Tyler. He looked at me suspiciously.

"You're going to come back, aren't you?" he asked, his voice shaking as his eyes filled with tears. "Are you going to leave me?" I gave him a reassuring smile.

"Of course not! You and me are family now remember? Family doesn't leave each other! I just have some business to deal with. I promise to be back in a few minutes. Okay? Don't worry about it honey," I whispered and pushed a strand of hair out of his eyes as it fell across his forehead.

I stepped away, shutting the car door as I turned to walk towards the pickup truck. With an extra swing to the hips I strutted over to the disgustingly hairy man that was making crude gestures in my direction. With an inviting smile on my face, I approached the vehicle as if I didn't have a care in the world. I looked at the woman in the passenger seat, a ripple of anger strumming through my body as I saw the arrangement of bruises that scattered her pretty face. Her eyes met mine for a moment and then she looked down in shame. I turned to look at the driver.

"Hey, big boy. I heard you calling me. There something you want to say to me?" I asked in a sugary voice. I lowered my head slightly, and then looked up at him through my eyelashes. "Or perhaps something you want to do to me?" I finished innocently.

"There sure is, sweet thang," the man said. I giggled.

"Well, why don't you come with me for a couple minutes then?" I said quietly as I offered my hand to him. He grinned and took it quickly. I led him towards the back of the fast food restaurant, feeling sick just thinking about what I would have to do in order to pay the pig back for hurting the woman in his truck. Ugh, stupid men!

The moment we turned the corner to reveal a dark secluded area the man shoved me up against the wall, eagerly pressing his lips to my skin. I pushed him away in order to breathe, and then leaned in to whisper in his ear.

"There is one lesson that every worthless man needs to learn in this world. Women are not your play toys. We are not here to be slapped around when you're feeling angry or raped when you're feeling horny. This will teach you never to hurt a woman again," I whispered angrily, then pressed my lips tightly to his, releasing my power into his body. I pulled away quickly, beginning to laugh as his mouth opened in a soundless to wipe tears from my eyes.

I swift knee in the groin brought him to his knees. My power danced through him, sending liquid fire through his veins. Finally, withdrawing a scream, it flew out of his open mouth and soaked back into my skin.

"Don't mess with us, baby. We aren't the weaker sex." Then I turned and walked away, knowing that the next year would be hell for this disgraceful man. My power had been laced with a simple spell, a spell that would teach any dishonorable man that it is wrong to hurt woman. Any time that man was enveloped in lust, instead of feeling the need for fulfillment, the man would feel a sharp and agonizing pain that would last for about an hour or so. Any time that man felt the need to hurt a woman, physically or mentally, his anger would be replaced by lust, therefore starting the same vicious cycle.

I went back to my car and sat down, turning to flash a smile at Tyler.

"See! I told you it would only be a couple minutes! Now let's get going," I said, and started the ignition. Although I hadn't been in Widow's Vale for four months, I remembered exactly how to get to Hunter's house. As I parked the car next to the sidewalk near his driveway, I counted the number of cars that were parked in and near his driveway. Perfect. Everyone was there. I turned back to Tyler.

"Now Tyler, I'm going to be gone for a little while, right in that house," I said as I pointed to Hunter's house. "I don't want you coming inside, but if you need me, all you have to do is honk the horn and I'll come out to get you, okay?" I told him, my excitement leaking from my body. I looked into the front mirror, reapplied my lipstick and quickly ran my hands through my hair. I leaned over to kiss Tyler's forehead.

"Wish me luck!" Then I hopped out of the car, slamming the door behind me. I made my way up to Hunter's front door, feeling a tid bit of déjà vu as I knocked on the door. I heard some loud voices, pounding footsteps, and then the door swung open, revealing a sexy Hunter. He was leaning against the doorframe, trying to figure out why a woman dressed like a hooker was standing outside his door. I waited, staring him straight in the eyes. I could see the exact moment my identity dawned on him. Surprise and shock danced across his features, settling with cold fear.

I looked up at him, licking my lips slowly, savoring the sweet taste of revenge.

"Hey, Hunter," I said mischievously, and then conjured a switchblade in my right hand.


Voili! I hoped you liked it! The first song was Taking Over Me, by Evanescence, and the second song was Going Under, also by Evanescence! Please Please Please review! Like I said before, reviews are the only things that keep me going! Without them, I lose all my inspiration! I hope to have the next chapter up soon! (I'm actually writing it right now while watching Princess Bride at twelve in the morning! Woo hoo!) Thank you to all my readers! Any constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and I would love to hear your ideas on how you want this fic to end! The more reviews I get the more I'll want to write! (Hey, and if there is anyone willing to help edit my fic I would greatly appreciate it as well! The earlier chapters could use some editing, but I'd really love to be able to have someone edit my chapters before I post them!) Thank you for everything! Happy New Year!

-Fatalinie Blanchet