Thanks again for the reviews and alerts.

Warning there is sex in this chapter! Also I've never wrote a sex scene before, so I hope I did it justice ''/

Chapter 3 - Soul mates

Things were going perfect so far with Brittany and Santana, it had been one week since their conversation and they hadn't had one argument which was an improvement from arguing nearly every day. Brittany felt as if she had her best friend and girlfriend back. They were at Brittany's house just lying on her bed reading magazines.

"Aw, I love that this two are together in real life. So cute aren't they san?"

"...Yeah adorable" Santana said sarcastically. Brittany rolled her eyes at her girlfriend, and continued to read the magazine.

"Well I think they are super cute. I love the vampire diaries, so many hot people in that show" Brittany's mind started to wondering. Santana threw a magazine at Brittany and laughed.

"Hey stop thinking about the 'hot' cast" she said as she finger quoted hot. Brittany just slapped Santana's thigh. "You know who I think is hot?" Santana said, crawling over to her girlfriend. When she finally reached her she sat herself between Brittany's legs and run her hands down her bitts thighs.

"N...n...No, who?" Brittany stuttered. Santana leaned forward and kissed Brittany. Their lips slowly moving in sync with each others. Brittany let her head lay on the pillow so Santana could get on top off her; Britt moved her hands to her girlfriends butt and grabbed it forcefully. They pushed their pelvises against each other slowly picking up a rhythm and rubbing themselves against each other. Brittany then removed her hands from Santana's ass and linked her hands through Santana's.

The Latina removed her hands from Brittany's and slowly pulled her shorts off to show her penguin underwear That's so Brittany thought Santana as she giggled slightly. She then pulled her underwear down and began to pleasure Brittany with her tongue.

"Mmhmm. Yes, Yes" Brittany began to moan out. This turned Santana on even more. Santana began to pick up the paste and got a rhythm going she also knew every place that got Brittany going to most. And as soon as she hit that spot...

"Oh, godddd!" Brittany screamed with pure ecstasy. "That felt... so good" Brittany said breathless. Santana continued to work her magic and Brittany moaned through pure enjoyment. The brunette then began to kiss her girlfriends stomach until she reached her boobs she lightly bit Brittany's nipples.

"Oh fuck." Brittany groaned. Santana continued to suck and bite her nipples. She then felt Brittany hands pulling on her own shorts.

"Off now" Brittany ordered. Santana nodded and took off her shorts she could feel Brittany's hands under her lace underwear and Brittany began to push her finger into her and rubbing her.

"Fuck yes" Santana moaned, moving with Brittany's fingers, she began to kiss Brittany it was a slow and passionate kiss and Santana tongue asked for entrance which Brittany accepted. The blonde then wrapped her other arm around the Santana and her other hand was rubbing Santana just where she liked it. They slowly moved with each other, they stop kissing for a moment and Santana buried her head into Brittany's neck.

"Ahhhh" Santana mumbled against her neck. Brittany knew that she was pushing Santana to her climax and started to work even fasted with her fingers. She could hear Santana talking in Spanish which meant she was having an orgasm. "Si, me gusta. Estoy casi alli! Joder si!"

"Yesssss" Santana shouted. She was breathing heavily against Brittany neck and the blonde removed her hands from her girlfriend's pants and kissed her one more time. Santana then rolled off from on top of Brittany at laid next to her.

"That really was...amazing" Santana tried to say as she was still trying to catch her breath.

"I've missed you" Brittany said quietly. Santana looked at her girlfriend confused.

"I was gone for less than a day? What do you mean?" she asked curiously.

"I've missed this you. The old you, a few months back. We used to do this all the time just chill out, talk and have sex not arguing 24/7 and go days without speaking to one another. I guess what I mean is, I've missed us."

Brittany wasn't sure if she was speaking too soon because they had only been back on track for a week but she was happy and she wanted Santana to know that she was making her the happiest she's ever been.

