Author's notes:

Hi this is Killerninja123, here! I just want to let you know that there's going to be a sequal! Actually four more sequals. So anyway this next sequal is about Leo. It's called: The Stolen Chariot. I know what you guys are thinking. That title was from the Demigod Files, when Clarrise and Percy has to get Ares's war chariot back from Ares's immortal sons.

I don't want to spoil it for you, but I can only tell you that Ares's war chariot is going to be stolen again, but not by is sons, someone else. Who? I'm still trying to pick a god or goddess. So it'll take a while. If you have any suggestions for a god or goddess let me know!



The other three sequeals aren't about Lily and Leo, but they will be in there, even Percy and all of the gang will be in there too. It's just new characters and all. Also plz tried to guess what the three other sequals are about. I want to see if you guys get them right.
