Omega's Valued Prisoner.

Chapter 1: Moragna

Upon a forest filled path on the Eastern Central Massif Locusts are marching ahead. About five Locusts, two palace guards, two Theron Guards, and a Theron Sentinel are scouting the path. They look down with their guns aimed to check for any gears and looks about. The Theron Sentinel turns behind him and signals for something to come up. Climbing slowly, a teenage Corpser is pulling a cart. Its not the full forty to fifty feet but rather thirty.

The cart its pulling is rectangular and made from metal. There are areas where windows would be but those are closed with the Locust Symbol on each window. The metal itself has dented and carved into it many designs and glyphs. On the right and left side walks a pair of Grinders. At the end of the cart walks two Palace Guards, two Theron Guards, and an Armored Kantus.

Hiding amongst some rocks higher up on the Massif, a sniper is watching them to the best of his abilities. He is in normal summer Gear armor but without a helmet. Rather than a helmet he has a pair of goggles down and a shaved head. A man in the same kind of armor is looking at them also through binoculars. He lacks a helmet as well and instead has short spiky black hair. The man is fairly young appearing to be in mid twenties while the sniper appears to be in his mid thirties.

"Think we can take'em?" whispered

"Course Tanner, but if we are gonna capture those supplies, we gotta go now." whispered the man with spiky black hair.

"Gotcha boss, which one should I go for first? The Sentinel or the Kantus, what about a Grinder?"

"Down the Sentinel, when the Kantus revives him fire a Torque Bow arrow into its exposed mouth"

"Good plan Gyules." Gyules signals the other two men to get ready. The other two are dressed in normal summer gear armor. One of them is much larger than the other and is holding a Boomshot. He is black and has a thick black beard connecting to his hair. It appears as though he has not even tried to shave but has cut his hair so its not unruly. He also wears a blue headband. On each arm is a tattoo, the right showing an angel praying whereas the left depicts a laughing demon. Tattooed on his forearm to his hand is: "Hand of Destruction." The other soldier merely has on a normal helmet with no tattoos.

The men check the Locust's position and quickly roadie run down and get behind a tree ahead of the Locust position. Gyules quickly rushes and gets behind a tree so he can get behind them. The three wait a minute and then hear a bang seeing the Theron Sentinel brought to all fours from a sniper bullet to the torso. He is lifted in the air being healed by the Kantus as the soldiers get ready. Once the Kantus begins to heal him a Torque Bow hits him in the open mouth and blows its head off. The two soldiers pull out their main assault rifles (The black one holding a Hammerburst while the armored one holds a Lancer.) and open fire into the Locusts killing the Theron Sentinel, a Palace Guard, and a Theron. From behind Gyules throws an ink grenade at a Grinder, then pulling out a Retro Lancer and opening fire into the Locusts killing a Theron Guard, and downing a Palace Guard. Guiles quickly picks up the downed Palace Guard as a Meatshield wielding a Boltok pistol. The first Grinder coughed and gagged within the ink cloud and fell to the ground dead. His lungs were clogged with the thick ink.

"Aiden! Fire your Boomshot at the Mulcher, Osman and I will hold off the others!" shouted Gyules. He fires his Boltok Pistol into the head of a Theron. He fires another shot and gets a head shot on the Theron. The Remaining Locusts head to the side of the cart their sniper is not seeing. The Grinder is walking out only to get hit in the chest with a Boomshot.

"GRIND!" it screamed and began to grind its Mulcher at the black man, Aiden. He rolls away and then reloads. Aiden quickly jumps over and fires the shot at the Grinder killing it.

"Osman, the Corpser seems tame for now, think we should kill it now or no?" asked Gyules.

"I will take care of it." he said running up to the creature as Aiden threw his grenades at the Locusts hiding and trying to think of something. Osman approaches its face and the Corpser does nothing. He takes out a frag grenade and lets it look at it to see if the beast will react.

"Nah never mind, this thing is for carrying not harming." A locust steps out from cover and opens fire at Osman.

"AH SHIT!" said Osman jumping back and then firing his Lancer at the Palace Guard. It goes back wounded.

"K now they are annoying, everyone just run back there and shoot." said Gyules. Osman and Gyules get on opposite sides and run down, Gyules armed with his Retro Lancer, Osman a Gnasher shotgun. The duo runs down that side unloading their ammo on the Locusts running past each other. Most are killed and Aiden moves to kill the wounded.

"K now what does everyone think is in here?" asked Tanner "Milk and cookies? Ammunition? Craaazy Drugs? Or more tickers like the last one..."

"I hope its not tickers." said Osman "Fuck you can't even eat'em! They taste like rust and copper!"

"Blame the all metal diet." said Gyules. Gyules kicks down the door and can hear a few Locusts inside.

"Shit!" said Gyules getting into cover. Osman gets into it also as Tanner merely awaits at the door with his Torque Bow ready. Inside of it a Grenadier rushes up shouting: "FOR THE PRINCESS!" A Torque Bow nails him and blows him back dead and in a few pieces.

"Shit got some on me!" said Gyules.

"At least you didn't breath it in, you'd get a disease of some sort." said Osman. Before the two begin to fight Tanner screams at them both to shut up.


"I actually can't understand a word they say." said Osman.

