I know, I know I'm a terrible, despicable, and any other bad name you can call me, human being. I've just been through a lot of drama lately (my parents are separated now so I have to deal with my dad all the time, I was dumped exactly two months ago today and I didn't feel like writing about Jacob and Nessie because i based some of Jacob from him and he based himself off some of Jacob here so...) and I have school as you guys know, and the musical in which I feel like I do absolutely nothing in even though I got a lead, and I'm kind of getting more into writing plays recently so... yeah. I'm really busy.

March Break is next week and I'm spending it away from my parents and with my sister and brother so I may get some time to write there or at least jot some ideas. My editor isn't responding to ANY of my stuff so if anyone wants to be my EMERGENCY EDITOR just let me know! That means more chapters and the faster they come out!

Enjoy! Sorry it may sound choppy but it was all I could jot down enough for you guys.

45. RUSH

It was an amazing night. For the rest of it, Jacob and I did what we did when we were human. Minus his little proposal, Jacob and I decided to play along with the fact that he was human, and it was great, but it was a little hard.

The night was everything it could possibly be: wildflowers given to me from behind, watching the sunset and half surprisingly not getting cold because of Jacob's warmth, we even built a fort out of his bedsheets and pillows that we slept in. Anyone could tell we were crazy about each other, and I never wanted that to change.

Unfortunately, the morning came when I woke up to Jacob's kisses. I moaned as I stretched, feeling still incredibly tired. Jacob laughed and I smiled.

"Morning beautiful," and he kissed my lips.

"Mm… morning." Then I kissed him back, then he took me in his arms. "What time is it?" I could feel him smile.

"I don't care…" He looked down on my face and I looked up. "Do you?"

"Not really." He smiled and kissed my head. "Do we have to get up?"

"No. I have no where to go, and if you don't, I don't mind staying here with you." I smiled.

"I'd like that."

We lay there for what felt like an eternity… or I wished it was. Just being in his presence, of just feeling and not doing anything but being with each other, in each other's arms, feeling our heartbeats as one, were all we needed to feel. We closed our eyes and let it all sink, taking in each moment as much as possible.

The phone rang all too soon and Jacob sighed. I expected him to let go, but he didn't even loosen his grip.

"It'll go to answering machine." He said. We ignored it as much as we could until it got to the machine.

"Jacob! It's Malcolm! Look, the army had a change of plans, they're coming right now!" Jacob and I got up right away and raced for the phone.

"What do you mean?" Jacob said, panicked.

"Marian had a vision. They change their mind, the vision changes. Now, we don't have much time. We have about six hours. You need to get Renesmee here and put the plan to action. Marian's car will be where the starting point is to travel up to the clearing, from there, Nahuel will carry her to safety-"

"I thought it was Terrence-"

"Marian is under enough stress, changing the vision will add to it, we have no time to argue. Please, come right away!"

They hung up then and I quickly got dressed, keeping my pajama pants on and replacing my shirt. We packed a first aid kit, for my sake of course, some water with a canteen, some warm sweaters I packed and some food. From there, Jacob and I made our way toward the clearing, and got out of the car from where Marian's car was.

We headed up the path and Jacob followed close behind. I pushed out a few branches and what not, even sometimes accidentally touching a cobweb and getting grossed out and making Jacob chuckle. I had my fair share of cuts and scrapes from a few branches but I kept going until we would make it to the clearing.

"Ness, you're bleeding." I looked down at my left hand, my right still being wrapped from the sprain. He was right, I had a huge scratch across I didn't even feel that had a bit of blood dripping. I only felt the stinging when I saw it.

"Ouch… I didn't even feel it…" He stopped and took out the first aid kit. As he did, I had an idea of putting my hand against the tree.

"What are you doing?" Jacob said as I did.

"I want to be thoughel, besides, this is the only job I have." Jacob stepped to me and put alcohol, and endured the sting as much as possible, keeping in mind that it had to be done.

"I'm sure the leeches will be ecstatic." He said as he was about to put on a bandage and I took my hand away, saying it would scab over soon enough. He didn't argue and we kept walking.

It was about a half hour hike until we made it to the clearing where Nahuel said he'd be.

"I won't, I promised." Nahuel said, looking at Jacob.

Jacob threw him a look that looked like "you better not", then kissed my head and whispered, "I'll be close behind, okay?" I nodded and kissed his cheek as he went running in another direction to where we were headed.

"He's going to follow us from a fair distance to make sure this works. Besides, he doesn't know where he's going." Nahuel explained. Then he picked me up from the back of my knees and I threw my arms around his neck, then he started running.

We ran for a while in silence, trying not to throw up or even think about it. It wasn't awkward, or at least not as awkward as I thought it'd be. I knew he couldn't say much if Jacob was in range but I hated not talking. Not to say I didn't forgive him… or I wasn't sure if I did. Thankfully he broke it first.

"It's working," He said.

"What does that mean?"

"It means we don't have to stop, this isn't useless. Jacob's going to run a little ahead." I heard paws on the ground, running ahead beside us then disappearing. He slowed down a little.

"So…" Nahuel said. He waited for me to protest, when I didn't, he continued. "I have a few ideas for the first show to perform on the stage… that is if you still want to do it." I shrugged.

"I dunno…" Was all I said. He sighed and continued.

"Well, I'm thinking Phantom, Les Miserables, Rent, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Marian is thinking Legally Blonde and Mama Mia." I narrowed it down.

"No Joseph, I did that show too recently, Phantom is also too advanced, Legally Blonde and Mama Mia, please apologize to Marian for it…" Nahuel laughed.

"So Rent and Les Mis you're okay with?"

"I don't know… I'll think about it…" He nodded and then we were silent once again.

When we finally reached Jacob, I couldn't get out of Nahuel's arms fast enough to get into Jacob's.

"I can take it from here," said Jacob to Nahuel.

"You need me for connection, remember?"

"Yeah, but tomorrow." Nahuel stood in silence for a few minutes then sighed.

"Well, I guess I have no use being here…"

"You can stay if you want."I said without thinking. Jacob looked at me with eyes that looked a little angry, I regretted what I said immediately. Nahuel on the other hand, though I thought he'd smile or something, he looked at his feet when he replied.

"No, I'll be fine. I won't be far, if you need me." With that, he turned and was gone the way we came.

Review Review!

Q. Are you doing "Nessie Paw Day" again this year?

A. Well, this time I'm actually home for my birthday unlike last year and only maybe five people participated and they were people in my school, so chances are no but if you want to do it by all means please! :D

Q. If I want say a preview or be editor or want to talk or anything, where can I reach you?

A. Well, PM me here or review me (signed in or else you're a guest and I can't reply) or Skype! If you want my skype, let me know and I'll PM it to you :)