A/N: All right 20,000 hits! It hit it a while ago as usual... also it's a chapter I'm sure everyone ahs been waiting for. I will say this: I will be incorporating info we learned much later on in the series about the two, but it works. I will also say why I chose the two character later... Anyways enjoy!

Chapter 20: Sailor Candy and Sailor Harp

Princess Luna was working on a weapon for Sailor Moon… she was surprised how easy it took to create it, then again Sailor Moon's powers were tied into her own.

However it wasn't just that, but she had finally put the finishing touches on the last two powers.

"Yes! I have done it!" cheered Princess Luna, "The Sailor Team is finally comply!"

"I just have to figure out who will be the perfect two." Said Princess Luna.

She went to talk to Princess Celestia to see if there any ponies she had in mind for this.

"I do have two ponies in mind." Said Princess Celestia, "One of them is a very skilled unicorn from my school while the other used to work for me."

"Really? How?" asked Princess Luna.

"I'll tell you another later." Said Princess Celestia.

At the library, Spike was about ready to bake a cake.

"Don't eat the gems." Said Twilight not even looking from her book.

"You really think that I will eat the gems?" asked Spike.

But before Twilight could say anything more to the conversation, Spike burped up a letter.

Twilight grabbed it and read it.

"What does it say?" asked Spike.

"Not only has Princess Luna perfected a new weapon for me as Sailor Moon but she finished the last two powers." Said Twilight.

"Wait… does that mean we will finally have a Sailor Ur…" said Spike.

But Twilight interrupted him.

"Yes!" she said, "And it's not pounced that way."

Spike sighed, "You're no fun." She muttered.

Twilight just rolled her eyes at him.

Meanwhile in the Dark Kingdom Zoisite was coming up with ideas. That was when an idea struck him, a very interesting idea that would be rather interesting.

"I have to ask Kunzite if it's possible." Said Zoisite.

"If what is possible?" asked Kunzite appearing.

Zoisite told him his idea on how to gather energy.

"That does sound interesting." Said Kunzite, "And it could be a good way to gather energy and cause problems for the Sailor Guardians… after all they won't be willing to destroy a normal pony, even if what you have planned works."

"Interesting." Said Zoisite with a smirk.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, the post office go n official summons from Princess Celestia.

"Derpy emergency letter!" said one of workers.

""On it!" said Derpy.

Derpy saw who it was addressed to and saw where they were, with a vision, she smiled bright knowing what the letter was for.

She flew to them quickly.

The two ponies were having lunch at an outdoor restaurant.

"So has Twilight noticed you yet?" asked an Earth Pony

"You heard how she is." Laughed a unicorn.

That was when Derpy arrived.

"Hello! I have an official summons for both of you for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna." Said Derpy.

"Really? Why?" asked the unicorn.

However the Earth Pony began to sweat.

"What's wrong?" asked the unicorn

"It's nothing." Said the Earth Pony.

"I guess we should go see what they want." Said the unicorn.

"Yeah…" said the first somewhat nervously.

Both of them headed to the train station in order to meet the Princesses.

Meanwhile Zoisite was thinking about how to go about his plan, and figured it out. A spell of course.

"It was so obvious hindsight." He said, "It will be perfect."

Sometime later at the Palace the two ponies arrived and stood in front of the two Princesses.

"You wished to see Princess?" asked the unicorn.

"Yes we have called for you." Said Princess Luna.

"Why?" asked the Earth Pony somewhat nervously.

"Don't worry I haven't been summoned to talk bout that." Said Princess Celestia.

"That?" thought the unicorn.

"Really… that's good." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Since you live in Ponyville I'm sure you heard about the Sailor Guardians." Said Princess Luna.

"OF course we have." Said the unicorn.

"Wait… why are you asking." Said the Earth Pony.

"We have chosen you two to be the 8th and 9th Sailor Guardians Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune." Said Princess Luna.

The two ponies were surprised.

"I accept!" said the unicorn.

"I guess I should accept." Said the Earth Pony.

"Come on! It should be fun." Said the Unicorn.

"It's very dangerous, remember that." Said Princess Celestia.

"I know, but it still sounds like fun." Said the Unicorn.

Princess Luna lifted the two necklaces, one was navy with the symbol of Uranus, she placed that on the next of the Earth Pony, causing both she and the necklace to glow.

The other was teal in the shape of the symbol of Neptune. She placed it on the unicorn's neck causing both she and the necklace to glow.

"Now when you go to Ponyville I need you t deliver something to Sailor Moon." Said Princess Luna.

The two new Sailor Guardians nodded.

Meanwhile in Ponyville, Zoisite was on the roof looking at various ponies of the town.

That was when he saw Big Macintosh delivering more apples to the Stand.

"You're be the perfect test subject." Said Zoisite.

He shot the spell at Big Macintosh.

Applejack watched her brother approach, then she watched in horror as a beam hit him.

She couldn't help to gaze in horror as her older brother transformed into a monster.

"No…" whispered.

Everyone watched n horror as this happened.

The Big Macintosh monster began to shoot a beam at the ponies, which sapped their energy.

Rainbow Dash thankfully saw this too. She took out her communicator.

