
The grand villas and pillars of Volterra are breathtaking in every way- they're shiny, like-

Oh gosh! I quickly speed into the shadows of a big villa with a large shadow looming over it. I'm a vampire now. Which only means one thing. I'm shiny too.

I poke one finger out. It glitters and sparkles beautifully, making me gasp. I am so damn perfect.

I have no idea why Edward wouldn't let me be like him. I hate him now. I hate them all, even cutie-pie Alice. Huh. She was such a spoiled brat!

I sniff the air. My senses are different. My scent's just gone up so much I can track people. So I'm going to track one of the Volturi.

Little Jane is far too dangerous, but her twin brother...

Yes, Alec is perfect. My non-human heart beats faster and faster, blood boils at my cheeks.

Oh no. That's just the sun on my face, making me glimmer and shimmer! I gulp nervously, backing up. I thud against something rock-hard.

I suck in my breath as I turn to see...him. Alec. How did he-

'Hello little vampire.' he whispers, making me shiver and shudder violently,' What's wrong? Why are you trying to get in trouble with the Volturi? You better not be another stupid vampire, just like Edward Cullen.'

I stare right into his eyes, determined to stand up for myself.

'I am-' I begin, then pause. After a minute or two, I continue,' I am Vicky Bronze.'

'Vicky Bronze?' Alec's eyebrows rise higher and higher, right up into his tasty-looking fringe.

All right, I admit it. I've fallen in love with Alec Volturi.

'Yes.' I reply motionlessly, still staring right into his big and beautiful eyes.

Alec laughs in amusement, ruffling my hair and smiling sweetly at me. I smile back, eager to get on the good side of him very, very quickly.

'Who's that?'

Uh-oh. It's Jane the Pain.

'Just a friend, Janey.' Alec says, still smiling.

'I see...' says Jane, obviously not totally convinced yet.

'Vicky Bronze is her name.' he then says.

'Uh-huh.' Jane mutters, glowering at me crossly.

'Hi.' I mumble.

Jane suddenly looks up.

'You spoke.' she points out, ' Are you here for trouble- or pain?'

'None of them!' I say super-quickly, hoping she won't use that weird vampire power of hers on me.

'You are...visiting?'

It seems like a good suggestion.

'Yeah.' I reply, putting my one hand on one hip, swaying my body to the side slightly.

Jane can't seem to help the smile etching at the side of her face. She covers it up with a smirk-snigger-thing, which is not a good look, trust me on this one.

Trust me on this one.

I can't believe I said that to Jake, after all his injuries and stuff. I bite hard on my lower lip, hoping I don't look seriously stupid.

'Come with us.' Jane says suddenly, ' We'll see if the Masters find any interest in you. Staying at our home is quite fun...if you don't stay, well, that means...pain.'

She smiles this time, almost giggling like a little girl. She reminds me of a more dangerous and violent version of Alice Cullen. I think I like Jane a whole lot better, though.

As for Alec, well, I'm in love with him. He's a more flirtatious, sexy version of silly, old Edward Cullen. I definitely like him better.

And I'll definitely be staying.