Title: Taming the Prince

Characters: Prowl

Genre: Romance, Humour

Description: High lord Proton of Cybertron, has 3 different sons. Prince Smokescreen helps his dad, Prince Bluestreak prefers to stay in the garden and train, and Prince Prowl prefers sitting alone, and PAINT? Will a servant change Prowl into a prince of Love?

(Note: has no relations to my other stories, only mentions of Hydrid, Aqua, Proton, Smokescreen, Prowl and Bluestreak, and Jazz, nothing else!)

'...Blah...' Normal conversation

'...blah...' flashback talking

...blah... Thoughts aloud

...'Recove... badly... damag... repair...'

'I need some assistance over here! We're bringing him online!'

System repair: functional

Status: 95% repaired, functioning well

Online status: 15%





Status: Online...

Prowl opened his optics.

His blurry vision, he could still make out the medic staff around him, about 5 of them, his dad stood beside him, he turned around, and a blurry black and white photo in a frame beside him.

'He's back!' Ratchet's voice was heard.

He knelt over Prowl. 'How are you feeling?'

Prowl went to answer, but couldn't.

'Wait a sec...' Ratchet pulled out the breathing tube. 'How do you feel?'

'Like...s...scrap...' Prowl's speech was slurred.

'Don't worry. You'll be all better soon.' Ratchet said.

Prowl looked at the door, as Pop, Bluestreak, Smokescreen, and the rest of the Autobots, including Optimus Prime himself, all crowded the room.

'How are you feeling, old buddy?' Prime asked.

'Scarp.' Prowl replied, holding his head from a processor ache. 'What happened?'

'You saved Jazz from the wrath of Rythm and Othia.' Bluestreak replied.

'Rythm was convicted last month, and sentenced to life imprisonment.' Smokescreen added. 'Othia is dead.'

Prowl looked around, and saw the Cybertronian flowers and gifts on the berth cabinet beside him.

'Gifts from the team for your full recovery.' Proton told Prowl.

'Prowl,' Optimus stepped forward. 'To make this day begin as an new experience, and make it the best ever... That time as a Prince, you showed great courage, and confidence in yourself. You gave all your work the best shot, and saved others from death. You were respected by a youngling before she passed away, but forever she'll live on in your memories. Plus you've got great skills and tactics, that as leader of the Autobots, I want to appoint you as my second in command, and Military Strategist, giving you the role as a tactitian on the squad.'

Prowl blinked in surprisement, and looked from the happy faces of the Autobot crew all eager for his response.

'Come on Prince. It'll be a laugh, and great fun for the squad!' Bumblebee said.

'The team is fit for a royal appearance.' Hound, a green scout mech for the team said.

'We could use some as tactitian since the last mech lost his life recently.' Mirage, a blue and white invisible mech added. 'Walten was one of the greatest.'

'Walten?' Prowl asked. 'One of the servants at the palace?'

'Yes son,' Proton said. 'Walten retired from the service, but wanted to work closely with the future generations of the royal family. He mainly worked with us Praxiens. But most importantly, he worked closely with you, teaching you everything he knew when you were very young, and you enjoyed painting gifts from him.'

Prowl thought closely of his decision. He knew Walten would be saying from the Matrix, 'take the job, and be like ya old mech.'

He nodded. 'I accept.'

The team gave a roar of cheers, cheering their new 'Prince Tactitian' on the team.

Prowl smiled, from so long ago. Just months ago, he was a boring Prince interested in art all day, every day. Now he's appointed second in command of the Autobot team, and a tactitianist! He noticed something.

'Where's Jazz?' he asked.

Everyone paused.

'No... He didn't die, did he?' Prowl asked, worried.

'No son... But when were you going to tell us about it?' Proton asked.

'What?' Prowl was confused.

The door to the room opened, and in walked Jazz. Prowl turned, and gasped at the visored mech.

Pop walked in, assisting Jazz, as they walked through the crowd, and helped Jazz sit on the edge of Prowl's berth.

'Jazz...' Prowl was still stunned.

He was looking at Jazz, with a huge bump stood out infront of him.

'I am Prowler...' Jazz smiled. 'I'm 5 months pregnant with ya twins.'

'Awww...' everyone in the room went.

In nearly 4 million years since a royal was born. Now TWO!

Prowl looked at Jazz's bump. He carefully lifted his hand, and placed it on the bump. He felt a small force against his hand. 'They kicked.'

Jazz blushed. 'Ah 'aven't found out if they are ah mech or femme yet. Ah leave it till ta birth.'

Prowl took his hand in his own. 'I respect that, man.'

Jazz smiled. He leaned down towards Prowl, and their lips joined.

The crowd whooped in delight.

As Jazz's pregnancy progressed, Prowl recovered fully...

Jazz was now 7 months pregnant when Prowl was allowed to leave the medic bay. And Prowl, from the berth he laid on in a medical centre, he had a wonderful plan in his processor, ready to be planned, and delivered.

