Thanks for all the awesome reviews and favorites and such! I love reading them, it makes me warm. And SORRY for the super long chapter! I couldn't stop myself. It reached nearly 10 pages on Word Document lol. I was like sheesh. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this one, cause I sure as hell did.

So remember that explicit sex scene I was talking about in Chapter 1? Yeah...this is it. Enjoy!

The only light coming in through the church came from the nearly full moon. It was a dark and empty place at night; most of the activities held in here happened in the morning and afternoon. Pieces of moonlight created speckles of different colors as it rayed in through the mosaic artwork in the stained glass windows. Castiel stood within the grand aisle, in between rows of wooden seats and velvet benches. He could practically smell his father here; the worship is so far beyond extreme.

Crowley stood at the altar, positioned behind the pedestal where the priest would teach his lessons. His face was already bruised from his earlier encounter with the angel. Most of the blood is gone, but not his sore loser attitude.

"Come here." Crowley commanded, pointing to the floor in front of him. Castiel could have zapped there, but he chose to walk and linger out the moment. He had to think of something fast.

Castiel stood before him, never taking his eyes off the other man. He was making it hard for Crowley to read any emotion from him.

"Good." Crowley pulled his arm back and swung it ferociously at Castiel, knocking his fist into the side of his temple. It sent the angel crumpling to the floor.

Crowley stood over him and spit at the floor by his shoes. He reached down and grabbed Castiel by the scruff of his shirt, pulling him up, but not all the way. "You shouldn't have ruined my pretty face, love." He made a disapproving 'tsking' noise with his tongue. "That was a stupid move on your part."

With his head tilted down, Castiel sneered up at him with disgust. Crowley had reopened the cut above his eye, which sent a single trail of blood down the side of his face.

"Stay right here." Castiel wasn't moving. With a snap of his fingers, Crowley lit a series of torches around the church. The torches were there already for decoration purposes.

"You see, I can be a romantic kind of guy." He got no response. "Cass. You're so grumpy. I'm just trying to get you in the mood."

"There are other ways." Castiel's voice took on a more emotionless and deeper approach.

"I'm sure there are." He admitted. Castiel looked up at him, staring at him with disbelief. Crowley continued, "But come on, why do you really care? It's just a vessel for you. Humans do this all the time!" He attempted to persuade him, knowing it would be a long shot.

"I can still feel it." His voice rose as it echoed throughout the church. As hard as he tried to hide his fear, he was doing a terrible job. "If you do this, you're robbing from my soul, not Jimmy's." He realized that Crowley didn't know who Jimmy was. "That's who…I'm borrowing this from."

"Ah, your vessel." Crowley walked around Castiel, putting a finger through his soft hair. He liked the thought of hurting Castiel's soul, getting back at any angel is good enough for him, really. Those winged assholes are always abusing their power as God's right hand man. He took a fistful of Castiel's hair and gripped him tight, forcing the angel to his feet. Castiel grimaced but obeyed, feeling as though his scalp could be torn from his skull if he didn't.

Crowley dragged him up the few steps and onto the altar with ease, keeping complete physical and mental control of him. Crowley was always one who demanded respect and dominance; it was just rare for the demon to show it. Here they were, both men beneath God's golden archway. The church glorified him with sculptures of his sons, one of them being pinned a wooden cross. His other sons, however, were the most beautiful pieces in the buildings. Angels flourished and decorated every corner and column; dazzling the people's imagination of how humans thought they were. It sickened him how the humans perceived them as. Angels were truly nothing more than obedient, empty minded soldiers, ready to kill with one command. That's all angels were good for. Obeying and carrying out.

"On your knees." Crowley commanded with a darkened voice, unnecessarily using an intimidating tone. Castiel had to obey no matter how he said it.

And that he did. The angel practically fell to his knees as he dropped them against the crimson carpeted floor. He felt his head spinning with the dreadful anticipation of what Crowley wanted from him. Castiel wasn't exactly an experienced character when it came to 'pleasurable' activities.

"How does it feel, Cass?"

"How does what feel?"

