To: Jules, Patty

Meet me at the park in 10 min

From: Ray

Lemonade Mouth was going on tour. How you may ask? It defiantly wasn't because they had talent. It wasn't because they had the looks. It was because of her. Stella Yamada. She caused all of this. She stole everything from me! My band, my popularity, even my best friend!

But Ray Beech always has a plan. He walked outside into the cool night. He had on his warm leather jacked and denim jeans. Ray walked briskly towards the park down the street. The street lights caused a dim glow to settle along the dark street.

As Ray approached the park he spotted two silhouettes outlined in the darkness. Patty and Jules. Ray shoved his hands in his pockets as he stood in front of the two girls.

"What's this about Ray?" Jules asked with her arms crossed over her chest in disapproval.

Patty glanced behind her as the bushes rustled behind her from the wind. "Yeah, this place creeps me out at night." Patty complained.

"Chill out," Ray said. "this will only take a minute." He assured. Ray looked around as if to make sure no one was eavesdropping. Ray looked back and forth between Patty and Jules, "I have a way to break Lemonade Mouth." He stated slowly.

Patty and Jules exchanged glances with devilish grins spreading across their faces. "We're listening." Jules said as both girls stepped closer to hear his plan.

Ray took a deep breath as if he's been holding this in for a while. "Exactly one week from now Lemonade Mouth starts their world tour." Patty and Jules nodded. This wasn't new news.

"Tomorrow they'll be performing at Dante's for a going away concert." Ray continued. He smiled "That's where Stella will take a horrible 'fall'. Then bye-bye world tour." Ray finished with a smirk.

Patty and Jules nodded in understanding. Patty furrowed her eye brows. "How will this 'fall' happen?" She questioned.

Ray took a screwdriver out of is pocket and wiggled it in front of them. "Already taken care of. You'd be surprised how easy sabotage is when you see exactly what they do and when."

"What do you mean?" Jules asked. Ray laughed. "They had rehearsals today. They didn't even know I was there." He smirked.

Patty and Jules looked at each other and back at Ray. "What did you do?" They both asked in unison.

Ray pursed his lip. "Let's just say it'll be a surprise." He said as he walked back down the street disappearing into the darkness.


Lemonade Mouth walked into Dante's Pizzaria as ready as ever for their final concert in Rhode Island for the next six months. All their instruments lay on the stage as Olivia, Wen, Mo, Charlie, Scott and Stella skipped onto the stage.

Stella was wearing her dark black denim jeans and rainbow converses, with her one and only 'Question Authority' t-shirt and black leather jacket. Instead of taking her usual position on the right of the stage with her guitar, she took a microphone out and started checking the sound.

Mo walked over to her bass, set up against the wall in her brown 1 inch boots, with a peach florial dress and black belt tied at her waist. She wore a brown vest with her hair down. She started messing with her instrument to check the tuning and notes.

Olivia waltzed to center stage, in front of the lead mic and started sound check with Stella. She wore a purple-ish blue skirt with a white tank-top and a black leather jacket similar to Stella's.

Wen walked onto the stage and paused by Olivia. He whispered something in her ear and she smiled nervously. He returned the smile and walked to the back of the stage where his keyboard was next to the drum set. He was wearing a yellow-orange plad shirt, with light blue jeans. He was wore a black hooded sweatshirt and yellow vans.

Scott came onto the stage with his hair gelled up and green shirt, white pants and green vans. He had Stella's guitar strapped around his shoulders he walked over by Mo with a wink and she blushed. Scott stood next to next to her and he plugged in the guitar to amp and started setting up as well.

Charlie sat down at his drum set with dark blue jeans with black and white horizontal stripped shirt, and all black converses. He eyed Scott as he stood by Mo, but he didnt say anything.

After a few minutes Dante's was packed with fans and costomers. Stella walked up to the front of the stage with Olivia and started talking to the crowd. "Ladies and Gentalmen, I think we all know why your here." She started.

"As you know, Lemonade Mouth is going on a world tour next week," The crowd cheered and Stella paused until the they quieted down. "So we decided to have this special concert, just for you!" Stella smiled and she lowered the mic as Olivia began to speak. "It'll be a while till we see all of you again, so think of this as a going away present. After all, without you guys especially those at Mesa, we wouldn't be here now."

"Without further ado, Lemonade Mouth!" Stella and Olivia said at the same time. Dante's was now completly filled and the crowd erupted in yelling. Wen started playing the first beginning chords to 'Determinate' and Olivia started to sing.

