Disclaimer: Nuramago belongs to Shiibashi-sensei, Durarara! belongs to Narita Ryohgo.
Warning: AU, shounen ai-yaoi (Yoru/Rikuo, Shizuo/Izaya, Kida/Mikado), hints of het (Kubinashi/Celty), oOC-ness, possible grammar and spelling errors, etc…
A/N: Sorry for the slow update for this fic. I guess this series has lost its readers' interest for some times now after Nuramago 2nd Season is over. Anyway, this is the new chapter, and will be the last one for this fic! Now, ENJOY!
Youkai, Human, Fairy, Monster and Parasite
Part 6: Last Part
After Shizuo went on rampage at the afternoon, which was completely justified because he had been tricked into agreeing to be a part of a youkai family, worse… yakuza family, the house was quiet now, courtesy of Shinra, helped by Zen, who put a sleeping drug in Shizuo's milk.
Yes, the poisonous bird youkai helped Shinra put Shizuo to sleep using his special sleeping powder and spell. Because Shizuo's body metabolism wasn't normal, no matter how much Shinra used the tranquilizer, it always wears off less than an hour. But using Zen's special potion, at least the blond ex-bartender had been asleep for more than two hours now.
Izaya was thankful to the human doctor and the youkai because he needed to think about the agreement he had been forced into by Nurarihyon, trying to find away to nullify it; and having Shizuo chase him around the old wooden traditional mansion wasn't helping at all.
Izaya knew very well that Shizuo didn't actually want to be a part of yakuza group either. He just wanted to see Izaya squirm, uncomfortable for not being in control of the situation.
What? Of course the other humans hadn't left yet. They were just resting, mostly (the middle school kids) asleep because they were tired for not sleeping properly the night before. The weaker youkai, which were not used to be up and around in day time, went into their 'rooms' as well, preferring to be in the shadow while observing the humans.
Mikado, Kida and Anri were still in the recreational room, already getting used to the sight of the various youkai. They even befriended some of them… at least the less dangerous looking ones. Anri had a small talk with Kejorou about something while Kida and Mikado were observing them.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Mikado asked his blond friend beside him curiously.
"I don't know… maybe about how to maintain those nice sexy bodies eternally?" Kida chuckled and Mikado hit his head. "Ow! What was that for?" he protested at his dark haired best friend, nursing his abused head.
"Stop thinking about perverted stuffs about women all the time, Kida-kun!" Mikado hissed at Kida in annoyance. He had had enough of hearing how Kida loved women's body.
Kida smirked slightly at his blushing friend. "Oh… is that jealousy I'm hearing?" he asked teasingly and Mikado's face turned a darker shed of red.
"Moron!" Mikado attempted to hit Kida's head again, but his wrist was caught by the blond boy and was brought to Kida's mouth before he kissed the back of his hand. Mikado blushed harder at the unexpected act. "Ki-Kida-kun?" he squeaked in alarm.
"Don't worry, Mikado… I've already pledged my loyalty to one person and one person only," Kida opened his eyes as his gaze landed on Mikado's astounded ones. He smirked again, still kissing Mikado's hand. "I'm Mikado's personal Knight now," he whispered, pulling back slightly only to kiss Mikado's fingers one by one before licking them sensually.
"K-Kida-kun…!" Mikado stuttered, well, surprised and shocked that Kida would do something so… so embarrassing. If it was just his words, Mikado had heard all the crappy pick up lines which would never work no matter what, but Kida's lack of sense in words were totally made up by his action that no one could mistake his intention.
"Mikado…" Kida softened his gaze at Mikado's clear blue eyes, his hand still on Mikado's. He leaned slowly to Mikado's face more closely.
"Ki-… Kida…" Mikado couldn't help the heat rising on his face as he stuttered slightly, his lips trembling as Kida gazed at them. The blond then looked at Mikado's eyes again and the dark haired one couldn't help lowering his gaze in invitation as well because… well, Mikado might have never shown it to anyone, but… he loved his best friend, like… very much.
Kida stopped just five millimeters before his lips touched Mikado and then he whispered "Call me Masaomi…" and he closed the very small distance in a soft kiss.
"Nnh…!" Mikado involuntarily moaned and closed his eyes as he kissed Kida back.
