A/N: Hi.

More blog posts regarding THIS chapter:
chapter 3: accio-womp .tumblr .com/post/11976095968
chapter 3: accio-womp .tumblr .com/post/10753283830

(hi i don't own any of this and most of the dialog is Jo's so yep)

I'm really glad a lot of you liked the Tonks/Lily from last chapter! (I considered cutting it for a bit...)

This is the last chapter! I hope you all enjoy it and love it and cry through it as much as I do!

Let's do this.

The Forest Again

His eyes were closed when they arrived. It was if they had apparated silently, but they hadn't had a destination in mind - they had been brought to him by a stronger magic.

Lily reached over to James and squeezed his hand. The movement reached Harry's ears. He opened his eyes slowly. Lily smiled, all of her love for her son pouring out of her heart.

Harry was still as he looked around. He looked to James, who smiled back at him with love. He had never been able to truly see what his son had grown into. Harry's head was held high even though he knew his fate.

Look what he's become, James thought, pride overtaking him.

Harry had grown to be exactly James' height, Lily noticed.

Harry then turned to Sirius, who - as always - was smiling. Harry had matured quite a bit in the two years since... His face was more defined and he looked so like James. His expression was the same, though. His eyes were set on what he needed to do - determined to save those he loved.

When Harry looked to Remus, he saw so much of James - how they both devoted their lives to helping others, how they both valued their friends above all.

Harry turned to his mother at last. Lily looked back at her son. She hadn't been able to see him in so long. She walked towards him, letting go of James' hand as she pushed her hair back.

"You've been so brave," she said, finally able to tell him all that she never could; able to convey to him how happy she was - happy to be with him and happy that he had achieved so much, even though she and James had left him with such a horrible burden. She stood in front of him and reached her hand towards his, but they couldn't touch. She knew that he, like her, would be able to stand here forever and together, finally a family. But that could never be.

"You are nearly there. Very close," James said. He was amazed at his son's bravery. "We are... so proud of you."

Lily smiled at her family, heartbroken that this would be their only time together.

"Does it hurt?" Harry asked. Lily felt a pain in her chest at his words, a small anger at what he had to go through - and without her and James.

"Dying? Not at all," Sirius said with a small smile. The smile did not mock the innocence of the question, but the simplicity of the answer. "Quicker and easier than falling asleep."

"And he will want it to be quick," Remus spoke. "He wants it over."

"I didn't want you to die," Harry said, his bravery shining through. Lily hated this even though somehow she knew he would be okay. He should have never needed to apologize for this. "Any of you. I'm sorry-" he said turning to Lupin. "- right after you'd had your son... Remus, I'm sorry-"

"I am sorry too," Remus sighed. "Sorry I will never know him... but he will know why I died and I hope he will understand. I was trying to make a world in which he could live a happier life."

James looked at his brother. He and Lily had done the same - they had died for their son, leaving him with only the hope that the world they had just departed would soon be better.

Harry knew this was the time. He had to go now. Lily couldn't tell him to go, he had to on his own.

"You'll stay with me?"

"Until the very end," James said.

"They won't be able to see you?" Harry asked.

"We are a part of you," Sirius said. "Invisible to anyone else."

Lily watched as her son turned to her.

"Say close to me," he said quietly.

Lily looked into his eyes. Of course. She would always be with him.


And he started walking. The five of them finally together for the first time in sixteen years, and for the last time.

They passed through the dementors, but they couldn't touch Harry. As if they would dare attempt to puncture the happiness the reunion of parents and son had caused.

James felt Harry's soul leaning on him, as if it was their presence that made him move, made him take each step closer to his death.

It was the first time in so long that Lily felt alive - really there with her family. She forgot everything except her husband and her son, both walking for the other.

They slipped and stumbled forward, instinctively knowing where to go. When they finally came across others and stopped, Lily's thoughts began to quicken. The moment was coming, the last moment she would have with her son. She couldn't pay attention to what they were saying, she could only focus on Harry.

"...Potter's had his hour..." She heard one of the wizards say, the name catching her attention.

Harry began walking again and as he did, he looked to James and Lily, requesting their assurance that he could follow through, that he did have the strength to die for those he loved. Lily smiled at him, so proud of all he had done. James nodded and took Lily's hand, of course you can do this.

The Death Eaters lead them to a clearing where Voldemort stood, waiting. They talked, but none of the Marauders nor Lily heard them. They all watched Harry, not letting him go just yet, amazed at his courage and so, so proud.

At last the conversation broke through the bubble.

"I was, it seems... mistaken," Voldemort said. The four memories turned to face the man who was the reason they had died.

"You weren't."

They all looked quickly back to their beloved son, godson, friend - the boy they all loved and to whom they must soon say farewell. James squeezed Lily's hand as they concentrated, concentrated on memorizing his face, on absorbing the moment, on remembering his bravery and his sacrifice.

Harry turned ever so slightly towards the four of them, who were still smiling in encouragement and wonder, as if to thank them and to say that he would see them soon.

Harry dropped the stone, never forgetting those who brought him there, and the scene disappeared.

Lily and James held each other as they reappeared to the bright shadows. They stood together, tears of blessing and of sadness falling because somehow they knew he would survive - he would not see them soon.

They would not see their son again until the far off day when Harry would shed his cloak and greet his parents as old friends.

A/N: :')

All was well.