"Do they even speak our language...or at all?" Tanner facepalms.

"Well you two are morons, this cart might possibly have a Locust princess however that looks."

"I betcha its a like a Berserker in a dress." said Osman as Gyules began to climb in. The three enter only to have a sawed off shotgun shoved in their guts. Standing there holding the gun is a small girl (Small for the Gears) in armour similar to Myrrah's. Instead it lacks the head piece exposing her long straightened natural gray hair that goes to her butt and the forearm armour is rather just some metal plating that isn't as thick as Myrrah's. She has on metal gloves as well. The girl stands at about 5,7 with a curvier figure than Myrrah. Her eyes are a beautiful blue. She also appears to be only in her early twenties.

" was not expecting that..." said Tanner.

"One shot of this at this range and you will all die." she said "Now would you fucking humans kindly step out of here."

"Why not just fucking fire it!" said Tanner.

"Because you aren't worth the ammo!" she snapped.

"Its unloaded isn't it?" said Tanner.

"WHAT! No! Shut up pathetic human!" Gyules slowly reaches for the sawed-off shotgun.

"Hey stop that!" she said only to have the sawed-off shotgun snatched from her. Gyules checks the ammo.

"Yup its empty." he said. The girl growls and then slams her fist into Tanner's face and is about to punch Gyules but he catches her fist. Gyules holds her other arm and slams her to the wall next to him. She begins struggling and knees him in the groin.

"FUCK!" said Gyules voice now high as he hit the ground. Tanner is tending to his nose as she runs up and Osman tries to block the door. She takes one of Tanner's gorgon pistols off of his belt and slams it into Osman's head.

"SHIT!" said Osman as she beat him a few times and then began to run out. The locust girl looks back only to run into large Aiden who merely grabs her shoulders.

"Stay still little Stranded girl, we will not hurt you." said Aiden. She struggles but is unable to get out of the large man's grip. The three are walking out of the cart.


"Great you got the bitch who broke my nose!" said Tanner as he gripped his nose.

"Nice job." said Aiden looking down at the girl.

"Sometimes I think you people hate me."

"We do!" snapped Gyules gripping his groin "Fuck this armour needs more groin protection!" Osman is rubbing where he was hit.

"And she almost dented my freakin helmet. Why the hell did you have to hit me so much!" complained Osman.

"Fuck, Osman, Tanner go grab the rope from the camp, tie her up." said Gyules falling to the ground. "I' you in a bit."

"Did she hit you that hard?" asked Tanner holding his head back as Osman ran up "Or are you that weak?"

"She has an armoured leg and did hit hard, of course it fucking hurts still! I will be fine in a minute, now go lazy ass." complained Gyules on the ground as Osman got there and was heading back with their stuff. When he arrived Aiden forced the girl to the ground as she struggled. His immense strength forced her there though.

"Shit, why the fuck don't you just kill me you fucking humans."

"Because you look human..." said Gyules "And I wanna know who you are!" Osman quickly ties the rope around her body and then the group began to prep camp around the cart. Once night had come they had a camp ready. A roaring fire, advanced sentries were quickly prepared, meals were being prepped, and Tanner was digging through the cart. Osman and Gyules sat on logs while Aiden had a makeshift bench made out of Locust corpses. The locust girl was bound with rope from under her breasts to her hips.

"Sure that much rope is needed?" asked Osman.

"Tanner did so and we don't have much need for rope anyways." The locust girl glares at them.

"And once I am released this 'Tanner' shall suffer and die the worst death!"

"You couldn't even load a sawed-off shotgun and your forces are now under Aiden's ass. Do you really believe you have any room to make threats?" asked Osman.

"Don't argue with her, she is just a brainwashed human and we need to get her therapy." Before the girl can shout Tanner walks out of the cart holding a book made with human leather.

"She is not a human, well as far as I can say. We right now, have captured one of the most valuable targets we could've captured before Jacinto sank and the COG died about three or so months ago. I dunno my calender is gone. Either way, we captured the princess of the grubs!" The three stare at him for a while until Gyules finally says it: "What?"

"The Queen of the Grubs, Myrrah had a baby, probably raped a Done as thats how their entire popular is made, and this one came out."

"And you read my mother fucker you don't read diaries!" she stated in disbelief that he did so.

"Why the fuck did you do that! THAT WAS MY DIARY THAT IS PERSONAL! YOU FUCKING HUMANS ALL DESERVE TO DIE! Can't let personal objects remain as is, can't let us take the surface, you always fight when you should realize you will just lose in the end!" Princess Locust continues to ramble as Tanner takes his backpack over.

"Really, now what are you doing, hey-mmmph!" she stated as Tanner took out a roll of duct tape and put it over her mouth. He rips off that piece.

"Finally, some peace and quiet." stated Osman as he laid back and put his hands behind his head.

"So what are we to do with her?" asked Aiden.

"Well I suggest we go to camp and ask Conway. Either we kill her or see if we can manipulate her to make the Locusts quit attacking. Another possible idea is if Myrrah finds out she is with us we can leave camp and live our lives leading the Locusts away."

"Wait the third one sounds like suicide!" said Tanner.

"Before you complain its just a suggestion! Now get some rest men! Tomorrow we go back to Conway's camp."

The End