Killerninja123: Hope you like the story!

Summary: Lance has a secret: He is actually a girl name Lily Taylor who disguised herself as a guy becaues of her aunt, uncle, and half sister that hates her. Now her secret is out becaues of her mother Aphrodite. Now she has to go on a quest to save the goddess of harmony. Will anyone help her? Maybe one person can. LeoxOc

Killerninja123: Also the characters may be OCC.

Lance POV

The bell rang and everyone sat down. I sat with my friend Leo Valdez. He was grinning at me as if he wanted something. I knew this isn't a good sign.

"Hey, Lance did you do your homework?" Leo asked

I frown. "Leo we shared the same dorm. Of course I did my homework!"

"Can I borrow it?"

"Why? Becaues you didn't do your homework?"


"Fine." I said as I handed my homework to him. "Next time do your homework."

"We know that's not going to happen." Leo said

I shook my head. Then the teacher came.

"Alright, boys." said Mr. Janson. "Today we have a new student, also we'll be having a review of the cultures of Greek and Romans."

The door open and there came a boy about my age. He had black hair and dark brown eyes.

"Hey, Nico over here!" Leo shouted

"You know him?" I asked

"Long story."

"Okay then, anyway this is Mr. Nico di Angelo." Mr. Janson continued. "Now go take your seat next to Mr. Taylor."

Nico nodded and sat at the desk next to me. He looks wierd. Class started and Mr. Janson started his giant lecture about cultures like he does everyday when we always started a new topic. Then Leo pass me a note:

Leo: Are you going anywhere after school?

I frown and pass the note back:

Lance: No why?

Leo: I need to take you somewhere.

Lance: What do you mean and where are you taking me?

Leo: I'll explained after school, but first we need to wait for some freinds of mine.

Lance: This better be good.

Leo: You might be surprise.

After the note talk, another teacher came in.

"Hello, Ms. Cronswad." Mr. Janson greeted the teacher. "Is there anything that you need?"

"Yes." Ms. Cornswad repleid. "I need Lance Taylor."

What did I do? I thought. I got up, but then Leo got up from his seat too.

"Actually, Ms. Cornswad, why not you talk to Lance after tonight?" Leo suggested

"No, Mr. Valdez, I really need to tlak to Mr. Taylor." Ms. Cronswad growled

"But-" Leo tried to protest

"No! Now Mr. Taylor come with me!" Ms. Cornswad shouted

"Yes, ma'am." I said

I walk over to her. Leo looked at me with worry. I mouthed: It'll be fine. But then Leo mouthed: Don't trust her! What is he talking about? Then Ms. Cornswad grab my arm and pulled me into the empty gym. The door started to lock. Ms. Cornswad face me. She was growling at me.

"Um. . .is there something you need, Ms. Cornswad?" I asked

"Yes, you flesh." Ms. Cornswad replied

My eyes widen. "W-What?"

"You heard me, Lance Taylor." Ms. Cornswad growled more louder.

I took a step back. My instinct told me to run, but there was no way out. Then she hissed at me. Wait! Teachers can't hissed right?

"Ms. Cronswad?" I asked nervusly

Ms. Cornswad was-was transforming into a thing! She was growing taller and more scarier. I wished I could of scream, but I can't. I'm actually a girl. I mean literally a girl. My name is actaully Lily Taylor, not Lance Taylor. I was planning to tell Leo about my secret, but I was afriad that he might not be my friend anymore. I started to ran to the doors, but I forgot they were locked.

"Help!" I shouted

Ms. Cronswad threw a giant club at me. I thought I was going to be a goner, but then a wall of fire suddenly came in front of me. The wall of fire burn the giant club in seconds. The doors burst open and Leo, Nico, and a guy who has black hair and green eyes.

"What's going on?" I asked

"I'll explain later Lance," Leo said as he grab my wrist. "Come on!"

We ran and the giant broke the gym and was ranning at us.

"Hey, Percy do you have a plan?" Leo asked

"Why me?" asked the guy Percy. "There's no water near by. We'll keep running. Besides we need to go to the roof. Jason and Annabeth are waiting for us."

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. "And don't let me wait for you to explained. I want answers!"

"Alright!" Leo said. "I'm a half-blood. So is Percy, Nico,and you. My friends who are waiting for us at the roof are half-bloods too."

"Your insane!" I shouted

"It's actual truth." Percy said

"Just do as we say!" Nico shouted

We ran through the stairs. The giant lady was trying to tear and walls apart to get us. As we got to the roof and locked the doors there was a chariot, with winged horses. Also there was a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes and a girl with blonde hair and intence gray eyes.

"Is that him?" asked the blond girl

"Yes, Annabeth," Percy replied. "but we need to hurry fast."

"There's a giant coming after us." Nico explained

"I see," said the blond guy. "come aborad. My name is Jason and this girl here is Annabeth."

"I'm not going on a chariot." I said

"Lance you have to." Leo said

"No!" I insisted. "This must be my imagination!"

"Lance I know this is surpsing, but it's not your imagination." Leo replied "Come on the chariot. The sooner we leave the sooner we get to camp."

"Camp?" I asked. "What camp."

Leo didn't anwer. Instead he pushed me on the chariot. The doors and the wall burst open. The giant found us. Then a lot of clouds appeared. It started to rain a little and then it stop. There was a lot of water on the ground, but there was still lightning. Jason, Percy, Nico, and Leo got off of the chariot. In Leo's hand was fire? Jason was having lightning around him, Percy was lifting up the water, and Nico was summoning dead skeletons.

The giant roared and charge at them. Percy made the water turn into sharpe little needles of whater and it went flying at the giant. The giant raored in anger. The skeletons that Nico summoned went charging at the giant. Leo toss fire at the giant to let it burn and lastly Jason use his lighting to strike at the giant. It was so intence. I never seen anything like that before. The giant fell down and started to disinagrate.

Then the boys went on the chariot asif there was no problem.

"How did you do that?" I asked in amazed

"I'll explain later when we get to camp." Leo replied

"Camp? What camp?"

"'What camp?'" Percy questioned me as if I said soemthing wrong.

"Were going to Camp Half-Blood." Annabeth said

Killerninja123: What do you think? Review time!