Hey, guys. So, this story was originally posted in my other story "Jarlos Forever" but my best friend convinced me to also post it as its own story. I'm not breaking some FF but double posting this, am I? It's my story so I didn't think so, but tell me if I am.

Hope you like!

Carlos and James were sitting on the couch in comfortable silence. Carlos had his head in James lap and James was humming Carlos favorite song. He had his eyes closed as he put words to the humming. All of a sudden Carlos opened his eyes and looked around. "Where are Kendall and Logan?" He asked.

"Oh, they went on a date." James looked at the clock. "Huh. They should've been back by now. They said they'd be back by 3:30 and its 4:00 now..." He stared at the clock with a slightly concerned expression.

"They probably just took a detour or something. Just getting away from the crowds. You know the press had a field day when they found out about their relationship. They're okay. Don't worry too much."

James sighed. "I guess. Let's see what's on TV. There's supposed to be a special on hair care products on the news."

Carlos laughed. "Of course."

"Hey." James said defensively "You love this hair."

"Not just the hair." Carlos added playfully as he picked up the remote and kissed James on the cheek. James smiled and put his arm around Carlos as a news reporter started talking.

She said, "-And in other news two boys from a group called 'Big Time Rush' were hit by a car today." The two boys stared at the screen in horror as a picture of Kendall and Logan popped up on the screen. "Shockingly, the man swerved to hit the two boys, because he saw them holding hands as they crossed the street. He recognized the two as a couple, and he claims they deserved it for tainting the country with their sexuality. He is now in custody of the police and a trial will be held. The accident occurred at approximately 3:50. They have since then been taken to a hospital where they are being treated for injuries. I've been told that the condition of the two boys is not fully known. Back to you, Tom." Carlos flipped off the TV and ran towards the door. James followed him quickly.

Carlos was completely silent as he and James sped down the road towards the hospital closest to the site of the crash. When they pulled up, they saw an ambulance with its lights still blinking. Carlos heart crawled into his throat as he saw an unconscious Logan being wheeled inside after Kendall. He could see that some of the paramedics had blood on them. Carlos bit back tears as he got out of the car before James completely stopped and he ran as fast as he could, almost tripping twice, to the door.

He skidded to a stop at the information desk. "Hi, I m here to see Logan Mitchell and Kendall Knight." His voice sounded panicked and unlike his own. James noticed this and his eyes widened slightly.

The lady looked at her computer and clicked a few things. "Are you Carlos Garcia and James Diamond?" They nodded vigorously. "You'll have to stay in the waiting room. Their doctor will meet you there."

"Thank you so much." Carlos said hastily as he ran down the hall all the way to the waiting room. They met a doctor when they got there. "How are they?" Carlos asked hoping they would be okay.

The doctor shook his head. "It's hard to tell. So far we can tell that Logan has a broken leg and is, at the moment, unconscious. Kendall has a broken arm and is conscious. Both appear to have minor concussions from hitting the pavement. We haven't assessed all the damages yet, but, we know they saved each other. The way they were positioned, their vital organs were protected." James nodded and pulled Carlos, who started crying harder. When that happened, the doctor added, "Kendall asked for you boys, you know. I'm truly sorry this happened. That man had no reason to do such a thing. If anyone's tainting the country, it's him. We should learn to love instead of hating people just because they're different." Carlos pulled away from James and looked at the doctor. They were both crying silently now, but they both smiled at the man's view on things.

"They'll be happy to hear that. Thank you." James said shakily.

The doctor nodded. "I'll give you information as soon as I can. Hang in there, boys." he said patting their shoulders. He turned and walked back into the room.

Carlos took a shaky breath and slumped down into one of the seats. "I-I think I'm gonna b-be sick. I'm feeling way too many emotions for one person."

James sat down next to him and wrapped his arms around Carlos tightly. "Don't worry. It's gonna be okay. He said they saved each other. That means they'll be okay." James said this to reassure himself mostly.

Carlos was shaking. "I feel guilty and scared a-and angry and a whole bunch of other stuff I haven't put a name to."

"Why do you feel guilty? You didn't cause this."

"No, but I said not to worry when we should've worried." He said and broke down. James stood up still holding Carlos as he led him to a secluded waiting room.

James started dancing and whispering their song into his ear. Carlos cried harder and squeezed James tighter. James leaned his head back a little so he could see Carlos eyes. "Even in this situation, you still take my breath away with those eyes. That little glint that makes me think you're a little kid is gone, though. It kills me to see you like this. It'll be okay. I'll always be here for you no matter what." Carlos eyes gained a look that James had paired with love. James quickly kissed him on the lips before he could reply. James could taste the salt from the younger boy's tears and something sweet he couldn't quite put his finger on. Now that he thought about it, it could just be Carlos. He intertwined their fingers and pressed himself against Carlos so he could feel his slow breaths. They stopped when they heard a door open behind them. They didn't let each other go until they saw it was Kendall. Carlos let James go and ran toward him with the same excitement as a kid hopped up on sugar.

"You're okay!" He yelled gleefully as he bounced up and down in front of him. Kendall's arm was in a sling and an ace bandage around it.

Kendall shrugged. "I'm not dead, if that's what you mean. The doctor's gonna kill me if he realizes I left the room, but he told me you guys were pretty upset, so I figured I'd come out and say hi before they take me to get my arm a cast."

James was now standing next to Carlos with his arm around his waist to keep him from jumping. "Well, we're glad you're mostly okay. How's Logan?"

Kendall stood there for a second, and then shrugged. "He's doing okay. His leg's in a cast, though."

James nodded. "Doctor told us that he had a broken leg. Now you better get back to your room before the doctor comes back, or else you'll be in big trouble." James said in a motherly tone.

Kendall waved his good arm. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. I'll see you guys whenever I get my cast. They better make it red, or I'm gonna be mad."

Carlos and James laughed and followed Kendall back into the waiting room. "What room you in?" Carlos asked.

"Like 241 I think. See you guys soon." Kendall gave them a one armed hug and walked back through the double doors.

"He's a freak." James said.

Carlos nodded. "Well, if Logan's is as well of as Kendall, and Kendall's well enough to come out here and talk to us, and we can't really do anything for a half hour, can we go down to the cafeteria and get some food?"

Wow. I cried so much when I wrote this! I'm finishing this at 12:19 A.M. (Night time) and my head is telling me to sleep. So I'm not posting it now, but I will in the morning. Well R+R