The boys were completely unaware that they had been watched by Anri who was blushing in embarrassment and Kejorou who giggled while saying "How cute~!"
"I'm sorry…" Anri apologized to the older woman who possessed very beautiful long wavy dark brown hair.
"Why are you apologizing Anri-chan?" Kejorou asked, puzzled.
"Well… both Mikado-kun and Kida-kun don't usually show their feeling like that to each other, let alone in public, but… maybe last night incident made them realize that they need each other to live," Anri commented softly with a smile on her face.
"Hmm? I'm under the impression that both of them like you too, Anri-chan," Kejorou said, smiling kindly as well.
"Yes… they used to, but…" Now Anri put a slightly sad face. "Unfortunately, I'm unable to return their feelings…."
"Is that because you already like someone else?" Kejorou asked.
Anri shook her face. "Because of Saika's curse… I'm unable to love someone or anyone in a special way," she smiled again now even though in Kejorou's eyes, she looked almost like crying.
"Oh, Anri-chan…" Kejorou spoke with a tinge of sympathy in her tone. She hugged the girl closely and caressed her hair softly. "Even though it isn't a romantic love, I believe you're able to love them in a different way… because for you, they're the most important people in your life, right, Anri-chan?"
Anri widened her eyes slightly for a moment before she smiled again, more genuinely this time. "Yes…" she said, closing her eyes contently.
~Durarara! x Nuramago~
Celty was still following Kubinashi around, much to Shinra chagrin. Kubinashi was a little bothered too by Celty's fascination on him and the fact that his head was floating.
[Kubinashi-san, Kubinashi-san, can I touch your head?], she tapped Kubinashi's shoulder and the blond-black haired youkai turned around, reading the PDA and twitched slightly.
"There's nothing interesting about my head," Kubinashi said, trying not to be rude because Celty was a woman despite her headless state.
[No, I just want to check out something, please?], Celty begged. Kubinashi knew she was because her hands were clasped in front of her chest and even though she didn't have puppy eyes, Kubinashi was weak seeing her posture and gesture that screamed 'I'm so cute you can't resist me!' or something on that line.
Kubinashi sighed deeply before hanging head down literally. "Fine," he said as he took a hold of his head and then gave it to Celty who seemed very happy from her giddy gesture. Kubinashi thought it was weird that he knew so much about the state of her feelings without actually seeing her expression.
With almost trembling hands, Celty received the head and then… she blushed. Well, without her face, it was hard to tell but her body shivered and there was the love-shaped smoke wafting around her and her neck.
Kubinashi's sweat dropped seeing it. "What's wrong?" he asked, rather confused by the reaction. Clety didn't type anything on her PDA, but she brought Kubinashi's head closer to her chest and hugged it earnestly. Kubinashi didn't know what was wrong, so he was silent and let her do as her please.
They stayed like that for a moment before Celty released Kubinashi's head and began to type again in her PDA. [Thank you…. It's been awhile since I hug a head. That reminded me so much about that time, when I still had mine… It was nostalgic and I couldn't help it. Sorry for bothering you, Kubinashi-san], she showed it to Kubinashi and she would probably be smiling in teary eyes if she had her head right then.
Kubinashi smiled slightly and after putting his head back on its respective place, he reached his hands to hug the petit body in front of him, much to Celty's surprise because her body jerked slightly. "I'm not bothered. Why would I be when a woman decide to hug my head?" he chuckled and he could imagine the woman blush at his words.
Celty hurriedly typed in her PDA. [I-I-I'm sorry if you misunderstand! But, I already have someone!], and she was frantic too in explaining using her device. It was kind of cute seeing her like that. Kubinashi knew now why that human doctor was so into her in the first place.
Kubinashi chuckled slightly. "I know. I just want to tease you, Celty-san," he said while releasing his hug from her. He smiled at the seemingly nervous headless woman and chuckled again because he could read her perplexed gesture. "I hope you and that doctor's love can last for eternity," he said kindly before walking away from a dumbstruck Celty whose heart was beating rather fast and hard.
It was the second time she felt that way. One was when she was around Shinra and then this… what was this? Was she interested in Kubinashi too? What about Shinra then?
Aaah! I don't understand!—Now Celty was having a 'feeling' crisis.
