
The fresh air calms me. I've never been one who could sit closed up inside all day. I feel too claustrophobic; like everything and everyone is closing in around me and I have no way out.

I hear the waterfall in the distance, and my footsteps slow.

This is the first time I'll be going to Ninja Ops without Blake, and I have to tell you, I'm intimidated as hell.

The possibility of being a Ranger has always scared me. The only thing worse is belonging to a team.

Being a Power Ranger…I never had a choice about that. Sense Amano would mention it, and Blake and I would always brush it off. But when your home and everything you've ever known is under attack…you can't really say, "No, thanks, Sensei. I'd rather not."

I love the power. I love using that power for good.

But then I think about the isolation. I think about Kelly's face every time Dustin, Blake, and I run from Storm Chargers yelling some lame excuse behind us, and I wonder if the good deeds we do are worth the complete inability to have any kind of close relationship.

Not that I'm good in close relationships. Or even want them.

Power Ranger or not…when people search for companionship, when they give a part of themselves to someone else…they'll always feel the same way in the end. Or at least ninety-nine percent of the time.

Blake has always craved relationships. He's always wanted the connections I've shied away from. I couldn't deny him that. When I saw the way he looked at Tori, when I saw the way he joked with Dustin; how could any decent brother say no? Joining up with Tori, Shane, and Dustin was all for Blake's sake.

They're great people; they're great Rangers.

But everything will always end the same way.

I lower myself onto the ground by the spring, watching the ripples dance across the surface. Blake isn't with me today because he's visiting Mom and Dad.

I can't bring myself to go there.

Does that make me horrible?

I just can't stand to think about it. I've found my emotionless, relationship-less philosophy works. You don't feel anything anymore. You don't feel the pain.

A twig snaps, breaking me out of my thoughts. I whirl around, my heart beating forcefully against my ribs.

I slowly exhale when I see Tori standing there.

"Hey," she calls to me, waving.

I push myself off of the ground, waving back. "What's up?"

"Not a whole lot. What were you in such deep thought about?" she asks, smiling.

I smile back, and then bring my eyes away from her face. "Nothing. We should probably get in there before Cam has a fit," I suggest.

She laughs. "Yeah, you're probably right."

We head down the stairs together, but I quickly reestablish the boundaries once we're in Ops.

It's not that I have anything against her.

I just don't want to fall again.