"Something crazy just happened and you need to get here fast." Said Rainbow Dash.

"What?" asked Twilight.

"Just get here!" yelled Rainbow dash.

"Mars Power! Make-Up!" she called out.

She transformed into Sailor Mars.

She saw that Applejack was frozen, as the Big Macintosh monster saw her and ran towards her.

Thankfully Sailor Mars grabbed her in time.

"You okay?" asked Sailor Mars.

"That… monster…" said Applejack.

"I know… I saw too." Said Sailor Mars knowing there would be no way Applejack could fight this fight .

"What are you going to do?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know." Sighed Sailor Mars.

"I'm joking the fight." Said Applejack.

"What?" asked Sailor Mars.

"I have to make sure that we don't…" said Applejack.

"Good point." Said Sailor Mars.

She flew Applejack down.

"Jupiter Power! Make-Up!" called out Applejack.

Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter headed towards where the Big Macintosh Monster was.

It turned out the other Sailor Guardians were there.

"Crescent Beam!"

"Dead Scream!"

The two attacks hit the Big Macintosh monster.

"Wait!" yelled Sailor Jupiter.

"What?" asked Sailor Moon.

"That's' Big Macintosh!" said Sailor Mars.

"What?" asked Sailor Moon.

"Oh no!" cried Sailor Saturn

"How is that possible?" asked Sailor Mercury.

He was hit by a strange beam. And boom monster!" said Sailor Mars.

"We have to figure out how to change him back." Said Sailor Jupiter.

However the Big Macintosh monster suddenly kicked the ground creating large cracks that knocked away all of the Sailor Senshi.

The Big Macintosh monster approached them ready to drain their energy.

"What are we going to do?" asked Sailor Moon.

However thankfully they had their salivation.

"World Shaking!" called out a voice.

A golden planet shaped orb hit the Big Macintosh monster.

"Deep Submerge!"

A teal planet shaped orb also hit the Big Macintosh monster.

"Hey! Need our help?" called out a voice.

They turned to see the two tow new Sailor Guardians.

Sailor Uranus was a cream colored pony with dark blue and pink main and tail, with her sailor color began name with a golden bow.

While Sailor Neptune was a sea green pony with a white and lighter shade of seal green mane. She also had teal as her sailor color with blue or her ribbons.

"The new Sailor Guardians!" said Sailor Moon.

"You could have told us earlier." Said Sailor Mars.

"Oh sorry." Said Sailor Moon.

Sailor Neptune lifted up a wands with a crystal crescent and gave it Sailor Moon with her magic along with a note.

"To activate it say "Moon Healing Escalation!"" read Sailor Moon.

"If it's a healing spell maybe it can Heal Big Mac." Said Sailor Jupiter.

"Let's hope so." Said Sailor Moon.

They looked at the Big Macintosh monster.

"Moon Healing Escalation!" called out Sailor Moon .

A beam of light hit the Big Macintosh monster, "Refresh!" he called out turning back to normal.

Zoisite scowled as this happened.

"Great…" he muttered.

He then teleported away.

The other Sailor Guardians approached Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune.

"Is there a place we talk privately?" asked Sailor Uranus.

"Of course." Said Sailor Moon.

They headed to the library.

"Is this really? A good place?" asked Sailor Uranus.

"Oh come on! Isn't it obvious who the first 6 are!" said Sailor Neptune.

Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Venus, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Saturn all de-transformed.

"Okay…. Seriously in hindsight it should have been obvious." Sighed Sailor Uranus with Sailor Neptune giggling.

Sailor Pluto de-transformed next.

"Okay… wasn't expecting you." Said Sailor Neptune.

"I think I know who you two are…" said Derpy.

The two de-transformed revealing them to be Bonbon and Lyra.

"Oh wow she picked you two!" said Pinkie, "Amazing!"

"Yep! I don't know why Bonbon was chosen, but I was in the same class as Twilight in school! So as you can tell I'm a gifted unicorn." Said Lyra.

That was when Twilight realized something.

"Oh man! I completely forgot we were good friends in school!" yelled Twilight.

"What!" yelled everyone but Twilight and Lyra.

"Yeah… typical Twilight." Sighed Lyra.

"I'm baking in here!" yelled Spike.

Meanwhile at the Dark Kingdom Queen Beryl had Zoisite stand in front of her.

"I saw what you did." Said Queen Beryl/.

"Well I…" said Zoisite.

"I want to say while you failed this time, I found your methods quite interesting." Said Queen Beryl, "I applaud your efforts."

"Yes my queen!" said Zoisite.

Zoisite's new plan might have been quite nefarious, but at leas thanks to Sailor Moon's new wand it is curable… and of course they had help in the form of Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune… though there were a few winkles to iron out.

Next Time: Twilight struggles with forgetting her childhood friends thanks to her studies, though Lyra and the others assure her it's fine. While she tries to reconnect with them what will happen when Zoisite pulls his new attic? Find out next time!

A/N: The reasons why I choose the two is well... the colors match. Lyra being Sea Green and Bonbon having a partially dark blue mane seriously helped. That and their obvious relationship that was made clear in Slice of Life. So yeah... those are the reasons... oh and bonus for Lyra: She's a musician so that's another reason for the choice.