Tawdry Mischief

The week of struggle and arguing generals ended and that was left was the painful reminder of the few loses Wei accrued after the Shu surprise assault. Cao Cao no doubt was left with the veins in his forehead bulging at what happened. Quickly, as usual, he turned back to his cool composure and reorganized his thinking.
Meanwhile, Zhuji finally found free time from the groping mitts of the stir-crazy generals. She liked walks in the town. It gave her fresh air and plenty of room to stretch her long, shapely legs.

Zhuji smirked, thinking of some fun. She strolled through the market, dodging people doing business. The mannerism of the shop owners was quiet and submissive, especially to anyone in uniform or wearing brightly ornamented clothes. Doing business was indeed serious as Cao Cao emphasized individual performance and attaining wealth and power through hard work.

The owner of the fruit stand seemed to be surprised when she stopped in front of him, taking in his assortment of goods.

"Surely a woman of your beauty is more interested in jewelry, not my lonely fruit stand," the man blushed. Zhuji didn't pay attention to the man. She was instead examining the fruit, long finger tapping her chin in thought.

"Care to point out your ripest, juiciest peaches," she drawled, like a purr of a lioness.

The man swallowed and reached into the crate of peaches digging his hand below the top peaches on display. He pulled out a fairly large one, the coloring brighter than the others. Zhuji teased any observer with a swipe of the tongue over her full bottom lip.

She reached in her sleeve and pulled out some coins, "I will gladly take that."

She gave the man her coins in exchange for the peach. Turning she rubbed the peach on her clothing as she strode to the nearby bench to sit and eat.
Being herself, she couldn't just simply eat the fruit. She had to make it a game for all to see.

She started with her tongue, lightly tasting the fuzzy skin, before sinking her teeth into the fleshy fruit. Peaches were always erotic in her mind, especially when eaten with appreciation. She allowed the juices to drizzle down her lips and chin and on her fingers.

Just as she hoped, men stood in their tracks and stared, stopping whatever they were doing. Their mouths were agape, taking in her behavior that only suited a whore.

Slowly, she sucked the juice from her fingertips and someone on the street dropped their crate of foodstuffs.

"Lady Zhuji!" Xiahou Dun pushed himself through the crowd to the woman. Zhuji stopped herself and rolled her eyes.

"What are you doing?" he asked, clearly angered.

Zhuji shrugged, "Only eating a peach, my lord."

"Of course you are," his words were dipped in sarcasm. He reached forward and pulled her off the bench mumbling to the crowd, "Nothing to see here; just your typical dirty woman eating a peach in the worst possible way."

He dragged her away towards a nearby tree and pushed her into it. Zhuji sighed inwardly, thinking that Xiahou Dun was finally going to do what he clearly so longed to do.

"You are indeed an infuriating woman. What were you thinking attracting attention like that?" Xiahou Dun backed away, looking at her like she was a rude child, "Subtlety is necessary if a woman of your vocation is wandering around in public."

Zhuji arched an eyebrow, "My, my, Xiahou Dun, do you honestly care about my welfare?"

The man seethed, nose wrinkling, "I care about the cohesiveness of our lord's staff, and that includes the pathetic whores he rescues."

Zhuji rolled her eyes, "You were the one who tried to first 'rescue' me from that brothel, remember? You couldn't accomplish that. Lord Zhang He, however, convinced me that not every man in Cao Cao's employ is a gluttonous pig. And now here we are and Cao Cao had nothing to do with it. "

Zhuji tossed the peach lightly in the air and caught it, taking another bite as she walked away.

Xiahou Dun stood there, dumbfounded as the woman walked away with pride. Frustrated he attempted to have the last word but managed to get mere mumbles out before storming away. Zhuji was an infuriating woman when she was being stubborn or condescending, which were the only sides of her Xiahou Dun, or anyone else for that matter, ever really saw.

Upon Zhuji's return to the castle, Lien quickly approached her with a soft smile. Something had crossed her mind and the only person aside from her brother that she could share it with was now locked in her sights.

"What's with you?" Zhuji smirked when she seen the overzealous expression on Lien's face. "You look as if our Lord let you off the hook with this marriage…"

"Unfortunately that's not it…" Lien's smile faded quickly.

"Well then what's on your mind?" The woman's long strides caused a few heads to turn, her silky skin clashing perfectly against her dark robe.

"Well." Lien sped up her pace to keep up with her. "I was thinking. We really haven't had a lot of time lately to relax. Why don't we take a short trip and go visit the springs to bathe?"

