Original one shot Tired of everything found Merlin's Days

Beta by TheJunebug1218 (Thank you again :)

Sometimes he felt it.

How tired he was.

Tired of everything.

He sat down on the cold ground and leaned against the tree.

He watched the sunset color Camelot's white walls.

He knew that he should hurry. The gate was about to close for night.

But he couldn't move.

He was too tired to get up and walk.



Through the gate.

To home.

But he was tired.

He was holding too many secrets nowadays.

He was overloaded with work.

Work, work, and more work to do.

Protect Camelot.

Protect the prince, the regent.

He looked at the basket beside him.



He felt bitterness.

Lancelot, Gwaine and Percival were knights now for heaven's sake.

Gwen was going to marry Arthur some day. Be the queen of Albion.

And there was him, Merlin, same old Merlin, when everything around him was slowly changing.

Still a servant.

Still watching from the shadows.


Just too much to do.

More enemies everywhere.

Merlin rubbed his eyes. He didn't even feel his magic right now. The spell veered out his power and he needed good night's sleep. For the past couple weeks, he was always coming and going and now all of it was taking its toll him. Every muscle ached. He hadn't slept more than a couple hours last night.

He looked at the sky over him and the first stars.

It was such a peaceful and calm sight.

His eyes began to close.


He was tired of everything.

He fell asleep.