"I've missed us too Britt. I never want to lose you; I won't be able to survive." The brunette admitted.

"I wouldn't be able to survive either. Being without out each other would destroy us...we're soul mates." Brittany smiled sweetly and grabbed Santana's hand and kissed it.

"We're end game Brittany. It's meant to be" They both slowly nodded off to sleep in each other's arms.

The morning


This boy got my head in tied knots with all his games. I simply want him more because he looks the other way, why can't you want me like the other boys do; they stare at me while I crave you'

Brittany awoke to her ring tone going off, she reached for her phone.

"Hello" A tired Brittany answered.

"Britt you were meant to come over last night with the girls. What happened?" Quinn asked.

"Oh Santana stayed over, I did text you to tell you I couldn't make it though." Brittany replied. Slowly rubbing her eyes with her hands to try and wake herself up.

"Yeah I know, but I wanted to know why but I guess I knew it would be because of ...her"

"Q please, don't start. I'm not in the mood." Brittany told her. As she sat up in her bed and look over to see Santana peacefully asleep.

"Look I know it's all good at the moment but it's only been a week! Don't let your guard down, please." Quinn begged her friend.

"We're happy Q. The only person who is making me upset right now is you!" Brittany shouted. She saw Santana slowly stirring so lowered her voice.

"Can you please give her another chance and lets go back to all being friends."

"I'm sorry Brittany that was out of line. I'm being overprotective off you...I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. "Yeah I'll give her another chance, there's a party at pucks this tomorrow night let's all hang out." Quinn said trying to make peace because she knew if she carried on she would lose Brittany forever.

"Yeah it sounds good. Q...I love you, you know." Brittany told her honestly.

"Yeah I love you too. You're like my baby sister I just don't want you getting hurt. But I'll see you and Santana tomorrow night. Bye"

"Bye" Brittany echoed as she hung up the phone and rested her head on her knees.

"You okay" Brittany looked over to see Santana wide awake.

"Yeah, fine." Brittany lied.

"I know when you're lying Britt, plus I heard your conversation with my best bud Quinn" Santana replied sarcastically.

"She's just looking out for me."

"Well she needs to mind her own business, she always doubts me!" Santana argued.

"Let's be honest she has reason too." Brittany told her girlfriend honestly. "when we argue I go running to Quinn she has to deal with my tears and pain so of course she's going to doubt you but I've told her a million times that I love you and trust you and it's my relationship. She's going to try and be friends with you again."

Santana didn't like Quinn and vice versa. Quinn never had anything nice to say about Santana it was always "she's a bitch", "I hate her" or "god she's so mean" and to be honest Santana hated it. There was a point a while back where they were all friends. The unholy trinity they called themselves, but as soon as things turned sour between Brittany & Santana, Quinn had Brittany's back and was there for her and hated the Latina from that point on.

"I want us to all be friends again" Brittany admitted.

"I hate her; I don't want to be friends with Quinn." Santana told Brittany, she could see her girlfriends face drop and was overcome with sadness.

"Please san, for me." Brittany pleaded; she grabbed on to Santana's hands. "Please" She repeated once again. Santana looked down at their joining hands then back up to Brittany's face.

"Fine, I'll give it one try for you. But I'm not promising anything." Brittany gave Santana a big toothy smile.

"Thank you" she said as she hugged her girlfriend.

"I'll do anything for you Britt, you know that." They unwrapped themselves from each other's arms, Santana rested her body back down on the bed "Come and lie with me" She told her. Brittany didn't needed to be told twice she brought herself down and rested her hand on Santana's chest and wrapped her legs around hers.

"How about we get a bit more sleep?" Santana asked.

"Ah, I'd love to" she replied.

Not sure when the next chapter will be up, hopefully by the end of this week. The next chapter contains alot of Santana and Quinn. so review review review :D thanks guys.

sophierfuckingleto . tumblr . com