He unbuckled his pants. "To have your daddy watch you suck me off."

"You're going the speed limit." Sam complained.

"Shut up, there was a cop back there." Once Dean was sure they passed the squad car up, he pressed the pedal to the floor, hiking the MPH bar up drastically. They were in the suburban area, but Dean was a little too experienced with driving his Impala to have to obey the limits.

The Impala stopped in front of a dark, vacant church. Morning masses meant that the churches were usually empty at night, giving the boys the best grounds for hunting.

"You know what you're doing?" Dean asked, although he already knew the answer.


"Alright get going. And keep your phone on you." Dean added quickly before Sam left the car, pushing the door shut. He knew they had to keep their conversation short. They weren't sure how much time they had. The quickest plan they could come up with was to have them both check a church thoroughly.

Dean sped off, the tires momentarily skidding against the ground from the sudden acceleration. He was on his way to the only other church in town; this was their best bets to finding Crowley and Cass.

Castiel wasn't able to keep still. He was stuck in his current kneeling position despite his efforts to stand and fight or flee. He nearly ripped himself from Crowley's grip, losing a fair amount of hair from his burning, sore scalp. He was much like a wild animal trying to free itself from its owner's grasp. He jerked wildly from Crowley, but he didn't get very far. Crowley didn't need to put much effort into controlling him.

"No." Castiel spoke through gritted teeth, his obvious fear getting the better of him. He was weakened from the war he was leading and the battles he fought; he barely had the strength to kneel.

"Keep your head still. Just hold still, beautiful."

"No." Castiel obeyed where his mind didn't. His body was frozen.

Crowley pulled out his throbbing member, holding it gingerly in-between his fingers. The thought of Cass's gentle lips around his cock excited him, it always has. He was hard simply thinking about it. He fantasized he would be the one to show Castiel the ropes. He wanted to be his mentor; although he had honestly hoped it would be more consensual than this. He dropped the obvious hints, and Cass never took them. He was always too busy playing with his human toys.

"Open your mouth."

There was barely an opening. There was just enough room for Crowley to slip his thumb into his mouth. With his other fingers cupped beneath Cass's chin, he yanked his jaw down, prying open his mouth for his unwelcomed intrusion. Castiel couldn't help but stare, it was clearly the first time he has seen a penis other than his own vessel's.

He wasted no time. He entered his erect member into Castiel's mouth, who had a sudden gag reflex. Castiel fought against the curse, nearly pulling every muscle in both arms as he placed his hands on Crowley's knees to push him away. His arms were too numb to push. He was overwhelmed, his face got hot and red and the veins in his forehead jolted. His eyes shot wide open and his nostrils flared as he struggled to breathe. He doesn't believe this is how humans have sexual intercourse; nor does he believe that Crowley knows what he's doing. This makes absolutely no sense to the angel.

It was the fact that Castiel was forced into suck him off and taste his erected piece of flesh that made it uncomfortable. He felt sick; his stomach was turning in all sorts of complicated knots. He knew this was wrong but literally couldn't say a word. He wanted to grind his teeth, which may have startled Crowley.

"And don't bite, love. Treat me with care." Crowley welcomed the warm moistness that Castiel's mouth kindly gave him. He looked down at Castiel, pulling his hair back so the angel would look back up at him. They made eye contact, and the pleading look in Castiel's eyes urged him to continue harder and faster. The angel was beginning to break; how easy that was. He was sadistic. He loved it.

He thrusted his hips back and forth, his cock ravaging every inch of Castiel's mouth. He could feel the angel trying to gag when he poked at his tonsils, but the curse kept him from doing so, and well, Crowley's hands that were holding onto his hair. Castiel's lips were practically kissing his hips.

Castiel couldn't breathe. His throat was burning and his eyes began to water. He could taste his throbbing cock getting thicker and moist, almost as if it were leaking some sort of liquid. The pre-cum came first, and Castiel swallowed with displeasure. He growled through his frustration, which only offered Crowley a soothing vibration effect.

