In celebration of finishing my last essay of the term (well, with the exception of a meeting to write the intro/conclusion of aforementioned group essay) i shall post the last chapter of wraths recompense.

Before people ask, yes there is a sequel which i am writing. I'm presently on chapter nine - only just worked out how i'm eventually going to end it over the last weekend (weekend visits to oh so beautiful Strasbourg do wonders for imagination) but there is a huge amount of plotline to get through before i even sight the eventual ending but at least i now have a point to aim at now...

On that subject can anyone think of a title for the story? It primarily based around the children and does return to middle earth. There will be lots of complicatedness and stuff in it not to mention various people trying to manipulate other people (the side of me that chose to do a politics degree comes into its own in this story). The winner gets a virtual cookie!

Anway, here is the last fairly gooey chapter for all you raving romantics out there. Hopefully Melody-chii enjoyed here little story.

Wrath's Recompense 10

Their wedding was the biggest event Valinor had seen in a long time, and anyone who was anyone was there to see it happen.

Many thought that the event was the perfect ending to the War, the ultimate commander of the army marrying a beautiful lady, who he had saved from captivity under the enemy. It did sound terribly romantic when put like that.

Now she could speak and be understood, Riona turned out to be quite talkative and vastly pleased several Elves with her home traditions that she wanted to include in the wedding ceremony. The most pleased Elf however was Finarfin because, when she told him that where she came from the father rather than the mother that escorted a bride on the wedding day, she asked Finarfin to fill in for her father.

The Noldorin King had become quite attached to her and was very touched that she had asked him to fulfil the role of her father at such an important ceremony. Privately, Eönwë thought it was a very appropriate choice since Finarfin behaved very paternally towards Riona.

The other major tradition that she brought across was for Daffyd to carry the rings at the ceremony, a role which the little boy pulled off adorably, earning him much fuss from all the ellyth present.

At the feast they were presented with gifts, most notably by the Valar themselves. When Irmo came up to give his, he grinned slightly at Eönwë.

"It is nice to see my vision did indeed come true." At first Eönwë was confused by the comment then slowly he remembered the strange visit just before he had left for the War. Irmo apparently found the widening eyes as realisation hit amusing, judging by his expression as he walked off.

Toward the end of the feast, the entire room filled with a presence that was unmistakably Eru. Unconsciously, everyone in the room rose from where they sat and sunk into bows or curtseys at the presence of the One.

Eru moved over to Eönwë and Riona and placed hands on their heads in a benediction.

"I join in the joy of your wedding day and wish you the greatest happiness in your marriage. For your wedding gift I give you something none other can give to you." The voice that was more in the mind than heard for it was too pure to simply be noise was soft and all encasing. At the last words, there was a surge of power.

When the power overwhelming Eönwë's senses died down, Eru was gone. He turned to face his new wife and gasped in surprise. He looked then at Daffyd as well, then back to his wife before whispering to her in pure, undiluted but utterly overjoyed shock.

"Eru has made you both Maia!"

There was no better gift he could have given.


As Eönwë entered the house with Daffyd, who he had been teaching, he noticed how utterly radiant his wife was today, sitting talking to Finarfin and Fingolfin (who had recently been released from the halls of Mandos) and looking as if the sun rose in her face.

He jumped slightly as he felt a finger in his side and turned to the now adolescent Daffyd.

"You were staring again, Uncle Eönwë." He seemed very amused by that. Eönwë grinned at him.

"It's not my fault your aunt is the most beautiful lady ever born." Daffyd raised an amused eyebrow. The elder Maia just pulled a haughty expression and turned back to his wife and deliberately began staring at Riona again.

"You know, even though you two have been married hundreds years, you two still act like newlyweds?" Eönwë's laugh was what caught the attention of his wife and when she turned to look at her smile outshone any sunrise in her husband's eyes.

"You two are finished, then?" Both Maia nodded. "Good, I need to talk to Eönwë for a moment. Coming, my love?" As ever, when she called him her love, Eönwë's heart swelled with joy. Daffyd was probably right. He was a little besotted.

When they were in the library, she wrapped her arms round his neck and kissed him passionately.

"I thought you wanted to talk to me? If you keep doing that, talking won't be on the agenda," he whispered huskily. Riona laughed, a sound like bells to her – alright, totally besotted – husband. She took one of his hands and placed it on her stomach. In utter confusion, Eönwë frowned at her. Riona looked down and blushed a bit at him before looking back up at him through her lashes. Apparently, she wanted to test his self-control. Eventually, she actually spoke up,

"Eönwë, I'm pregnant." His jaw dropped. Alright, they had been trying for a child since Daffyd had been old enough not to need all their care, but, somehow, for it to actually happen was still a surprise.

Riona bit her lip nervously, still looking through her lashes. Eönwë suddenly grasped that she was worried about his reaction to the news. How could she think he'd be anything other than delighted? Without another thought he swept her back to him and kissed her as passionately as he could manage.

It was quite a while before they got back to their guests – and very little of that time had been taken up with talking. Daffyd seemed to find that very funny for some reason.


Finarfin and Daffyd were both glaring holes into the pacing Maia. Every time they pulled him back into a chair, he remained seated for about five minutes before getting up and pacing the library again. After several hours of waiting (and pacing), the carpet definitely needed replacing and both King and nephew were ready to kill the Herald of Manwë.

"Calm down! Pacing here is hardly going to make it come any quicker, Eönwë; I should know, I've experienced this five times!" Eönwë glared at the King.

"And Eru only knows how you did not go insane after five children either!" he snapped back, totally on edge.

When the library door opened, Eönwë was so highly strung that he nearly hit the ceiling with his jump of shock. He would never live that down with either male in the room. To the relief of all three, it was the housekeeper telling Eönwë to come with her.

When he entered the bedroom, his wife was sitting up in bed, utterly exhausted. The candid part of him admitted that, really, she looked terrible, but in his eyes she couldn't have looked more radiant than right then.

He moved over to the bed, where his legs gave out, and he perched beside his wife, who carefully handed an impossibly small bundle to him.

"Your daughter, Órenya." Eönwë smiled at her with total adoration before looking at the child.

"Well met, Russafëa." He kissed his daughter's shock of auburn hair gently. Riona grinned at him.

"Red-haired spirit? I congratulate your imagination, Melmë." Only Riona would make a joke like that at that particular moment.