"You're this excited about washing? My, my, girl… Your femininity is showing." She teased, the corner of her dark red lips pulling back into a faint grin.

"Not just any spring, but that one south of here that I hear other concubines talking about. It's supposed to be romantic, so they escort their men there."

"No offense, but I'm not really in to romancing women…" Zhuji glanced down at the girl, who hadn't realized what impression she was giving Zhuji.

"It's supposed to be a very relaxing place, which is why romance is often had." Lien looked around at all the soldiers they passed as they packed their belongings along the saddles of the horses for a trip home. "Since He and I will be staying here, I figured we could take a short trip."

"Isn't that a dangerous idea? I mean, what if Shu strikes again? Our Lord would be a fool to allow all his men to take leave."

"Watch your tongue, woman." Xiahou Dun approached them from behind, grabbing her arm to turn her around.

"Perhaps you should watch your hands." She narrowed her eyes, pulling her arm away. "Are you that bored where you seek me out of a crowd at any chance?"

"Hush." He sneered, crossing his arms over his armored chest. "The way you acted in the market place was completely out of line."

"I don't recall having to seek your approval of my behavior…" She scoffed with a hint of laughter while shifting her weight to one side. "What is it you want, anyway?"

"To warn you of those springs you two wanted to go visit. Last I heard, Shu soldiers reside there in between battles, or I heard Wu pirates have been known to bury their plunder there… It would be wise to avoid that area if you don't wish to fight." He advised, looking to Zhang Lien. "Northern China has fine springs to go…'vacation' in."

Lien arched a brow as he turned to leave, "I wasn't aware you two were wed." She smirked.

"Impossible." Dun looked over his shoulder as he made his way away from the women. "She is incapable of 'love.'"

"Hah. Love…" Zhuji rolled her eyes. "Perhaps…just toward him, I am incapable."

Even as Zhuji stared at the back of Dun, she couldn't help but scowl. She wasn't specifically sour towards Xiahou Dun or anything he did in general. He was, after all, one of the more decent men she had come across, but the idea of men and love just made her cringe. Leave such silly notions for young girls, but none of the men of Wei appealed to her intellectually or sexually.

Zhuji shook her head, turning to her friend, "So why is it that you need to go to this particular spring, besides creating a 'romantic' setting for us."

"I told you before," Lien jerked her head violently in her direction, "It's supposed to be relaxing, I could use something like that. My shoulders are killing me."

Zhuji folded her arms and stared at her disapprovingly, "I think it would be wise that you stay here. I can't trust you to not get into trouble."

"Then come with me."

The older woman would not budge.

"After dinner."

Still nothing. Zhuji merely arched an eyebrow.

Lien's shoulders slumped and she rolled her eyes.

"It's an excuse to get rid of Sima Yi."

"That's not going to work this time. Contrary to popular belief, he doesn't actively seek me out. When he comes across an opportunity he gives out his warning call."

Zhang Lien cocked her head to the side, "What's his warning call?"


For a moment, Zhuji closed her eyes at the man's voice, as if she were trying to wake up from a bad dream. She opened them with a sour look on her face, and pointed her thumb behind her, where Sima Yi was haughtily strolling, arms crossed.

"That," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I must have heard incorrectly. Did someone just put you and 'love' in the same sentence?"

Zhuji merely sighed, "Yeah, Dun already made that joke. Move on."

She finished by waving her hand in a "shoo" motion.

"Oh and pass on an opportunity to just mock her and her narrow escape from Shu hands? I wouldn't dream of it. Let me just bask in this moment."

The two girls just stared at him as he began chuckling to himself, finding some sort of sick amusement of a joke in his head. Zhuji's eyes shifted, confused and annoyed with the man's behavior.

Zhang Lien spoke out, not really loving the idea of insulting the ingenious Sima Yi, "I'll have you know, Lord Sima Yi, that my guard can take you on any day. She saved me from General Zhao Yun and managed to throw him off guard."

Zhuji's brows rose, taken by Lien's defense of her actions.

"Yes, by using her 'feminine wiles' no doubt," he shot back. "That tactic will not work on me."

Zhuji opened her mouth to say something, but shook her head murmuring, "No, I'm not going to say it. Too easy."

Lien decided to say what Zhuji was thinking, "And finally you admit that you are not really a man."

Sima Yi set his jaw tight, ready to give the young girl a tongue lashing, but caught himself. This girl was going to be wed to his future lord. It would be best not to get off on the wrong foot. Still, he couldn't believe he walked right into that one.

