A young girl opened her eyes slowly, her vision was blurred but she could see she was in a lab of some kind, she tried moving around but her movement was limited, she noticed she was floating in a test tube and there was a breathing mask on her.

She looked around and saw a release switch on the inside, she reached out and pulled the switch, suddenly the door of the test tube shot out, and she fell out with it, pulling out the needles in her, her scream was muffled by the mask, and she took it off.

She barely managed to stand up, but she was so disoriented she had to hold herself up on a nearby table, her legs felt like they haven't been used in awhile, she took a deep breath and moved her legs to get feeling back in them.

As she was doing that she realized she wasn't wearing any clothes, but she didn't have time to worry about it as a scientist walked in, he looked up from his clipboard and stared at her "what, what are you doing out?"

She looked over to and saw a nearby object, the scientist tried rushing her but she grabbed the object and hit him to the ground knocking him out, she stepped over him but then looked down at herself, she then took his lab coat and left the room.

She walked into a hallway and the lights turned red and started flashing, the girl covered her ears as the alarm blared, she ran through the hall and some guards kicked the doors open "halt!" she got down and slid under a few of them.

And kept running, dodging and weaving as the guards chased her, she ran into a large circular room and they stopped and backed up out of the room and the doors closed, she franticly looked around as gas started to fill the area.

She took a deep breath and held it as she went over to a vent and tried kicking it but it didn't budge, so she quickly drew her cat claws and unscrewed the vent, she pushed it out of the way and crawled into it, a few minutes later she found an exit.

She then opened the vent and crawled out and fell to the floor, she stood up and finally breathed, she then looked around and saw a door leading outside, with a smile the cat went through and left the building.

She felt the moonlight on her blue fur for the first time, the wind blew through her long dark violet hair, and her vision went back to normal, however feeling good would have to wait as she heard footsteps coming from inside, She kicked up some dirt as she ran for it.

The next day in Petropolis, Dudley Puppy was with his partner Kitty Katswell at an ice cream shop "I still can't believe you, of all people were right about that case" Kitty had lost a bet and had to treat Dudley to some ice cream.

The male white dog smiled "well, all I did was take a page from your book and it was easy" Kitty laughed "so your finally learning? that's great" the tan cat girl ate a bit of her ice cream, and Dudley looked confused "wait, is that a complement or an insult?"

Kitty shrugged "take it anyway you want" Dudley laughed "oh okay" she smiled "so Dudley, are you going to the T.U.F.F ball?" his ears perked up at the last word "ball?" she sighed "not a ball, the ball, like the dance."

Dudley thought about it "T.U.F.F throws rich party's?" she nodded "yeah, every five years or so the Chief try's to gain the support of the rich" Dudley ate a big chunk of his ice cream "so are you going?" Kitty watched as ice cream covered his face.

"yeah, but I'm not going to dance, and I don't have someone to go with" she checked her watch "oh man, sorry Dudley but I have to go" she got up and left, Dudley got up after a while and left, his mind was occupied as he walked.

"I wonder if I should go?" as he walked something ran into him, making him hit the ground "ouch, hey what's the big idea" he got up and saw a cat girl sit up and stared at him, he noticed she had blue fur which was weird.

"Are you okay?" she got up and grabbed his hand, he saw her gem pink iris's pleading for help, he finally noticed she was only wearing a lab coat "odommoc sov evah ovui ihim!" he blinked "what?" then they heard a loud engine noise.

A jet came out of nowhere and robotic legs jetted out as it landed, it stood up and transformed into a robot, and one of it's arms turned into a cannon, Dudley's jaw dropped "what the heck is that?" she dashed behind him.

"Odommoc orruccus ihim!" Dudley looked back at her then at the mech "I don't know what's going on, but I'm guessing she doesn't want to go with you" he pulled out his gun and the mech spoke "release subject A, or I will be forced to take action."