Poor-poor Dullahan for getting confused over her own feeling….
~Durarara! x Nuramago~
Rikuo had changed once again into Yoru and he was sitting on the branch of the Sakura tree with a smile on his face. He was rather glad that he could get Shizuo and Izaya on his side. Even though both men were clearly dangerous and highly unstable, they actually possessed good hearts.
Well, Shizuo did, Yoru wasn't so sure about Izaya, but he the dark haired crimson eyed man had his own superior quality compared to ordinary humans. He surely could use him for Nura Gumi well being. He hadn't known about their background yet, but Yoru and Rikuo planned to know them better, later.
"Um… Rikuo-kun."
Yoru turned aside slightly as he heard the call. It actually came from Shinra who looked upward to the quarter youkai from his spot on the ground just bellow.
"Good evening, Shinra," Yoru smiled at the man that looked so much alike his Rikuo. Of course, he had known that Shinra was totally different from his Rikuo on the inside, but still… it was nice to look at his adorable face.
"What are you doing up there?" Shinra asked, looking curious.
"Ah… do you want to come up here? I'm having a drink," Yoru said, closing one of his eyes with a nice smile on his face while patting the spot beside him.
"Huh? Aren't you still 13? You're still a minor!" Shinra scolded the younger boy with a horrified look on his face and Yoru chuckled at that.
"Don't worry, Sensei. In youkai circle, 13 year old is considered already come of age," Yoru replied easily. "Come, have a drink with me, Shinra," he then smiled enticingly at the brown haired man and Shinra sighed in defeat as he could only nod.
"Fine," Shinra said before he climbed the tree until he reached the branch where Yoru was. He then carefully sat beside Yoru who moved slightly to give Shinra enough space to sit on.
Shinra then faced forward, the way Yoru had been looking at earlier, while Yoru was pouring a cup of sake for him. "Oh… so this is what you see…" he then mumbled after seeing what Yoru did.
Yoru smiled slightly, offering the cup to the underground doctor as he replied "That's how I look at humans dreams every night."
"Humans' dreams…?" Shinra asked, accepting the cup before shipping from it.
"My dad used to tell me that those sparkling lights are filled with humans' dreams… and each day, they're getting bigger and brighter, drowning the darkness where ayakashi and youkai live all this time. They are increasing… along with the numbers of humans in this world. However, the stronger those lights get, the weaker we, 'youkai' become… because humans' belief of our existence is thinning.
"This Nura Gumi… exists solely to protect those weakening youkai that survive in this world. We only want to live the rest of our lives peacefully, coexisting with humans in the civilest possible manner," Yoru explained slowly, stressing each important word, so Shinra could understand.
"We have never intended to be known by humans… but some evil youkai disagree with our way of life. They're threatened because, if our long-life project is successful, they will lose their power to overpower and conquering humans… how foolish. They're trying to fight in a losing battle. They're conservative and unable to see the benefit of coexisting with humans as equals beings."
Shinra didn't say anything while Yoru was explaining the purpose of his family and the nature of youkai in general and how his family wanted to change their way of life. It was heavy and meaningful, full of idealistic ideas that came from a purest heart and Shinra admired how the youkai had faith in youkai and humanity alike to realize it someday.
"Sorry for rambling. I must have bored you," Yoru said rather sheepishly.
"No, I think it's a wonderful dream… you and your family have," Shinra smiled softly at Rikuo. "I think it will be wonderful if both human and youkai can live as equals, connect and communicate normally and maybe can have special relationship like Celty and me," he grinned then, seeming to totally understand.
Yoru chuckled. "Yeah, you're quite peculiar too for falling in love with a fairy."
"You can talk. After all, you are a product of love between two races as well, right? And I know that Kana girl has crush on you," Shinra smirked teasingly.
"Ah… yeah, Mom and Dad… Oh, but I already have someone in my heart," Yoru said, smirking slightly in retaliation.
"Ooh! Tell me about it! Who is it? That blond haired girl? Or maybe the dark haired one?" Shinra looked excited as he guessed.
"Nah… it's my human self," Yoru said.
There was a brief silence before "Eh?" Shinra set a dumbfounded look on his face and Yoru snorted slightly, amused seeing his dumb look.
