DISCLAIMER: I do not own Twilight; that is all Stephanie Meyer's doing. And I'm cool with it staying that way. I only own the plot and a few characters; nothing huge

Gravity: Prologue

"Renesme, can you come down here?" I blinked and ex'd out of the document I was editing. I kept thinking about running away, so I wouldn't be home-schooled anymore; my mother didn't understand the concept of "independence", and neither did my father on some occasions. If I was in one of Alice's books, I would've been an adult on week ago; on my 17th birthday.

I strolled down the front steps, collapsing into a chair. My mother and father sat on the love-seat opposite me. The windows were open, blowing cool, early-October breezes and bird-song into the cottage. I thought I knew why I was here.

"So," I sighed, "What do I have to read this year?" I assumed my list would include something like Tolstoy or Hemingway. My parents stayed silent.

"Actually, Renesme…" My mother started, "We were considering sending you to the high school for your last two years." My mouth dropped open.

"Are you serious?" I gasped, trying hard not to show my over-flowing excitement. My dad cracked a familiar crooked smile.

"Yes, your mother and I have decided you need a taste of the outside world," He joked, "This will be very different than going to Charlie's house or shopping in Port Angeles. You understand, don't you?"

"Yea-yea, but you're really letting me go?" My le was bouncing with contained celebration. Mom gave me a serious look.

"Renesme, you have to be responsible," She said slowly, "Your father and I think you are careful not to expose any secrets…" I nodded.

"Okay, don't expose the vampires to humanity, got-it." I spoke at top-speed, "Now, when do classes start?" My father stood and walked around the back of the love-seat.

"Well, classes start Monday, Renesme." He dropped a canvas messenger bag on my lap, "Consider this as an early birthday present." I jumped up, enveloping both my parents in hugs before racing off to my room to sort through the loot.

Author Note: Hi, I'm back again! Hello Twilighters, my name is Carie; please don't kill me then eat my soul. I was entertaining this idea during a particularly boring tennis practice and thought I should put it to words (not to be all pun-y or anything). I do own Stephie's new book of answers to the Twilight series (there's even an answer to why Edward didn't flip when Bells go her period…TMI, anyone?) , but I'm not going to stick to every fact. If you want me to write the story, you may want to step outside of my personal bubble… Thank you for reading, rate and review…all that jazz

Let's see how this one goes,
