Disclaimer: I don't own the Glee...

Santana Lopez was sitting on a large overstuffed white couch leaning over a mahogany coffee table reading over a contract of a high-profile celebrity client her lawyer had sent while waiting for her 1:00 meeting. She would be meeting with Regina Lawson and Melissa Stinger, publicist and assistant, respectively, of another high-profile celebrity. She glanced at her watch, it was 12:01. After reading over the last paragraph and making notes, she slid the sheets of paper into a folder. Her assistant Cara knocks on her door and enters.

"Ms. Lopez." Cara walks over and sits on Santana's desk.

"Ms. Brandt." Santana says smiling standing up walking over to position herself between Cara's legs. It was her favorite place to be—inserted between Cara's thighs. Santana gently kissed her lips—enjoying her favorite flavor, Cara.

"Babe, we can't start this right now you have a meeting in an hour." Santana looked over at the clock on her wall. "C, that's plenty of time." Santana placed another gentle kiss on her lips which quickly intensified. The kiss was laden with passion. Santana didn't hesitate to hitch Cara's skirt higher. She found that the younger woman wasn't wearing any underwear which immediately ignited her center. Santana skimmed her fingers up and down Cara's thighs. She finally made her way to Cara's warm wet center. Cara moaned at the contact. Almost forgetting why she was in her girlfriend's office she gently pushed Santana away and led her to the couch. "I came in here to help you relax a bit before your meeting." Cara said as she gently pulling Santana's pants off, unbuttoning her shirt and gently placing them on the arm of the couch. Santana didn't protest, Cara always knew what she needed. Santana looked down at Cara—she was perfect: her hazel eyes, full lips, and creamy caramel skin. Cara stood, placed her palm under Santana's chin and walked over to the closet and retrieved the message table—she quickly set it up.

"Come here babe, lay down." Cara patted the massage table, Santana quickly obliged. Santana lay down to get comfortable. Cara grazed her finger tips up and down Santana's back. Santana's body reacted to each stroke.

"How am I supposed to relax when every time you touch me I feel flashes of electricity?" Cara laughed and bent over and pressed her lips to Santana's ear, "San, just relax. Breathe baby." As Cara applied somewhat gentle pressure to Santana's back, she relaxed. Santana was lost in Cara's touch.

Thirty minutes later Santana was brought back to reality by a gently nip of her ear. Santana pushed herself up from the massage table sitting upright, she pulled Cara in for a deep kiss.

"Baby, that was amazing, I really needed that."

"That's what I'm here for." Cara said running a hand through Santana's hair. Santana winced at this comment.

Cara placed a chaste kiss on Santana's lips. "Get dressed. I'll bring you some green tea and let you know when your 1:00 arrives."

Fifteen minutes later Santana was dressed and light makeup reapplied. Cara returned with green tea. She folded the massage table and put it back in the closet. Cara walked over to Santana and gently squeezed her hand before leaving her office.

At 12:55 Cara called Santana to let her know that her appointment arrived. Santana's door opens, Cara is followed by a tall well-dressed African-American women. "Ms. Lopez, Regina Lawson." She extends her hand to Santana which she accepts. "My apologies, my client and her assistant won't be joining us today." Santana scowls. She had much more important things than take on a Hollywood starlet who is too busy to show up to a last minute meeting that she is doing as a favor for a friend. What annoyed Santana more was that she had no idea who this potential client was—a fact that she did not like. But as a favor for a friend she decided to at least meet with this anonymous person. Santana motioned for Regina to take a seat. She winked at Cara as she closed the door behind her. Regina looks back at Cara wondering why she looks so familiar. She quickly disregards the idea and gets to business.

"As you know, Ms. Lopez, my client is very high-profile celebrity, so I'll need you and your secretary—"

"Assistant." Santana says correcting Regina.

"Excuse me, Ms. Lopez, your assistant, to sign agreements of confidentiality."

"Of course."

"Ms. Berry has recently purchased five acres of land in Lima, Ohio and—"

Santana's heart skipped a beat. "Ms. Berry. Lima, Ohio. As in Rachel Berry from Lima, Ohio?"

"Yes. Ms. Lopez. Are you a fan of Ms. Berry's?

I am absolutely not a fan of Rachel Berry's. In fact, I am the president of the "Rachel Berry is a heartless, selfish Bitch fan club. Santana thought to herself.

"Actually, Ms. Lawson, I will not be able to take on Rachel Berry as a client."

"I beg your pardon, Ms. Lopez?"

"I understand that you may be taken aback by my decision, but SanLo Designs will not be able to accommodate Ms. Berry. Thank you for your time Ms. Lawson." At that Santana stood and opened the door for Ms. Lawson to leave.

Baffled at the abrupt decision Regina decided not to push Santana. Boy was there hell to pay. "I hope you will reconsider Ms. Lopez." Regina said as she headed to the door to exit the suit she said a friendly goodbye to Cara.

Santana turned away from Cara and walked into her office and sat on the overly comfortable couch. Cara gave her a few minutes before she returned to Santana's office. Very seldom did Santana turn down a client especially because her services were rendered by referral.

"Babe, are you all right?"

"We need to talk."

"Yeah. I'm kind of wondering why Ms. Lawson left so abruptly."

"Not really about that."

"Are you still upset that I'm leaving? Because San, it'll only be for a—"

"Sweetie, no, it's not that." Santana massaged her forehead trying to figure out how to disclose such information with the woman she cared for so deeply. Santana exhaled a deep breath. "My son." Cara sat down on the couch next to Santana and held her hand. She looked into Santana's eyes—they were welled with tears.

Cara found out that Santana had a son once they started dating. She was invited for dinner and Cara saw the picture of the little boy. Santana never really talked with Cara about the death of her son. Cara didn't push.

Santana pulled herself together. Though she missed her little boy dearly, she had to hold off on the emotions.

"San, what is it?"

"Rachel Berry."

"Rachel Berry? The actress?"

"Yes." Santana said without a beat.

"What about her?"

"She was Robert's mother."