"Yeah, I'm in love with my human self. That's why I'm so intrigued when I saw you. You look like an older version of him after all," Yoru was still chuckling seeing Shinra reddening face. The older man looked very embarrassed now.
"You… are you a narcissist?" Shinra asked while looking at Yoru ridiculously.
"Maybe, I'm not sure. It's just that… we're always together, Rikuo and I… and I can't help falling in love with how pure his heart is," Yoru closed his eyes, sipping on his drink slowly. "He's so different from me… and yet we're so alike too, I don't know, opposite attraction, maybe?"
"But isn't your human self the same as you?" Shinra scrunched his face in confusion.
"Yep, we're only connecting in our inner world, but I think it's enough for me… unless you have any idea of how to separate us, Doctor. I don't mind if you give up that body of yours to be Rikuo's container," Yoru smirked again at Shinra, rather dangerously, and the older man gulped seeing Yoru's crimson eyes trained at his body.
"Ugh… sorry, I have to pass. As much as I want to study about your body, I don't want to give up my own, since Celty will be very sad if I'm gone…" Shinra looked at another way, a corn sized bead of sweat dropping from his cheek. He actually looked nervous at that.
Yoru laughed slightly at that. "Just kidding, Shinra. Rikuo would be mad if I really did that," he rolled his eyes while sighing in defeat. "Rikuo is too nice to do something like that," he grinned then. When he remembered about the adorable chocolate-haired boy, his heart always felt light and happy.
Shinra was silent for five till ten seconds seeing Yoru's expression when he talked about his other half. "You really separate yourself from your day form, huh?" he asked then, looking curious.
"I do. We're different entities in one body and we intend to stay coexist for the rest of our lives. We're soul mates after all…" Yoru said slowly, feeling content with that.
"Hmm… if it's in medical world, you will be forced to pick one of the two and let the other disappear, but since you know that the other exists, does that mean your other half knows everything what you do as well?" Shinra asked again.
"Yep, even what I'm thinking," Yoru nodded.
"You have no privacy then," Shinra's sweat dropped.
"Don't need to. Both I and Rikuo accept ourselves as the way we are. It's the ultimate relationship," Yoru winked slightly, feeling proud of that.
"Well, if you're happy living this way, it's your choice," Shinra shrugged. Even though as a doctor he knew that that kind of life wasn't exactly healthy, who was he to tell the youkai what to do? After all, he also realized that his obsession with science wasn't healthy too.
"But… I'm starting to like Shizuo," Yoru spoke suddenly and Shinra almost dropped his cup as he sputtered at him with widened eyes. "Rikuo seems to like him as well. They actually almost kissed this afternoon. So, maybe… he can come together with us," the youkai grinned naughtily and Shinra couldn't help paling slightly at that.
Well, the doctor was probably screaming in his head that Shizuo was in danger then.
~Durarara! x Nuramago~
Izaya was looking at Shizuo who was sleeping soundly on the tatami, looking totally defenseless and uncaring about the world around him at that moment. To tell the truth, he looked innocent and adorable when he was sleeping, and Izaya was itching to stab the blond haired ex-bartender with his flick-blade only to test if the monster's body was still as freakishly strong as ever.
Unfortunately, Izaya was still raking his brain to get out of their impossible situation. In an hour or two, both he and Shizuo would have to exchange sakazuki with Rikuo and that sealed the deal in yakuza circle. Betraying the family meant 'death'.
Izaya was a freelance informant; he didn't work under anybody because he hated being ordered around. He did what he liked and he wasn't about to succumb into anyone else's power no matter what. His pride was too high for something like that.
However, even with Izaya's marvelous brain, he still couldn't find a way to get out of this. Conning yakuza was one thing, but conning 'yakuza youkai' was in entirely different league. He could disappear and no one would notice if it was 'youkai' job after all.
Izaya sighed deeply. He glanced at Shizuo again and scowled at him. He kicked Shizuo's side just to relieve some stresses. "Muscle-brain, one-celled amoeba," he muttered under his breath. "Don't just sleep, think of something, damn you," he continued, kicking Shizuo's leg now.
Shizuo didn't even stir. Izaya sighed again. He laid down beside the blond then, staring at the wooden ceiling with a frown. "Ne, Shizu-chan… do you know why I always try to piss you off?" he asked the unconscious man, which was of course wouldn't get an answer from, but that was the reason why he did. Whatever he was saying here, Shizuo wouldn't know.
