Disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice

Make sure you at least read 'Accused'... 'In The Year' is going to be re-written into a new story XD

If the team had been told that an innocent day at the beach would lead to such a disaster, they may not have believed it.

The day when Robin simply ran down the beach to hid from Wally during a water fight. He had just wanted to surprise him when he came looking! Yet instead of Wally finding him, it had been Harley Quinn. After injecting some drug into his arm, she replaced him with some incomplete clone, which seemed dead, and took him away to Arkham Asylum. After that, Bruce Wayne stopped being Batman. It surprised everyone... they didn't see him as the type to just quit because his partner died.

For nearly a year, Robin was tortured for information which the Joker never got. If it hadn't been for Superboy, who knows what would've become of the Boy Wonder?

When KF decided to go after the Joker, Superboy, Miss M, and Red Arrow decided to tag along. Superboy found Robin, but was knocked out cold before he could tell them. It was surprising, though... if he was the clone of Superman, how did that happen?

After they got Superboy to safety, he told them who he saw. Then the whole team and Batman went to Arkham Asylum to see if it was true. They found the Boy Wonders mask, and soon after the Boy Wonder himself. Harley and Joker had guns, which was a nightmare, and made it harder... especially when they shot Kid Flash's legs so he couldn't run for a little while.

After Batman got the Joker, and Harley ran off, Roy, Wally, and Bruce brought Dick to the hospital. He was out of there in a week, and back on missions.

About two months later, things just got all crazy again when Dick Grayson was accused of murder. That didn't take the Boy Wonder away from crime fighting, though, even when he was placed under house arrest.

The Joker revealed that he was back to cause trouble when the Team went to investigate Ivo, as there were suspicions he was rebuilding Amazo... which he did.

Later on, Robin discovered he actually did kill those people. Just after he realized this, he was nearly killed by Matt and Kelsey, who ended up joining the Joker.

On the next mission, Batman forbade Robin to go, but the Boy Wonder had gone anyways. The result was the mission failing and both him and Aqualad getting hit with some Joker Toxin.

After that, they all returned to the cave, where the Joker attacked, along with Ivo, the twins, and Amazo. Robin collapsed shortly after they arrived.

Soon after, Robin woke up not himself. He fought with the Joker. Not in control of himself.

Under his enemy's control.




Those were two words he could use to describe where he was. The circus. In the outfit his mother had made for him. He didn't know what was going on, so he just went with it. He found himself standing in the spotlight with his parents-

What were their names again?

Better yet, what was his name?

This thought hit him hard, as his parents started the act. Without the safety as the net, as usual.

Before it was his turn to join them, he tried to remember something... he faintly remembered a name. Bruce. His thoughts were cut off when his Mom started coming back. She was reaching up to him, and he was about to join them as they got closer-

-but they were suddenly falling.


He watched as they fell in horror... it seemed to last forever before they hit the ground. His heart stopped at the sight of the blood.

I want to join them...

Before he even got the chance, the circus faded, and he found himself in a dark field surrounded by trees, with a big oak in the middle. He looked down, and noticed he was now in his hoodie, jeans, and he had his glasses on.

"Hello!" he called into the darkness, hoping for a reply. He didn't really think he was going to get them-

-which was why he was shocked when he heard a cackle coming from the bushed.

"Come out! Tell me where I am!" Tell me who I am...

An 7 or 8 year old ran out, and he was shocked to realize that... it was him when he was younger. He was smiling, looking like he had just gotten back from some farm where he went apple picking...

"Nobody knows!" The kid said cheerfully, answering his question. "It's a big mys-ter-y!" he added, doing 3 flips.

"Is there anyone here that can help me?"



"You! Bye!" his younger self said before leaving. He seemed so... happy.

He was alone again. So, he closed his eyes and tried to recall a memory. All he got was his parents deaths, and Bruce. He felt his eyes fill with tears...

Robin doesn't cry...

The thought suddenly popped into his mind, and he froze. Was that his name? Robin? But... it was so girly.

Hey, come and meet Miss M!

He tried to grasp that memory, but failed. He groaned before climbing a tree and laying down... but he couldn't get comfortable sitting still at all. He got up again, and started walking. He was so restless. He winced when more words flashed through his mind.

Clearly, you're not feeling the aster...

Down in the tunnels, under Arkham Asylum, was where the trapped Boy Wonder lay, alone, with the Joker and Harley. The walls were metal, since Ivo had decided to add protection that would keep them hidden for about a week.

"I almost feel sorry for the bird boy." Harley said, as she looked over at the Boy Wonder, strapped to a table just in case the chip failed and he woke up.

Joker laughed, while Kelsey sat in a corner. Ivo and Amazo had already left, so they would be ready to keep the League and Batman busy when the time came.

"Kelsey, where is your brother? I need to talk-"

"He left." she interrupted, and he looked over at her.

"I'm touched you didn't leave with him!" The psycho said to her, smiling. "I think it would have been good if you left, though."

"W-What do you mean?" Kelsey asked hesitantly.

"Well, I don't exactly need your help anymore..."

Baha... will I kill Kelsey? :P

Sorry the chapter is so short. You all know upcoming chapters will be longer. Matt may not show up until Chapter 3...

This may be a little confusing, btw. But in case it isn't obvious (though it should be) Robin has no memory except Bruce's name, and his parents. NOTHING ELSE. Sure, he remembers some words, but thats all. What should he remember next? o:

Dick/Robin's POV should show up in about 4-5 chapters... unlike in 'In The Year' where I only did Rob-POV once while he was captured...


RIDDLE: What kind of people are always in a rush?