The Twilight Saga is owned by Stephanie Meyer, I own nothing but my imagination and a huge visa bill.

A/N first off, I'm sorry this took so long, RL has been absolute hell.

Secondly, yes this is the last chapter, it's not my best writing but it's the best I can do at the moment, I hope you still manage to enjoy it.

Thirdly, it seems that Fanfic is doing a purge of all M rated stories and in some case authors. This is frustrating and unfair and I hope this ends soon, but just in case they decide to remove me you can catch all my stories that are here at happyeverafterproject(.)ning(.)com under my prefered username noin and I'm on twitter as noin37. If you want to pm me I can send you an invite.

Chapter 6

Jake's POV



It's strange how your life changes. You spend years yearning for something, wishing, dreaming, hoping, until you finally discover that it's not right for you after all. When I was sixteen all I saw was Bella. My idiotic, selfish, immature, life revolved around her. I saw no one else, no matter how close to them I was, Bella was my dream. I was too foolish to see reality.

Charlie's advice was very apt, 'you should love what is good for you'. Neither Bella nor I had the sense to do that, until we both hit rock bottom. A lot happened after the fight between Sam and Embry. My father finally claimed his second son and also confirmed what I always knew in my heart, the Black family, the alpha line has never imprinted. Embry was free to convince Bella he was hers forever. By the way the big aggressive wolf protected her, cared for her as she recovered, and generally just treated her like a queen, it was not long before she accepted his love and started their life together.

When I was sixteen, I would never have guessed Bella was going to be my sister in law.

When I was seventeen I was ecstatic for my brother and my best friend.

Sam was alpha ordered by Embry to never phase again or harm another human as punishment for his crimes against Bella and of course his imprint. I think the bigger punishment was Emily leaving him. She packed up one day and returned to the Makah reservation where she seems to be happy. We were worried how the separation from his imprint would affect the former Alpha. However it appears the alpha order made his wolf practically dormant and therefore there were no side effects, well...except Sam being a prick, because he wanted Leah back.

He still had wolf senses so when he was "just passing" Embry's home after we left to find Leah, he overheard Bella on the phone to Alice getting Leah's number and that is how he managed to phone her before we arrived. We don't know if it was to convince her he still loved her and to come back to him or to warn her to run so she could escape our visit. I didn't care, his stupid plan didn't work and that's all that matters.

My life has changed so much, Leah and I stayed in Europe, Leah was nervous of just picking up and moving home. She insisted that we date for a while and have a normal relationship until we were more comfortable together and Harry accepted me into their family. That all changed when six weeks after our reunion Leah realised she was pregnant again. It seems us Black men had super sperm, I had two sexathons and I ended up a dad both times. I was ecstatic to be present for this pregnancy and insisted we moved into together so we could be a family. We married three months later at a small service witnessed by Harry, and a couple of people Leah knew. We held off telling family until much later as we didn't want any more drama in our lives.

I have to say my life changed completely the moment I met my first son. Harry...Holy Spirits I thought I knew what love was until I was introduced to him and what an introduction. I had a feeling Leah was holding something back that day as we walked naked hand in hand through the pine fresh, green forest to her home. However my immediate concern was clothes, we couldn't walk through her backyard completely naked. I really didn't want my future mother in law to see my crown jewels or know exactly what had been going on between her daughter and me.

Luckily our two idiot pack brothers that followed had some sense and left out a dress for Leah and shorts for me, they had popped back to the hotel for them.

When we walked into the kitchen I was met by a small tornado as I was attacked by an ankle biter, hitting me with his small fists and shouting angry words at me for hurting his mother.

I froze.

Leah was a mother.

Who was his father?

It broke my heart that she had her first child with someone other than me, but I was not going to let that affect us. I would love this child like my own and always treat it as such. Leah quietly gathered her little boy in her arms and convinced him that I was a friend and that I had not hurt her, we knew each other all our lives and I had come from very far away to see them. When he was eventually convinced I was not an evil ogre he politely came over to me and stuck his hand out for me to shake.

"Hello, my name is Harry Ephraim Black, it's nice to meet you."

I forgot to breath.

The room was perfectly silent.

A nudge from Paul made me come too suddenly. I looked at Leah and she had a scared, sad look to her face. I gazed down at my son and I swear my heart doubled in size. I knelt down quietly in front of him. "Hello Harry Ephraim Black that is a lovely name. How did you get such a nice name?"

"My grandda's name was Harry but he died 'long time ago. Ephraim was... my great...granddads name and he was very special and 'portant to his troupe, so my mommy gave me that name to 'onour him and B...B...Black is my daddy's name." He cocked his head curiously and looked closely at me. "Are you my daddy?"

Holy crap this child was perceptive. Not knowing how to answer I looked quickly at Leah to see silent tears roll down her cheek as she nodded quietly to me. "Yes Harry, I'm your Daddy. I am very pleased to finally meet you and I can't wait to get to know you better. "Yay I have a daddy." Suddenly the tornado took off again and landed in my arms hugging me tightly. That day was the best day of my life.

Our life was not all unicorns and butterflies, we didn't agree about all things and needless to say Bella was the biggest problem. Leah didn't care that she was married to Embry with kids, she saw her as the source of all her hurt and didn't want Bella in our lives. Leah refused to move back to La Push while Bella was living there. This was difficult for me as I was away from my pack , my father and my brother and yes, I missed my best friend Bella, but being with Leah was worth any sacrifice.

We moved back to the states when Leah had our fourth child, Sue and Billy's constant grousing about not seeing their grandkids finally wore Leah down to a compromise by moving back and living close enough for weekly visits but refusing to live in La Push. She obtained an excellent job in Seattle running their large Intensive Care Unit. All Leah's hard work paid off, she was top of her field and was practically head hunted to come home. After four kids she still looked gorgeous as ever. I would have happily had more but I was told by my beautiful wife that she was done, it was time for her to do what she was trained to do. When I suggested it was my turn to take care of the family now that I had my degree she laughed and told me as admirable as that was she knew most of my cases would end up being pro bono and that was fine, I had found something that I loved and could be helpful to the pack if there was ever a need. She was proved right when I lasted only six weeks in a standard veterinary clinic. I felt I couldn't deal with pink poodles and yapping Chihuahua's anymore and took a job with the wildlife park in Eatonville. I loved taking care of the animals that were sacred to me. Luckily we had decided to live in Tacoma so we midway between both our jobs and yes Quil never tires of pointing out the irony that I am a Vet.

When we moved Harry was in middle school and found the education system interesting in the states with the only thing he felt he was weak at was History as his study of American History was not as diverse as his study of European history. Other than that he was fine as he was an easy going kid and made plenty of friends quickly. Liam and Sarah also fitted in quickly to elementary school and baby Sue was spoilt rotten by all the daycare staff in Leah's hospital.

Life was good. We were happy and at peace with our mate and our pups. What more could a wolf ask for?