"It's because you caught my interest… since the moment we met in high school… or was it at middle school? I don't remember anymore… the only thing that I remember about that day was your eyes. They were like fire…, still are until now. I have never seen such lively expression even though it's just anger on your part.
"I'm interested in knowing how much more expressions you can make… but your brute inhuman strength really is troublesome. Moreover, your personality… I can never predict your acts and feelings, it's bothersome and upsetting because you're so different from my beloved humans, and yet you're the only one that can make me this excited in living my life. I get annoyed whenever you do something that ruins my carefully planned project or anything else at all…. You're so very irritating, Shizu-chan… but you never fail to amuse me too…. It's weird… why am I so interested in a monster like you, Shizu-chan?"
Izaya asked himself about it repeatedly, but until now, he never found the answer. What was it that made Shizuo so special that he could stir Izaya's emotion like that? Izaya was always cool and collected facing his beloved humans, but only to the monster Shizuo that he couldn't keep his cool.
Maybe that was the sole reason of why Izaya lived… to find answer of that question.
"You are a moron."
Izaya twitched as he heard the low baritone voice of Shizuo, but he didn't move from his spot. Since when had Shizuo woken up? How much did he hear about Izaya's one-sided confession? Izaya was actually sweating in panic inwardly, but his exterior remained cool and composed.
"Eavesdropping, really? You've such a bad hobby, Shizu-chan…" Izaya mocked the blond slowly, with patronizing tone, but he didn't turn to face Shizuo.
Shizuo didn't get mad or annoyed at that for once, to Izaya's surprise (see, Shizuo was always hard to predict!), but the taller and bigger man then rolled over so his body was set on top of Izaya, looming over the sprawled man.
Izaya didn't even flinch, but he got to see Shizuo's mocha colored eyes as the blond ex-bartender stared down at his crimson orbs. "If you're so curious about how you feel about me, why don't you try everything out, Izaya-kun? And then you can move from that," he asked then, leaning his face closer to the dark haired man.
Izaya smirked. "Shizu-chan… are you flirting with me?" he asked teasingly.
"What do you think?" Shizuo whispered near Izaya's ear, making him shiver slightly from something similar to excitement, but it was slightly different from the excitement when they were about to fight.
It was more like… he was anticipating something enjoyable and Izaya was dumb if he didn't recognize that feeling. It was human nature, and as much as Izaya wanted to deny it, he was one of humans despite his god complex.
Well, it didn't mean Izaya liked Shizuo or anything, but he was curious indeed. He was hesitating for a moment before he curved his arms around Shizuo's neck. "What do you think will happen if we cross the line?" he asked then, for once not testing, but only because he himself didn't know the answer.
"Who knows? We just have to find out after it's done. Whether we regret it or not, once in awhile, taking a leap of faith is necessary in life, Izaya-kun," Shizuo smiled slightly and leaning down to close the small distance between Izaya and him with a searing kiss on the lips.
Izaya closed his eyes and felt it, for once, not knowing what would happen after this, but he was willing to try because… this was Shizuo, the most unpredictable being in this universe. As much as Izaya hated unpredictability, he couldn't help feeling slightly exhilarated, his heart pounding fast and hard and even if it was a little bit suffocating, it didn't feel unpleasant.
Oh no… it never felt unpleasant….
~Durarara! x Nuramago~
When the clock struck midnight, all the youkai started to gather in the yard of Nura Mansion, near the Sakura tree to see the ceremony of exchanging sakazuki.
Yoru sat just on the mattress under the tree with the pink glowing petals dancing around him. The two humans in front of him, Orihara Izaya and Heiwajima Shizuo were silent, sitting in formal manner with their eyes closed calmly.
"Izaya-san… really accepted the offer to be a part of this family?" Kida widened his eyes in disbelief as he, Mikado and Anri were informed about the ceremony.
"More than Orihara-san, I can't believe that Shizuo-san did! I meant… he hated yakuza!" Mikado whispered back urgently with a shocked expression as well.
Anri was silent, but she looked slightly worried as well.
"Are they really serious?" Shinra couldn't help dropping his jaw as he saw them. He was shocked when he was informed about this earlier, but he thought those two were just messing around with him.