Jazz took plenty of energon to ensure the sparklings' growth was going smoothly. It was then he turned the TV on Teletraan 1 inside the Autobot base, hanging around his new comrades. (He was appointed Head of Special Operations during the start of the pregnancy.)

'Would Autobot Jazz please come to the royal Praxien palace of Lord Proton please?'

Jazz nearly spat out his energon, when he looked at the screen. It was the Cybertron chat show, 'Autobot Speak!' He could see the femme presenter, standing in the main hall, infront of the staircase of the palace.

Quickly, Jazz got the tram, and was rushed to the palace.

All the Autobots knew of the plan, and so stood around Teletraan, waiting for that moment.

Jazz walked into the palace, where Proton, the Princes, and a camera crew stood in the main hall.

'Huh?' Jazz was confused.

The crew turned their cameras on Jazz.

The presenter came over, and looked at the camera. 'This is Autobot Mary-Line, presenting at the royal palace in Praxus, home to Lord Proton, and his sons, Princes Smokescreen, and twin Princes Prowl and Bluestreak, where an announcement was made, regarding this mech, Jazz of Iacon. Tell me Jazz, are you pregnant with Prince Prowl's twins as we speak?'

'Yea, ma'am.' Jazz replied, just going along with the filming.

'Then let the announcement begin.' Mary-Line giggled, stepping away from the camera.

Jazz watched, and then turned when Prowl stepped foward towards him.

'Jazz of Iacon,' he began. 'We first met as friends at the academy when we were young, and formed a close friendship... We moved on from their, as I continued my education in learning art and design, while you left for Iacon among the Autobot cause. You joined the palace, and transformed me into a Prince, for not a love of art and his brush strokes (laughter), but into a Prince of Love and feelings. We're going to be a family soon, and you're the most important mech in my life at this present time.'

Jazz grew more redder and redder with each compliment. 'Prowler... I...'

'There's more, dear Jazz,' Prowl said, making Jazz bright red. 'We are now going to be a family, with twins arriving soon. I don't want to continue my life without you anymore, and do not wish to go another day without you by my side. So Jazz, of the City of Iacon...'

Everyone all over the planet stared at the screen, all hiding their giggles and excitement.

The camera crew all wiped their optics away, as Prowl went down on one knee, holding Jazz's hand. He takes out the brooch, the symbol of love and passion for the one you love for eternal life, and holds it out to Jazz.

'Jazz, will you be my bondmate?'

The whole planet fell silent, holding their breath for the answer.

Jazz looked back from the brooch to Prowl. 'Prowler... I do!'

Cheering erupted in Autobot base, the palace, Cybertron's cities, as everyone congratulated the now to be bondmates, as Prowl sticks the brooch on Jazz, and hugs him close to his spark.

'I love you Jazz.' he said.

'I love ya too, Prince Prowler of Praxus.' Jazz said.

On the live show, they lips met, sealing their love forever.

At the church... 2 months later...

'Jazz, do you take Prince Prowl, Praxien of Praxus to be your lawfully bonded, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to stand by him till death you shall part?' Optimus asked.

'Ah do. Jazz replied.

'Prince Prowl, Praxien of Praxus, do you take Jazz to be your lawfully bonded, for better for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness, and in health, to stand by him till death you shall part?'

'I will with all my spark.' Prowl replied.

'I pronouce you bondmates. You may seal your bond.' Optimus said, holding out the matrix.

It glowed, as Prowl and Jazz joined their lips together, with this kiss they sealed their love for one another, as the Matrix shined down on them both, sealing their bond, and to join them in the matrix if they parted.

By then... now officially bonded, they could have sparklings... this came sooner then they thought...

Only a week passed since their bonding ceremony, that Jazz was in labour...

Inside the medical centre, Jazz and Prowl, the newly bonded couple on Cybertron, were inside the labour ward.

Prowl was holding Jazz's hand, as Jazz went through the contractions, the pain, and the deliveries...

'ARGH!' Jazz screamed.

'One more push Jazz and there's a royal sparkling born.' Ratchet instructed.

Jazz breathed on the gas and air, and gave an almighty push.

The next sound was a sparkling's wail.

The whole building had stopped their duties, to await the new royal arrivals.

Ratchet holds up a small black and white doorwinged sparkling with a red chevron. 'It's a mech.' he announced.

The medical centre erupted in cheers. The news crew outside announced the new arrival to the viewers all over Cybertron wishing the newly arrival good luck in the world around him.

Ratchet wrapped the sparkling in a warm blanket, keeping him warm, and cutted the energon cord, handing the sparkling over to the parents.

Jazz and Prowl peered at their new creation, all snuggled in it's blanket, recharging peacefully.

Then the second one was to arrive. Prowl held their son, and holds Jazz's hand with his other hand, as Jazz began to push.