"Lady Lien," he bowed. "It would make your brother feel more at ease if you were more careful next time."

Zhang Lien did not respond, even as the strategist swept away, his tall blue hat a beacon over the soldiers.

Dinner was a simple affair, with the higher officers having a pork barbeque outside. The men spoke loudly to each other discussing tales and elaborating accomplishments. Zhang Lien sat with her guard, eating, and eyeing everyone.

"So tonight?" she said softly.

"Tonight, what?"

"We go to the spring."

Zhuji dropped her pork dumpling onto her plate with an exasperated sigh.

"That is not wise. It is night and as Dun said, I prefer not to show my entirety to Wu pirates."

"And Shu soldiers," Lien added, not helping her case.

Zhuji laughed, "Shu soldiers? They are all for brotherly love…if you know what I mean."

Lien rolled her eyes, "And you were the one who warned of the lustful minds of soldiers, regardless of army."

"I still say no. Your brother would not approve. I have never seen him more tense since you took to the battlefield."

"Then he should come with us to relax…or…you could take Dun," Lien smirked, leaning to whisper into Zhuji's ear, "He has been telling men that he had plans to take you there himself."

Zhuji's jaw tightened and her eyes widened, fixated on Dun who was sitting by the fire discussing something lightly to Dian Wei. Zhuji pursed her lips and took a full loaf of bread from the tray in front of her and threw it at him, hitting him in the side of the head. Xiahou Dun jerked away from his conversation to stare wide-eyed at Zhuji. The woman thinned her lips even more and shook her head at him.

Shifting his eyes, he slowly lowered his head and resumed his conversation with a confused Dian Wei.

Dinner had ended shortly after that, without a word or even a glance shared between Xiahou Dun and Zhuji. As the handfuls of officers left their tables, or the fire pit, Lien turned to greet her brother as he sat next to her. Zhuji narrowed her eyes, a sense of irritation crossing over her as a few loud generals walked passed her, speaking of old war stories while adding in some crude remarks about some of the women around camp. With a scoff, she leaned back, noticing a new comer hesitantly approaching her from behind.

"It's never wise to think twice about sneaking up on a woman…" Zhuji smirked, crossing her arms under her voluptuous breasts.

"R-right…" The foot soldier kneeled beside her, unsure of how to speak to a woman of her 'status.' "Your assistance is required… There's a few men who wish to relinquish pent up…umm….aggression after their meals."

"Hah. My assistance? No need to sugar coat it as such…" Zhuji pushed herself away from the handmade wooden table, glancing to Lien without a word, though she overheard the soldier. "I hope these 'men'…" She paused, using the term men loosely, "know my policies…"

"Well, ma'am…" The soldier couldn't be more than 15, and he stared at the taller woman's body. "They didn't say."

"Right." She rolled her eyes, running her fingers through her loosely tied up hair. "And do me a favor…"

"Yes?" He gestured to the tent, awaiting her request.

"Wipe your chin. You stare at me any longer and you'll go from being an innocent boy, to a lecherous man." With that, she disappeared within the cloth doors of the tent, leaving the boy dumbfounded and embarrassed.

Back at the table, Lien finished the last small amount of bread before looking to her older brother, nibbling on a piece of pork from Lien's plate. Her constant glancing seemed to have caught his attention, just as she hoped for.

"What is it, dear sister?" He inquired, stealing a sip of water from her cup.

"Well…" She looked away, taking the cup from him when he had finished. "Nothing." She said with a smile.

"Certainly it isn't 'nothing'… Otherwise you wouldn't have been staring at me since I sat down, now would you?" He smiled with a soft tap on her nose with his index finger.

"Come on…" She waved his hand away. "I'm not a little girl anymore-"

"Oh, Heavens…" Zhang He smiled with a soft smirk. "This topic again… You will always be my little sister, no matter what trials you accomplish in life. It simply can't be helped." He waved his hand in dismissal, trying to drop that subject. "So, what did you want to ask me?"

"It's not really a question." She twirled her fingers in the ends of her hair. "I wish to go visit a nearby spring for relaxation."

"Oh, well that's no problem. The Wei Kingdom has some fine bathing houses in the area."

"Well, that's not what I had in mind. There's one kind of close by…that men usually take their women to-"

"Oh, my dear sister, you have allowed our Lord Cao Pi to make the first move." He gasped in surprise before mocking a tear of happiness.

"Hell no." She frowned. "Do not speak of that again… Who knows who will hear…?"