[It seems they're tricked into joining], Celty typed and showed, having been informed much earlier about this by Kubinashi who knew what Nurarihyon and Rikuo had done to pull those two to be the family members.
"Now, Izaya, Shizuo, do you know the most important rules of being a part of Nura Gumi?" Rikuo asked. Both men shook their heads. "One, Nura Gumi members have to be loyal to the family and friends alike. It means you must do what you can to protect Nura Gumi existence. It doesn't mean you have to do whatever I or Jiichan tell you to do, but just remember the decision made by the Generals are for Nura Gumi sake. If you have objection, just say it directly, we'll talk about it to find the best solution. No plotting behind our back that can endanger Nura Gumi and its members. Treason will be investigated and dealt accordingly.
"Two, do not kill humans. Whatever the reasons, I won't tolerate anyone in the family that attacks and kills humans. I repeat, no matter what reasons, killing human will earn you a very severe punishment, so be careful. Both of Izaya and Shizuo are humans, but this rule is absolute. You won't get away from punishment if you break this rule," Yoru narrowed his eyes tensely at the both humans in front of him and Izaya raised his hand.
"What about if we must kill to protect ourselves?" the dark haired man asked.
"Then your action will be investigated and dealt accordingly. If it's really for self defense, your punishment might be lighter," Rikuo said.
"Either way, we're still get punished?" Izaya sighed, looking rather indignant.
"As long as we don't kill, huh…? Then beating the crap of someone or a lot of people doesn't count, right?" Shizuo suddenly asked.
Izaya turned to Shizuo while blinking in stunned look. Yoru chuckled slightly at Shizuo. "That's right. You can beat the shit out of those society trashes, but no killing humans," the Sandaime said, smirking evilly.
Izaya snorted as he heard that. "Then there's absolutely no problem," he smirked after that.
"Last but not least… we're family, so treasure your family like you treasure your own life… more than your own life," Yoru said and both men smiled slightly at that.
Tsurara then poured a big cup of sake on Rikuo's cup and he drank ¾ of it before he gave it to Shizuo who accepted and drank the remaining alcohol. The process was repeated by Rikuo and Izaya and after that they were official as the boss and the subordinates.
Everyone cheered as the ceremony was done and Yoru stood. "Now, since we have been through such long and tiring day and night, for you humans, you can rest here. As for my Hyakki who still has energy left to patrol, let's go. Tokyo is waiting for us to clean the remaining threats of Sanmoto and other stray youkai."
Yoru then led his Hyaki who cheered again and then followed him. His back looked so strong and reliable to the humans who watched the 100 Night Demon Parade with awe on their expression…
~Durarara! x Nuramago~
Following Days Later~
"Rikuo-sama! It's dangerous! Please come down!" Tsurara shouted from under the ginko tree with worried look.
"True, Rikuo-kun! You can fall!" Kana, which was beside the Yuki Onna, said with concerned look as well.
Shizuo, who just passed in front of the Ikebukuro Park, saw the two girls and approached them. "What are you guys doing?" he asked curiously.
Tsurara and Kana turned to face him. "Ah, Shizuo-san, it's Waka," Tsurara answered, gesturing to up the tree.
Shizuo looked up and sweat dropped from his head. "Rikuo, what are you doing up there?" he asked, or rather, shouting as well to the person on top of the tree.
"Ah? Sorry, Shizuo-san! This kid is rather handful to deal with!" Rikuo emerged from behind a branch with a kitten in one arm.
"A cat?" the blond haired man with a bartender outfit asked, pulling his purple tinted glasses down his nose to look at the glasses wearing chocolate-black haired boy more clearly.
"Yeah, it's from Bakeneko Clan," Rikuo said before he suddenly jumped down. Shizuo dutifully caught his body and Rikuo blinked. "Shizuo-san, you didn't actually have to do that. I could jump and land normally, you know," he said.
"Still… I want to protect you," Shizuo said surely and Rikuo blushed slightly at that.
Both Kana and Tsurara, who witnessed such a cute scene couldn't help blushing as well. They giggled and squealed on the sideline.
"T-thanks…" the Sandaime, who didn't hear the girls' reaction, gave Shizuo a shy smile and Shizuo wanted to ruffle his hair and kiss him.
