Hello Everyone! I'm having difficulty with my other story and changing my character's personality. So... I decided to take a small break from it. This is the beginning of a story that I have been craving to write! Basically I do not own Digimon or any of its characters but I do own Haru Bianci :)
"There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again." - Elizabeth Lawrence
"Tai!" A girl with short red hair yelled.
Tai looked at the girl and smiled. "Sora!" He yelled and passed the ball. It was a great pass and Sora passed it back to Tai and he scored easily. The group of friends congratulated each other. It wasn't an official game, just a bunch of kids playing with each other.
"Oi! Can I play?" A kid with a baseball cap on backwards asked up on a hill.
"Yeah! Come on down!" Tai said happily. When the kid reached him, he introduced himself. "My name's Taichi Kamiya, but you can call me Tai."
"I'm Sora Takenouchi." Sora said happily.
"My name is Haru Bianci." They started playing together and got along really well. "Tai!" Haru yelled and passed the ball passed the defensive player, but when Tai tried to pass it back, the defender tipped it and sent it flying. Sora couldn't get to the ball in time, but Haru could. Haru jumped up hit the ball with her head and scored a goal, but caused the hat to fall off.
Tai and Sora were shocked. Haru stood triumphant with hands on hips. "You're a girl!" Tai yelled.
"Huh?" Haru asked. Her short blonde hair was messy from the hat. "Of course I am…"
"That was amazing!" Sora yelled and hugged Haru. "Where did you learn to do that?"
"I don't know…" Haru said embarrassed. She rubbed her neck embarrassed. "I just practice in my room all the time." They both smiled at her.
"You're always going to be on my team!" Tai exclaimed and picking her up since she was kind of short and light.
"Hey! Put me down!" Haru started panicking. "I don't like being high!"
"Then it's a good thing you're short." Tai said and Sora started laughing.
"That's not funny…" Haru complained. "Just because I'm short doesn't give you reason to make fun of me Taichi."
"You can call me Tai." Tai said annoyed placing her down. "Taichi is too long besides I like you." Tai patted her hair playfully and Haru smiled.
This all occurred when Tai and Sora were seven and Haru was six. The three became best friends, especially Tai and Haru. The two became inseparable since they were so much alike. Tai was also excited to learn that Haru was also in the same grade as him even though she was a year younger. Her parents had started her a year earlier.
Haru and Tai slept over each other's houses, played soccer and did homework together, and told each other everything. Putting the two of them together to come up with a plan could be disastrous especially when the two never really thought their actions through. They were also very mischievous when with each other. They would always plays jokes and pranks on people around them. A lot of time Sora was the one receiving their actions.
From always being around Tai, Haru quickly became an older sister figure for Kari. Unlike Tai, Haru was one who could tell what someone was feeling by looking at them. Even if they were trying to hide their true feelings, Haru could feel what they were feeling, sort of like Empath. Haru could always tell when Kari was falling into darkness.
"Kari…" The younger girl looked at the blonde in front of her. "You can tell me what's wrong." Haru had said one day when the two were waiting for Tai to come home.
"It's scary…" Kari said quietly finally showing the fear.
Haru hugged Kari tightly. "There's nothing to be afraid of."
"But it's calling to me… Something is calling to me." Kari said.
Haru pulled the girl away and smiled at her. "But I know your heart. It's light and good." Haru said softly.
"It's easier when you're around Haru-nii." Kari said looking into Haru's warm brown eyes. "You're heart is so strong. I want to be just like you."
Haru laughed. "Thanks, but you know if I'm not around when you need me, I want you to remember this: "The light is in the strength of your heart." Your heart is stronger than mine when it comes to this Kari. I can feel it. You have such goodness and light in you that I know you will be okay. You have people who care about you."
"Thank you Haru-nii."
Haru had become Kari's strength. Numerous times Haru had come to Kari's rescue when Kari thought she was losing the battle. Living across the street from Kari and Tai helped Haru be there all the time.
Kari wasn't the only one who loved to be around Haru. Sora also felt a pull toward the younger tomboy. Sora liked to think that Haru was like a younger version of herself. The two were best friends, but Sora couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of Haru. Haru just seemed to attract people to her with her bright eyes, smile, and attitude. It was like people couldn't stay away.
Tai may have felt this also, but he never noticed if he did. The two were so alike that it was quite creepy. They did everything together and finally when Tai was eleven he convinced his mom to let him go to summer camp, so obviously he and Haru went across the street to talk to her parents.
"Please Momma!" Haru begged.
"Please Mrs. Bianci!" Tai also begged. Both of them gave puppy dog faces which caused Haru's Mom to laugh at the two.
"I'm sorry you two, but I don't think it's a good idea. Haru's only ten years old."
"But Momma!" Haru cried. "I really want to go with Tai!"
"Haru…" Her mom sighed.
"Please Mrs. Bianci, Kari is going too!" Tai said hopefully.
She sighed again. "Fine, I'll talk with your father." She said to Haru. "But I'm not promising anything." Her mother walked away.
Tai and Haru looked at each other with bright smiles spreading across their faces. They yelled happily and hugged each other knowing that if they could get through to Haru's mom that her dad would easily agree. And it worked. Later that night, Haru's parents talked to her about being safe and all that good stuff that parents always talk about. They said as long as she behaved the next month, she would be allowed to go.
So it was set. Haru would be going to summer camp with Tai. Both were excited. The next month passed by quickly and Tai couldn't wait to leave. He and Haru were in his room talking about what might happen there. Kari wasn't going to be able to go since she had gotten extremely sick from when Tai and Haru took her out in the rain to play. The two felt terrible about it, but Kari told them to have fun no matter what.
The next day, Tai quickly put his bags in his mom's car and ran across the street to get Haru. He quickly ran up the stairs to her apartment door and knocked, but no one answered. He knocked again, this time louder, but still no one answered. He thought maybe Haru's parents decided to drive her there themselves so he went back to his house to finish getting ready to leave. However, when he arrived at camp he found that no one was there waiting for him. He found Sora, but it wasn't the same as having Haru always by his side. But little did he know that a whole new adventure was waiting for him.
I know it is a little slow but I had to do something as a prequel to the rest of the story. I'm still working on the other chapters and I'm taking extra care to make sure that Haru does NOT turn into a Mary Sue but I think I'm pretty good with this story. :) I'll try to update as soon as possible!