"Well then, what about this spring you speak of? Is there one in particular you wish to accompany there?" With a nudge, he gave his watchful eye.

"Yes. I want Zhuji to accompany me." She nodded, ignoring his foreboding look.

"Zhu…Zhuji?" He stared, as if a deer caught in headlights. "My dear sister, I was not aware you swung that way. I do apologize for bringing this up again, but Cao Pi is not going to be happy…"

"Wait- You thought I meant…" Baffled, Lien stopped speaking while staring at her brother.

"Oh, lighten up." He roped his arm around her shoulder. "Why bring Zhuji and not invite your dear older brother?"

"You can come. I just didn't think you'd want to." She shrugged. "It's that one south of here… It's supposed to be romantic and very relaxing."

"I know which one you're talking about. They say magical things happen there…as if the springs are enchanted. Perhaps that is how romance is known to ensue?"

"Maybe… Do you want to go?"

"Sure. Though, you do know the dangers of this spring, yes?"

"Yeah… Lord Xiahou Dun already informed me."

"Then he shall accompany us."

"Excuse me?"
"Lord Xiahou Dun shall accompany since he seems to know of the dangers. Besides he could use a place to loosen up," Zhang He's smile brightened to a near laugh. It was as though he was genuinely as excited as a young boy to enter the fabled springs.

"And you want to tell that to Zhuji?"

"Pfft!" he waved a dismissive hand, "We'll be in separate springs."

"How are you going to convince straight-laced and severe Xiahou Dun to accompany us in this misadventure?" she grinned, before slapping his hand away from her plate as he made to snatch her last dumpling. "And now I know why you tower over most men, you steal their food."

Lien was glad that her overprotective older brother was being so agreeable this evening. It could've been the food or the wine that has loosened his protectiveness, but whatever the case, she was going where she desired.

Zhang He whistled sharply towards the bearded, gruff, general, "Hey! Xiahou Dun…Lord of the Blades!"

At his spot by the fire, Xiahou Dun rolled his eyes, "What is it you inquire, Zhang He, Lord of the Dance!"

The fair-faced man snickered lightly behind his hand, in a manner very much like a bashful maiden. Meanwhile, the gruff man cautiously approached them, tripping over the ground a little, the wine he drank affecting his coordination. He plopped down on the ground besides them, grunting.

"What is it you want? I'm not in the mood for a dance."

"When are you ever?" Lien murmured softly, hoping he hadn't heard.

Zhang He chuckled deeply, "You are so uptight Lord Xiahou Dun. Maybe you need the fresh spring water to relax, and turn that frown upside-down."

If possible, Xiahou Dun's scowl deepened, creasing the strained lines in his face. Zhang He pointed his long finger directly at the man exclaiming, "See! There's that face again! Mister Sour Puss!"

The beautiful man's sister swallowed a laugh. Her brother clearly had too much to drink.

"So what do you say?" Zhang He asked. The other man sat and pondered, but it was obvious he wouldn't be swayed.

"It's okay, brother; we have Zhuji coming with us. She'd probably not like his presence—"

"Lady Zhuji?" Xiahou Dun's head perked up and he turned his eye to the group, "She is going too?"

"Probably," Lien shrugged, smiling inwardly

Xiahou Dun began stroking his beard, "Maybe I could take a dip-"

"Perfect!" Zhang He yelled in his ear, causing him to reel back. "It is settled then!"

Dun opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted as the taller man grabbed his shoulder and dragged him away to change.

Zhang Lien remained, chuckling, acutely aware of someone standing beside.

"Whoa, Zhuji, that was fast."

The attractive woman looked bored and displeased, her hair only slightly mussed, "I know. I swear these men are getting worse."

"I'm sorry…" Lien commented, trying to sound sympathetic, but instead, her expectant gaze caught Zhuji's wary attention.



"Don't lie to me, young one. What did you do?"

Lien bit her lip, "I…invited my brother to come with us to the springs…and he invited another."

"Uh huh, and who is this other person?"

"Lord Xiahou Dun."

Just as she anticipated, Zhuji's eyes flashed with concealed anger. The woman held violent words on her tongue, and merely massaged her brow.

"And, pray tell, Lady Lien, what part of 'I don't particularly care for him' do you not understand exactly?"

"It wasn't my fault. Blame brother. Besides, we'll be in separate springs. He won't even see us."

"Oh, he won't," Zhuji's voice dipped dangerously low, "Else Lord Xiahou Dun will lose his only remaining eye."

A/N: Stay tuned for some shenanigans at the springs. Oh...and review, plz.