"You've got the nerve to cheat on me in broad day light, Shizu-chan," Izaya suddenly came up from behind the blond and threw the blond ex-bartender a disapproving look.
"Izaya!" Shzuo turned his face to the dark haired man with crimson eyes wearing his trade-mark black fur-trimmed parka. "Why the hell are you in Ikebukuro? I thought I told you to stay away from this city! And who are you calling cheating? We're not dating, you-flea!" He proceeded to protested at the other man with flushed look, looking irritated.
"How dare you still trying to deny our relationship after what you've done to me…! You're the worst boyfriend ever," Izaya mocked him with a naughty smirk on his face.
"Ha! Says the man who claimed to hate everything I do to please him!" Shizuo rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"That's because you lack of technique and rely on your brute strength all the time," Izaya thrust a tongue at him.
"Shut it! Go away, Izaya! I'll count to three and I want you gone or I'll chase you out of this place as usual!" Shizuo threatened.
"Maybe I want you to chase me?" Izaya smirked teasingly at that. Shizuo blinked and flushed slightly.
"You two are so lovey-dovey," Rikuo commented from his spot, which was still in Shizuo's embrace, while a bead of sweat dropped from his cheek.
"Ah?" Shizuo turned back to face the kid in front of him. "Sorry," and then put the boy down gently on the ground. He then cracked his knuckles before he turned to Izaya again. "Now I'm going to chase you!" he said.
In a cue, Izaya ran. "Catch me if you can!" he shouted while laughing happily.
"Waaaaait! Izayaaaaaaa!" and Shizuo ran after him.
"They are at it again," Mikado said as he and Kida passed across the street with Anri on their side. Maki and Natsumi walked just behind them.
"Don't mind them. They are not as destructive lately." Maki said, playing with her cell-phone.
"Do you think they're dating now?" Natsumi giggled amusedly.
"More importantly, Mikado, when are you going to let me have sex with you?" Kida asked with a pout on his face and Mikado turned red like a tomato.
"KIDA-KUN!" and the dark haired teen berated his best friend slash lover loudly, very embarrassed while the girls, except Anri who turned pink as well, laughed at them.
On the street, Celty was riding her bike, Kubinashi sitting behind her with one hand on her waist and one on his head so as not to let it float away.
"Why are we biking in the middle of the day?" Kubinashi asked, rather shouting, because the sound of the motorbike was so loud.
Celty of course didn't say anything because she was riding. She couldn't take out her PDA out to answer his question, but Shinra needed Kubinashi to come down his office because he wanted to get sample from the humanoid youkai.
Well, Celty would explain it later to him.
Then on a certain barren field in the bad part of Ikebukuro, Kiyotsugu, Shima and 'Kurata' (and his motor gang) were having a meeting.
"Kiyotsugu… why are we with a motor gang?" Shima asked, almost crying in fright.
"Don't worry; Kurata-kun is with us!" Kiyotsugu laughed while Aotabo were sighing in defeat. The motor gang members were talking animatedly to each other and Kurata who ignored them, about the youkai raid in Ikebukuro. Kiyotsugu happily supplied them with his story.
Now, back to Rikuo, who was looking at the city which was recovering from the nightmare of the youkai raid from Tokyo Tower; Kana and Tsurara were somewhere in the back, trying to look at the scenery from the tower binoculars.
"Nah, Yoru… do you think we can protect this city until the end?" Rikuo asked his other half and he imagined that Yoru was behind him, holding his body.
"Of course… and we'll do it together… always together…" Yoru whispered and Rikuo smiled contently feeling the warmth of his other half enveloping him….
End of Youkai, Human, Fairy, Monster and Paradise
A/N: Done, finally. Like I said, this is the last part of this series. I know the end is a bit… too forced, but well… ^_^. Even though not many people read this, maybe because the cross-over isn't really popular *lol*, ahem, but I had fun making this so… Anyway, thanks for all your kind reviews and comments, also the support by reading this story till the end! I could go for more reviews, but knowing some people actually read this story pushed me to finish this.
I have another project to cross Nuramago and Ao no Exorcist after this~. I don't know why I want to cross them, but I'm sure that will be fun too. Well, this is it for now. Let's meet again in the next project! XD