'Uuurrggghhh...' he groaned, breathing on the gas and air.

'Come on Jazz. A few more pushes.' Ratchet said.

Jazz gave it all his effort.

Minutes later...

A high pitched wail sounded, as Ratchet holds up a small white and black sparkling with doorwings, Jazz's facials, a visor over it's optics, and a red chevron.

'It's a femme!' Ratchet gasped.

Prowl gasped too. No one in his ancestors had fathered a daughter before. He was the first Praxien father to a femme!

Ratchet wrapped the femme in a warm blanket, and hands her to Prowl, who holds his newborn twins in his arms, tears rolling down his face.

'Primus, they're here.' he cried.

He leaned closer towards Jazz, as the visored mech glances at their newborn daughter, and gasped.

'She looks so much like Angel, Prowler.' he said.

Prowl nodded in agreement. 'I'm going to call her Angel. Not only does she remind me of Angel, that this sparkling is my angel, a little gift from Primus for my troubles, forgiving me for everything I did. I feel like I've been given a second chance... I can say hello again to Angel.'

The femme, now called Angel, opened her optics, and looked up at her dad, and giggled, as if she recognized him.

'She's perfect.' Prowl said.

Jazz took hold of their son, and peers at the sleeping mech. 'What shall weh name 'im?' Jazz asked.

Prowl glanced at their son, and picks out some features. 'He looks a lot like me.'

'How 'bout...' Jazz began thinking. 'Axel. It means 'Man of peace.' Peace between us both, and you are at peace now Prowler.'

Prowl smiled. 'I do like it. Axel and Angel. AA team.'

Jazz laughed.

The next day, the newborns were allowed to leave the medical centre. They took their private transport to Autobot base.

There, everyone were waiting for the newborns to step in, and they had gifts for them.

Prowl and Jazz walked into the base, Prowl holding Angel, and Jazz with Axel.

Immediately, everyone crowded to meet the arrivals.

Optimus performed the christening on the twins, christening to the new royal family generation into the family, announcing the new twins along to royal family line.

'There's someone here to see you, bro.' Bluestreak told him.

A mech stepped forward from the crowd.

'You!' Prowl was stunned.

'Hey there Prince,' it was the mech Prowl had saved in the council building, and the same mech who bullied him when he was younger. 'I want to apologize for my actions all those years ago at the academy. It was wrong of me to do so, but I miss my daughter so much, and now you've given your daughter the same name, I wanted to see her.'

'Angel was your daughter? The little femme from the sparkling ward, with her mum Heaven?' Prowl asked.

The mech nodded. 'I'm Streetwise.' he introduced himself, and shook Prowl's hand. 'It's an honour meeting you again. And thank you for saving my life last year. Without your saviour, I wouldn't been able to say goodbye to my daughter. Angel mentioned about you as her favourite Prince, and so before she passed, I said to her 'I met Prowl on the way here, he told me to tell you 'Goodbye, and he'll miss you.' then she passed with a smile on her face.'

'You told her goodbye for me?' Prowl said.

Streetwise nodded. 'It's the least I could do. You saved me. I did my favour from you.'

'Thank you, Streetwise,' Prowl said, and holds out his daughter. 'Want to hold my Angel?'

Streetwise gave a laugh, and nodded, holding the little sparkling in his arms. Angel looked up at Streetwise, and giggled.

'She's wonderful,' Streetwise said. 'Almost like my own daughter.'

Later that week...

'We have a mech and a femme,' Prowl announced to the planet when the twins were a week old. 'We have our son, Axel, and our daughter Angel.' he had told the Autobot Speaks chat show host.

He and Jazz applied for the show, and were now live to the whole planet, little Angel seemed eager to make friends with everyone, and little Axel looked around at the audience, and yawned.

The camera turned to the host.

'I thank you all for watching this show, and reading it all. It has been an honour to read about Sir Prowl's life story, and how he's transformed from this, into a caring father of two beautiful sparklings. He's made friends along the way, took in courage and confidence, and here now, he stands as the next in line to his father's throne of Lord of the Palace, with his Jazz standing as Counstable. We say goodbye to ours guests, and to the guest guests, the twins Axel and Angel. Thank you all for watching, and reading this story. We can take your reviews, and so feel free to leave feedback. Thanks for watching, you read the story on Autobot Speaks, 'Taming the Prince', and goodbye to you.'

Thank you all for taking your time to read this story. It was a a great deal of effort and corrections, but it was worth it all in the end.

Prowl and Jazz are bonded, blessed with two beautiful sparklings indeed, and they did live happily ever after.

Jazz knows something he achieved from the list on his datapad. He did 'Tame a Prince.'

Please leave reviews and feedback, and hope you all loved my story. From TransformersFan01, more stories await from me. Goodbye to you...

If you want, please read my other stories...

Thanks again, a million times. Remember your feedback, and goodbye

Transformersfan01 xx