'Nnh…" Crowley bit his lip, breathing heavily. Beads of sweat were beginning to form around his forehead as he began to climax; his thrusting became almost unbearable for the innocent angel. It was a short ordeal, only lasting a few minutes at best.

When he eventually climaxed, he let Castiel know with a raspy, shaky moan, his teeth grinding hard against each other. His grip on Castiel's hair was tighter, which made the angel shut his eyes tightly as he made a painful face. A single tear leaked from the corner of Castiel's eye, leaving behind a wet trail along his face before it merged with the blood from his cut. Crowley spilled his seed into Castiel's throat, causing the angel to spaz and attempt to escape. He pulled himself out of Castiel's mouth, his enlarged penis bouncing a bit before it rose up. He wasn't done, not yet.

He looked down at his playmate, noticing his cheeks were enlarged. How cute. Castiel hadn't swallowed, he refused. When he finally opened his eyes, he looked up at Crowley, his eyebrows arched high at the ends so they nearly formed a dull 'U' shape.

"Just spit it out." Crowley put his hands out. "But not on me!"

An order Castiel was more than happy to carry out. He turned his head to the side quickly and faced the floor as he spit all of Crowley's milky contents onto the floor, leaving his mouth open as trails of it continued to drip and fall from his lips. He spit again, coughing and gagging the rest out. His hair was messed up, sticking up in every direction from the tugging and pulling. His face was beat red, he knew Crowley was getting a kick out of it. He was an angel of the Lord; and he was humiliated by a demon.

Crowley bent down to fix his angel's hair, and he was rejected immediately. Castiel avoided eye contact with him; he merely put a shaky hand up to keep Crowley away. He continued to spit, adding more to the pile.

"Bloody hell, Cass. It was just a blow job. It's not the end of the world."

"You got what you wanted." His voice was dry and hoarse. His throat was sore and in pain, especially the back where it was poked and prodded over and over again. "Now let me go."

"Not quite."

Castiel shot him a look, the expression on his face said, 'You're fucking kidding me'. "I gave you what you wanted. I have nothing left! What more do you want from me?"

"Hate to tell you mate, but your exceptionally amateur blow job wasn't going to give me your innocence." He smirked.

Castiel knew. He may be a little stupid in this field, but he knew what Crowley wanted. And he was going to get it, and there was nothing he could do to stop him.

It was then, when he felt the rush of adrenaline. It poured through his veins like a hit of steroids and energy pills, and then magnified by a hundred. He summoned the energy to stand and fight the curse that Crowley laid upon him- he was able to disobey, which made the deal markings on his arms flash a bright red beneath his sleeve.

Castiel couldn't fight him. Oh no, he wasn't that strong in his current state, but he sure as hell can flee. This gained Crowley's attention, who stood with pride as his erect member still hung out of the zipper pocket.

The angel stood there in a slumped stance, his arms extended at his sides, fingers reached outward. A yellow glow emitted from within him, glistening through the holes of his body- his ears, eyes, nose, etc.

Crowley knew what he was doing. "Stop!" He yelled, but it fell on deaf ears.

He ran up to Castiel and pulled him to the ground with a strong set of muscles, preventing the angel from leaving his vessel. He's seen too many angels escape that way; it was a sure way to avoid being summoned by him.

This interrupted Castiel's spell, and the glow faded into nothing. It simply stopped as he came crashing to the floor over Crowley, the concentration suddenly broken. The two of them fell hard, but the fight wasn't over. Castiel still had adrenaline in his veins.

Castiel yelled through his fury as he tackled Crowley into the priest's pedestal, knocking that and all of the contents on top of it onto the floor. The crash was loud and destructive as a series of unlit candle stands fell with everything. Crowley slid down a couple steps off the altar stage, his clothing wrinkled and tossed around his frame. He's already had a taste of Castiel's strength, so he was careful this time not to push his limits.

"I command you to stop!" Crowley held a frightened gaze to Castiel, who was reaching out to pull him up- probably to kick his ass some more. Castiel stopped, freezing in place. Crowley slapped his hand out of his face, pulling himself up to his feet.