She looked at him and shook her head "odommoc" he looked back at her and smiled "don't worry, I won't hand you over" the mech aimed it's cannon at him "I repeat, release subject A or I will use force" Dudley fired his gun but it bounced off a barrier.

The Mech's cannon started to glow as it charged at them, Dudley grabbed the girl and dodged out of the way, "you need to hide" she nodded and ran off into an alleyway, he quickly dodged again as the robot swinged it's arm at him.

"man I wish Kitty was here" he fired a few more shots but they bounced off the barrier again "what kind of tech is this?" the girl came out from hiding and motioned to it's back, and Dudley saw it had an exposed generator on it's back.

His face-palmed himself "how did I miss that?" the walking jet fired it's cannon shooting a blue energy ball at him, Dudley ran and dashed under it, he then quickly shot at it's generator, the bullets hit it's back and the mech started to slow down.

The mech looked around and jumped into the air, transforming back into a jet and flew off, Dudley let out a sigh of relief, and the girl went over to him "saitarg oge sov orp orruccus" he smiled "are you okay?" she nodded.

She then gave him a hug, which surprised him "whoa, hey I'll take you to T.U.F.F, you'll be safe there" he took her hand and headed for T.U.F.F HQ, as they walked Dudley got curious "so um, can you tell me your name?" she smiled "suem nemon tse Anul" he just stared at her confused "I'm sorry but I can't understand you."

She nodded "nemat oge nac ocsonga sov" after a while they arrived at T.U.F.F when she saw the huge letters in front of the building, and remembered the building that she escaped from had big letters as well, the letters she remembered was P.E.S.T.

She brushed it aside and followed Dudley into the building, Dudley went to the Chief's office, but before he could enter he heard someone talking to him "we know your hiding the subject!" Dudley looked over at the girl.

He grabbed her and hid as some people walked out and left "I want that thing back in the lab as fast as possible, if we don't catch that cat freak then our plans are ruined" when they were gone Dudley stepped out of hiding.

And Kitty saw him "Dudley? What are you doing here?" Dudley was about to say something when the girl came out trying her best to cover herself with the lab coat, and Kitty's jaw dropped as she was completely dumbfounded.

Dudley looked at her then at the girl then back to Kitty "wait, it's not what it looks like" Kitty shook her head and looked away trying to hide her face "I-I can't believe you" she walked away and Dudley didn't know what to do.

The girl put her hand on his shoulder "otep suus" he nodded and went after her, he found her at the snack room "Kitty let me explain, we were just hiding" she scoffed "right, just hiding, leave me alone" Dudley felt sad but he gave her space and left.

Kitty didn't know why she was making such a big deal about it, it was his business who he was with not hers, yet she could help but feel angry, "what's wrong with me, I've never felt this worked up before" meanwhile Dudley went back to the girl and the Chief was there waiting for him.

"Dudley! What is this?" he pointed to the girl and she got annoyed "yeh m'i non a ser!" the Chief cleared his throat "I can understand the appeal of young foreign women, but in the office, that's just wrong" Dudley turned red.

"Wait it's not what you think, I was trying to help her Chief, some sort of giant mech attacked her, so I brought her here" the Chief thought about it "that would explain why those people were here earlier" Dudley looked confused.

"So who were those guys anyway?" the Chief shrugged "they called themselves the pseudo, external, science and technology, or P.E.S.T for short" the girls eyes widened, and the Chief saw that "I take it you know something?"

She nodded but didn't say anything, Dudley thought about it "maybe that robot I fought was from P.E.S.T" the Chief nodded in agreement "I'll have Keswick check her background, and Kitty find her some clothes."

Dudley smiled "okay, but what can I do?" the Chief shrugged "just wait or something we've got it from here" the small Chief called in Kitty, "what is it Chief" she said as she walked in "I need you to find this girl some clothes, are you up to it?" she thought about it "sure thing Chief."

Author's note: My main stream story is finally up! Yay also ten points to whoever guessed the language the girl speaks.