Trying hard to fight these tears
And I'm crazy worried
Messing with my head this fear
I'm so sorry
You know you gotta get it out
I can't take it
That's what being friends about

The crowd started singing along as Scott, on Stella's guitar, Mo, and Charlie joined into the music and Olivia and Stella sang their parts.

I, I wanna cry
I can't deny
Tonight I wonder
I've been high(High!)
And get inside(Uh Huh!)
It isn't right(Right!)
I gotta live in my life
I know I, I know I
I know I gotta do it
I know I, I know I
I know I gotta do it!

Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor!
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate!

They all started doing the slide as Olivia and Stella continued to rock out and sing on the stage.

Push until you can't
And then demand more!
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate
You and me together
We can make it better!
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor!
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate!

Oliva walked over by Wen and Stella walked over by Mo and Scott as they kept singing.

Hate to feel this way(This Way!)
And waste a day(Uh!)
I gotta get myself on stage(Stage!)
I shouldn't wait(Wait)
Or be afraid
The chips will fall where they may
I know I, I know I
I know I gotta do it
I know I, I know I
I know I gotta do it!

Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor!
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate!
Push until you can't
And then demand more!
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate!
You and me together
We can make it better!
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor!
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate!

Wen walked in between Stella and Olivia as he began his rap and the crowd tried to keep up.

It's Wen and I'm heaven sent
Music like a veteran
Renagade, lemonade
Use it in my medicine
Go ahead a try to name
A band we aint better than
Reason why the whole world's
Picking us instead of them
People need a breather
Cause they feel that adrenaline
Now hurry up and let us in
Cause we coming to your house
And people keep on smiling like
There's lemons in they're mouths(Oh Oh Oh!)
I'm a real deal you know I feel
When they in it for the bill(Come On!)
I'm just in it for the thrill
Get down now I aint playing around
Put your feet up on the ground
And just break that sound right

As Mo hit the long note Stella went center stage as they got ready for the big finale.

Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor!
Determinate, D-D-Determinate!
Push until you can't
And then demand more!
Determinate, D-D-Determinate!
You and me together
We can make it better!
Gotta turn the world
Into your dance floor
Determinate!, D-D-Determinate
One more time!

Stella jumped onto the table in front of the stage and continued to preform. That was where everything went bad. Right in the middle of the final verse the table collasped and Stella fell backward slaming her back into the edge of the stage. She landed in a heap of wood and rolled onto her back as she yelled out in pain.

The crowd all gasped in horror as they saw their favorite guitarist on the floor writhing in pain. The rest of the band threw their instruments aside and jumped off the stage rushing to kneel by Stella through the pile of wood.

"Stella!" Olivia crouched next to her. "Where does it hurt?" Mo asked kneeling on Stella's other side and examining her body. Stella's face was rigid with pain and hurt. She was struggling to breath from the impact. She started to say something but another spasam of pain came over and she yelled again.

"I'm calling 911!" Scott said as he ran through the crowd of people surrounding the band, to find a quiet place to call them. Wen and Charlie just stood behind the girls speechless to see Stella so broken.

"Stells, we're calling 911 just hang in there!" Olivia anounced with tears forming in her eyes. Stella took a breath of air."...Back..." She gasped out before she winced in pain again. "You hurt your back?" Mo asked worriedly. Stella weakly nodded. Mo and Olivia exchanged looks.

"Can you move your hands?" Wen gently asked from behind them. Stella still had her eyes squeezed shut from the waves of pain, but her hands slowly made a back and forth motion. "What about your legs?" Charlie added. Stella was running out of energy. You could see the effort of her trying to move draining her slowly.

Stella moved her foot and then she yelled again the hurt clear in her voice. Stella shook her head her eyes still shut tight and her face scrunched up. She couldn't move her legs without it hurting. Mo blinked out tears before she sighed and put her hand gently on Stella's. "We're here for you 'll get better and we'll be right here beside you."

Scott came back through the crowd, which had gotten bigger because of how fast news spread. "The paramedics are here!" He stated. He looked down at Stella. "You'll make it through this don't worry." He said.

Two guys in uniforms with a gurny made it through the crowd and stopped by Stella. The band backed away as they carefully lifted her up and set her down on the streacher. She winced a few times but no more agonizing yells. The band followed slowly as Stella, broken and hurt, was rolled out to the ambulence and taken to the hospital.