He extended his hand out and grabbed Castiel's neck, pushing him backwards. Castiel stepped back as far as he could, his back eventually met with the priest's holy table. There were decorations on there, although they didn't last very long. With one swipe, Crowley knocked everything down: all except for the table cloth.

He pushed Castiel back onto the table so they were facing each other. It was difficult taming Castiel when he's already had a taste of Crowley's seed, and was about to receive more. Castiel couldn't find the strength to fight anymore. He simply gave up, he was completely drained. He fought against Crowley ripping his dusty trench coat off his slim figure, and even fought against him as he was unbuckling his belt. But he gave little effort. Castiel looked up through squinted eyes as his sight rested upon the sculptures and paintings on the arched ceiling, which stood at nearly 4 stories tall.

He was lost.

He felt abandoned.

"Why won't you help me?" He called out to nothing in particular, his voice nearly cracking.

"Are you bloody mental?" Crowley couldn't seem to figure out who he was talking to.

"Why won't you help me?" Castiel repeated, his desperate voice loud enough that his echo must have frightened every living creature in this building.

Crowley looked up to see what he was looking at, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk when he realized Castiel's problem. Poor guy has strong daddy issues.

"God must be busy." Crowley said casually. He flipped Castiel around, pushing the angel's face onto the covered wooden table so that he was bent over it. He didn't need to command him to do anything, Castiel stopped fighting back. With one heave he yanked Castiel's trousers down, just enough to gain access. He spit on his middle and pointer finger, and then inserted both into Castiel's opening at full length. Castiel gripped at air and squirmed beneath Crowley, unable to escape him. He dropped his head onto the table, the wet, sweaty tips of his hair matting onto the table and the side of his face.

"Why won't you help me!"

He called out, this time in anger. He's prayed and screamed for help, for any help from his father. Just this once. He knew he was watching. Watching his son being raped beneath his eyes, yet he does nothing to intervene.

"After all I've done for you! I've done everything you asked! Everything!" Self-pity quickly passed through him and was replaced with rage.

"Oh shut up already." Crowley couldn't take any more of his ranting. "Isn't this what you want, Cass? You wanted to be human for a while now, haven't you?" He wiggled his fingers inside.

Cass gripped onto the end of the table. He didn't deny Crowley's accusation. He couldn't. He can't speak.

Crowley took his fingers out and pressed his swollen member up against Castiel's opening. He needed to get this seed out of him. If the angel doesn't loosen up and fix those tense muscles, he's going to make it more painful for himself. Crowley entered his full cock into him and was rewarded by Castiel's strong reaction.

The angel tightened his jaw and shut his eyes, leaning his whole body on the table. He was on the verge of tears; he could feel his pride being ripped out of him with every thrust and pound. Crowley wasn't exactly a gentle man to the virgin, he showed absolutely no mercy. His speed increased as they both became adjusted. He noticed that the faster he went, the tighter Castiel's fists became.

"You're so tight." Crowley didn't complain. Castiel's ass completely hugged his penis with pressure; it gave the demon chills down his spine.

The table shook violently with every grind, every ferocious movement made by the demon. Castiel could practically feel himself being ripped open, and the thought of Crowley inside him brought back the taste in his mouth. It brought back the soreness in his throat.

Crowley leaned in as he grinded against Castiel from behind and whispered to him, "Just pretend I'm Dean. You do love him, don't you?"

No answer. The only noise in the entire room was the intense sound effect of the wet, slippery slosh noise of Crowley's dick constantly reentering his toy. Castiel's eyes were half open, he was on the verge of passing out.

"Answer me. Do you love him?" He was out of breath.

"Yes." Castiel bit his lip as the truth was practically beaten out of him.

"Yes, what?"

No answer.

"Answer me!"

"Yes, I love Dean." His voice was harsh.

"Then pretend I'm Dean." It was a command.

And Castiel closed his eyes and pretended.

