I don't own Junjou Romantica or anything so I thought I'd get that ordeal out of the way. This is a redone fic from its former not so great form. A special thanks to KirinRyuu and Marii Maro for their help in this fic. Hopefully this fic is more in synch and makes sense and isn't as confusing as I got that impression before.

This is an Egoist pairing so if you don't care for this pairing I am not forcing you to read it.

Nowaki turned into a werewolf at the age of 12, since then he has been hiding himself for the fear of hurting those he loved or being discovered as the beast he is now. For a while he tried to seek out the man that had transformed him, but it didn't seem of any use because he didn't remember who it was or even what he looked like, all he could recollect was some kind of furry grey looking being with yellow like eyes biting him and then, as fast as it happened, disappear, leaving him to suffer on the cold concrete and bleeding from the puncture wound from his left arm.

Skipping school for a few days barely made a difference in his grades, he was really smart so he was one of the few at the top of his classes; so when it came to the nights of full moon or a few nights before, he took the precaution of chaining himself up, doing that he wouldn't go out at night and harm innocent people. Sadly, if he didn't t do that he has to control himself to only satisfy his instinct of killing with pet dogs and cats from his neighborhood.

At first, the transformation hurt because the bones breaks and replace themselves; muscles, tendons and veins were replaced by stronger structures that couldn't t fit a regular human body. Nowaki's senses heightened higher than a dog's making him able to see everything around him in a new light that he normally couldn't with plain non werewolf infused human eyes.

The first few time's he had accidents of startling but not hurting pedestrians caused a rumor when one came to the park at night alone, they say that a spirit that was all hairy and had glowing yellow like eyes was prowling the streets. After that, even the homeless thought of their lives more and avoided staying in the park if they could.

Through this time, Nowaki tried to go to school, but had to talk to the principle and see if he could be out around the afternoon with all of his studies, because he knew that if they offered him night classes, he would normally take them; however, with his current state, the best thing to do was to stay away from anyone past the afternoon just to assure their security.

Over the course of his lifetime he had the chance to meet another werewolf like him but it was just a guy dressed up like it. Yet he had to find the one werewolf that had changed his life that night, sure he could ask around but no one seemed to want to help him; it was like he was a stranger even as a werewolf and as an outcast, so he decided to kept it to himself and soon he figured out that bothering others would get him to nowhere and that he'd just live with his difference.

He strived to go into the medical field and to work in a hospital because he wanted to give others what he couldn't receive, and that was. . .help. It was the only thought that echoed in Nowaki's head. Some time ago he learned the consequences of helping someone who was dying.

"Nowaki, I need you to tend the patient in room 208. He just got out from surgery and had his appendix removed, but it seems he's in pain and in need of some relief. Could you go and give him a few grams of morphine in his IV drip? With that he should be fine." An older doctor, his teacher, had said as he was flipping through papers on a clipboard from many different nurses on who to see first and foremost.

"Yes Yamada-san, right away." He answered taking the needed IV bag and quickly walked to say room which was only a short walk for him. Knocking and opening the door he saw the patient on the bed writhing in pain and with beads of sweat on his brow.

"Kamijou-san, my name is Kusama Nowaki; I will be giving you some grams of morphine to help you to endure the pain you're going through." He said softly as a half glazed teary eyes met his, then taking the patient's hands he held them in his own trying to comfort him while he applied the morphine.

At least this way I can help others, it's true there is a price to pay but it's a fact where I didn't have much say. I age faster than most werewolves I've managed to see and soon it will be a problem when my human side also ages quicker than usual and the saying of a growth spurt won't be able to be used any longer. Nowaki said to himself as he felt the process of aging slowly start, with his skin tingling and his senses faltering for a few minutes. Merely a few minutes had passed that seemed like hours he felt the patient relax. Only then he tried his hardest to let go the patient's hands but it had no use.

Somehow I don't want to let him go, I feel like I have to be by his side, but why? Why I want to do this? Why do I want to call him Hiro-san? I don't even know him and him either know me. I can't get attached to anyone. I have to let him go now. So reluctantly and slowly he let go of the patient's hands and set them on his stomach where they rested.

Hiding the IV bag in his coat pocket he went to the door and then to the next patient that he would have to help out, but reaching the door and having a hand on the doorknob he turned and made a silent oath. I will protect you Hiro-san, though I know you don't know me and I don't know you. There's something about you that tells me that I have to protect you anyways, though I know I shouldn't stay with you for the being that I am. He whispered before coming to kiss the man's temple for a few brief moments and then left.

Nowaki by then was already advancing down the hall with a smile upon his face. Hiro-san you will be protected, always. I made a promise to you that I will never forget. So for the remainder of the day Nowaki would continue to make his rounds and see other patients and help them as well.

Hiroki stirred, he could have sworn he had heard Buddha's voice and was touched by a spirit angel or something, yet upon opening his eyes he saw no such thing. I know I heard someone s voice, but it held so much pain. Ack! Why am I worrying so much over someone I don't even known? Hiroki asked himself as he covered his eyes with the arm not connected to needles or any wires that could accidentally set off anything.

That day would signify a few straight nights of the full moon being in the sky, a time in which by now Nowaki would hide out in Ueno Park and keep a low profile as much as he could. By now he was used to shifting back and forth and didn't t have accidents like he used to when he couldn't control his animal urges. Though most werewolves loved the thrill of killing others, he felt guilt like no other and rather chained himself if he could help it on those nights when the urges were too strong.

Well how'd I do everyone? I think with the help of a few people I was able to make quite a few changes in this story. Yes I do apologize that my updating has been lacking for a better term. RL issues haven't been all that pleasant and I'm trying to stay up in my school studies and not fall behind or have to have any more "Withdrawal" classes on my transcript.

Anyways I would like to hopefully get more reviews that say more then really liked it and would like an update soon. I get your enthusiasm I really do but that doesn't help me in making this fic better. Well read and review all!
