Mary woke up early on Friday with a grin.

She knew that Marshall woke up earlier than she did in order to take a run and iron his work clothes. She had gotten a little tired of waking up and not having him beside her. Today she would take her revenge.

Wearing her favorite pajamas (One of Marshall's shirts and a pair or panties), she debated trying to get dressed. No, he'd hear her rustling around and knowing that she hated getting up early, would be forewarned. Surprise was her goal.

She fished the large bag of rubber bands she'd taken from work out from her hamper where she'd stashed them the night before when he had been out of the room. Loading her arm silently she reviewed her plan of attack. Let's see. He likes to set up the ironing board near the kitchen so he can use the counter for his supplies and will face the TV to watch the weather and news reports. I'll need to be careful on my approach to not spook him. I can't wait to see his face when I plug him. She chuckled quietly and padded silently to the door to glance out. Prodigy's Smack My Bitch Up ran through her mind and her adrenalin surged as she used her Marshal's training to sneak from room to room and find an advantageous attack point.

Humming, Marshall went about his usual morning routine with gusto. He admitted to himself that he might have been playing it up a bit for her and tried to tone it down a notch. It wouldn't do to let her know he knew. Smiling slightly, he adjusted the thick bracelet of rubber bands on his wrist discreetly and continued ironing with a cold iron while keeping his peripheral vision as open as possible.

He had become suspicious the week before after she had made a snarky comment about how she was gonna replace him since he wasn't there in the mornings and then smiled deviously. He had started watching her more surreptitiously, pretending to be absorbed in his current caseload. He had witnessed her bribing Eleanor with a bag snickerdoodles. He watched Eleanor drop the large bag of rubber bands into an open drawer and wink at Mary when he wasn't looking. He had heard the crinkle from her jacket pocket the night before and had known that war was on in the morning.

Mary did a quick check to line up her target and was surprised to find him missing. Sneaking around the corner to reestablish a visual she heard a twang and felt a sting on her left buttock. Jumping, she spun around to find her lover bent over laughing his fool head off.

"What the hell, numbnuts! I'm gonna kick your ass for that!" She yelled with rage narrowed eyes.

"I'd like to see you try," he launched another band and she dove back around the corner for cover getting hit in the arm in the process. "Catch me if you can, Mare!"

Mary growled. How'd he find out? That doofus was way too observant and knew her too well. Well, she'd just have to kick his ass for him. Grinning fiercely she yelled to the living room, "You won't like it when I find you, nerd!"

Marshall chuckled, her face had been priceless. He knew he'd be paying for that for weeks, but he knew that it would be worth it. When she yelled, he took position behind the kitchen counter. He could monitor her movements better from the cover and looked forward to pelting her some more. "I always like it when you find me. I'm a glutton for punishment, remember?"

With a battle cry she raced for the sofa and was hit once more. To add insult to injury she banged her head on the corner of the couch as she scrambled to hide herself. By now Mary was livid. He was going to pay for this. Oh, yeah.

Using the corner of the sofa as cover, she leaned out and saw her opportunity. If she went the other way around or over the sofa she could stand over the counter and pelt him from there. Before he could recover she could be back behind the couch. She bared her teeth in anticipation and put her plan into motion. She crept around the other side of the couch and scuttled to the counter. Standing to her full height, she smiled sweetly down at him.

Marshall caught the movement and looked up to find "woman scorned" smiling her sweet devil smile at him. He had just enough time to cover his head and ears before she hit him three times.

With a cackle, she turned and rolled over the back of the couch. This was so much more fun when she wasn't the one being hit.