But the roughness could not make him enjoy it, as Crowley had hoped. The painful ordeal lasted another long while before Crowley yet again reached his climax, his moaning making Castiel want to throw everything up. The angel closed his eyes and laid upon the table, unaware of the uncomfortable seed that filled him up so much it spilled down his legs, or the blood that was mixed in. He would have just handed over his innocence if it meant he wouldn't have had to go through all that shit again.

"So." Crowley wiped himself off with a nearby priest's robe and zipped himself up, acting as though they just had casual sex. "How does it feel it be de-virginized?"

"Fuck off."

"You're just upset." Crowley walked up to him from behind and reached around to place his hand over his forehead. "You just need some rest. Sweet dreams." With that being said, Castiel became limp, his body fell lifelessly to the floor. The tensed muscles in his face finally relaxed, and he looked as though he might be at peace.

"Hm. Kid wasn't that bad." He shrugged the statement and bent over, hovering his hand over Cass. A pure orb of light came up from the angel's body, making his torso rise from the ground slightly. Once the orb was released from his body, Cass relaxed and fell back against the ground. His body rightfully gave up his innocence and handed it over to his rapist.

Crowley took it with pride as he clenched a fist around it, making the small orb disappear. He had it now, and he plans on using it to his full advantage.

The sound of a car running through bushes and garbage cans was unmistakably Dean's Impala. It was faint, but the hurried footsteps grew louder. The doors were shaking, as if someone was trying to get in. Silence followed, but that doesn't last long with Dean.

A gunshot blew the locks open and the human kicked the door out with such force, it put a hole in the wall as it swung back.

Crowley knew he was coming. he was seated on the backrest of the bench in the aisle across from Cass, one foot against the floor while the other leg dangled over the side.

He had dressed the sleeping Castiel and set him along the first bench, making it look as though he was merely just taking a nap. Castiel was on his back, his head turned to the side. He looked like a complete mess, not including the blood on his face or his hair that was tangled beyond a brush's help. Crowley may have his differences with Castiel, but he still cares about him. Well, enough to make sure he took care of him after everything he did to him.

"Where is he?" Dean yelled, whipping his gun out the moment his eyes met the demon's. "Where is Cass!" He hadn't noticed him on the bench.

"Sh, you'll wake him up." He pointed his thumb to the angel, ignoring the gun pointed at him. Dean won't shoot him.

Dean gave Crowley a cautious look as he ran around the aisle and approached Castiel, dropping to one knee. He examined his face, not taking his eyes off him.

"What the hell did you do to him?" He looked over his shoulder at Crowley as his fingers gripped the gun so tightly he thought he would accidentally pull the trigger right there.

"Whatever was necessary. Don't worry. He won't remember any of it. I've got his memory with me. But I must say, he was a fiesty little bastard."

The sound of a gunshot rang loudly within the church, the sound was almost deafening.

Crowley wasn't expecting it. Even as he heard the shot go off, he didn't feel it. The smirk was wiped clean off his face as he looked down to see the blood quickly spotting his shirt.

He quickly looked up at Dean and went to approach him, but fled when he saw the man's finger go for the trigger. Crowley was suddenly gone before he could say any smart ass remark; he won't be bothering Cass or the boys for a while. The shot won't kill him, but it'll leave him out of the game for days.

Dean turned his body to face Castiel, who was surprisingly still sleeping. The angel must be in a deeper sleep than he thought. He slid his gun back in the holster and walked up to him.

"Let's get you back home."

He slipped an arm beneath his knees and the crook of his neck, carrying him out bridal style. Cass's head hung over Dean's arm and his arms flailed loosely beneath him. Dean couldn't shake this feeling off his chest that he had failed Castiel when he needed him most. He felt as though he abandoned him. He carried the sleeping angel back to the Impala, hoping whatever Crowley had done to him, he wouldn't remember.

This may be the ending of the story, I haven't quite decided yet. It fits, but I think I would like to do a reaction shot of Castiel waking up and Dean talking to him. I want to show a bit of Castiel and Dean interaction, since I want their relationship in this story to be more of an admiring Castiel being in love, but not Dean. What do you guys think? One more chapter yes? Maybe? MMMmmmmMMMmmmMmmMMmmmm.