Chapter 1 – She's not broken

Brittany was breathing on the back of Santana's neck, they were in my bed spooning. She was running her fingers lightly against the Latina's arms and kissing her neck ever so slightly. Brittany started to make her way up to Santana's face until they reached her lips. Santana could just taste her girlfriends strawberry lip balm as she kissed her, Brittany was pecking her lips with little kisses.

"What...are you...doing? Santana asked in between the kisses. She turned her body around so she was facing Brittany. She then started to rub up and down Brittany's lower back then up towards her neck, which she loved.

"I'm kissing you, silly." Brittany said as she continued. Santana started to get frustrated as she wanted some loving from her girlfriend.

"No, I mean why are you kissing me like that? Not that I don't like that...It's just I want a passionate kiss, I want all of" Santana then moved her hands under the other girls' shirt and cupped both boobs; the Latina had a devious grin on her face. Brittany then moved her face closer to Santana's and bit her bottom lip, Santana groaned.

"Later." Brittany replied as she got up from the bed. Santana look stunned as she saw her girlfriend flee the bed.

"What. Where are you going?" She asked disappointed. Brittany put on her denim shorts and made her way back to the bed; and sat next to Santana and began to play with her hair.

"I told Quinn I'd meet her for lunch she's having some boy troubles." As soon as Brittany finished her sentence, Santana turned her back on Brittany and stared at her wall.

"Fine whatever, off you go then."

Brittany tried to put her arms around her but Santana just moved away from her grip.

"I don't care Brittany. Go and see Quinn, just leave me alone." Brittany began to tear up she was getting tired of Santana acting like this. Like a child. Brittany got up and walked over to the edge of the bed so she was facing the Latina.

"San..." Brittany quietly said.

Santana's face didn't even flinch; she continued to stare at the wall.

"I hate when you're like this, I fucking hate when you treat me like this. But I love you Santana" Brittany couldn't control her tears she began to rub her eyes with the palm off her hand. Santana was no longer looking at the wall; she was staring right at Brittany. As if she was staring into her soul. But she didn't say anything, she just sat there.

"Fine, don't speak to me. See you whenever then..." Brittany picked up her bag from the floor and left Santana's room. Soon as the door was closed Santana began to cry, she got up from her bed picked up whatever she could from her dresser and threw them across the room.

"Fuck!" she shouted. The Latina got on the floor and curled herself into a ball and just laid there feeling sorry for herself

45 minutes later at breadsticks

"You okay Britt? You seem a bit quiet." Quinn asked her friend. Brittany just sat there playing with the food on her plate.

"You've barley touched your food."

"It's Santana" Brittany replied. Quinn automatically rolled her eyes. She was tired of Santana making Brittany upset because of something she would say. It was heartbreaking to see.

"What did she do now?" She asked.

"She flipped out on me because I told her I was coming to see you today. I just don't get it. I can't be with her ever second of every day, you know?" Brittany pushed away her plate and began to play with a few strands of her golden blonde locks.

"Brittany, The girl has issues. One minute she's all lovely with you telling you nice things then the next she's pissed because you're busy!" she raised her voice at Brittany but knew Britt wasn't the person she should be shouting at.

"But I love her Quinn. So much. She's only been like this lately, It was never like this in the beginning" Brittany knew how much Quinn disliked Santana lately. It was like talking to a wall trying to get her to understand.

"You want my opinion? Unless she gets her act need to let her go." Quinn said to her. Straight away Brittany began to shake her head.

"No, no...I'm not letting her go. That's not an option." Brittany told her. Quinn put her hand out to and Britt linked hands with her friend.

"I care about you Brittany. I just don't want to see you get hurt."

"If I break up with her I'll be upset for the rest of my life. I can't not be with her...You just don't get it." Brittany tried to explain.

"I'm going to get my old Santana back." She told her as she smiled slightly at Quinn.

"You can't fix her Britt." Quinn told her.

"She's not broken Q. She's just lost." Brittany said as she got up from the table and left Quinn sitting there stunned.

This is my first fan fiction story; if you like this chapter please review. I have a few good ideas of where to go with this story so I hope you like it