The LGMs were putting XR back together after he had been destroyed yet again. As XR lay on the table, he caught site of Team Lightyear going past.

"Hey, guys! Come to see me?" he asked.

"Ah... actually we were on our way to the cafetaria." said Buzz, feeling slightly guilty.

"Oh... well, enjoy yourselves." said XR, trying not to sound disappointed.

He couldn't believe it. His team never came to visit him when he was being rebuilt.

In fact, they never even seem to care when something happens to me. I'm just a piece of equipment to them. Buzz gets more upset when 42 blows up - and it's only a ship. I'm one of his teammates!

The LGMs screwed XR's left arm in, and told him to move it.

"It seems to be working." he said, waving it up and down.

At least the LGMs cared about him... or were they just doing their job - repairing him like they would a broken light fitting?

Why does everyone think the X in my name stands for eXpendable? I'm just as important as anyone else at Star Command! Why can't they see that? Don't I matter as much as Buzz, Booster and Mira?


What's the point in loving her if I know she'll never love me back? I'm just a robot to her. Not a person. Who could love a piece of machinery?

As soon as the LGMs had finished reconstructing him, XR left. He wandered aimlessly down the halls, not knowing where to go.

I don't even have my own quarters! They could at least give me that much!

"Ah, XR, I see you've been rebuilt." said Commander Nebula, walking past. XR stopped and turned to him.

"What do you care?"

"Well... ah... I was just noting a fact." said Commander Nebula, not sure what XR was getting at.

"Oh, so I'm just a 'fact'?"

"That's not what I meant - "

"I know what you meant. None of you really care about me. I'm just XR, the robot eveyone gets kicks out of blowing up! Well, I'm tired of it!" said XR, storming off.

"Wait, XR... s-s-son." said Commander Nebula, feeling a bit embarrassed calling him that.

"What?" asked XR.

"Look, I know sometimes it seems like we don't care. I guess we sorta take you for granted a bit. But you're a vital member of Team Lightyear - and of Star Command. You've done a fine job over the months. Sure, you have a tendency to get blown up on missions, but don't think of that as a problem - think of it as an advantage. No matter what the universe throws at you, you can keep coming back." said Nebula.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better. I've heard you call me an expendable ranger." said XR.

"Son, the X in your name doesn't stand for expendable, or even experimental. It stands for exemplary. I know I can be a bit rough on you at times, but that's just because I don't like... I don't like sharing my emotions."

"Do you really mean all that?" asked XR hopefully.

"Of course I do."

"Thanks, Pop!" said XR, hugging the Commander.

"Alright, alright, don't get all lovey-dovey." said Nebula, trying to break free.

"Got it, Pop." said XR.

"And would you stop calling me that!" said Nebula.

"Ok, then, Dad, can I have my own quarters?"


"I need a place to crash when I'm off-duty."

"Oh, fine! Just leave me alone! I wish I hadn't said anything!"