So at first I thought this fic was just going to be a romance but Megatronus89 started asking me questions as to if the Autobots and Decepticons were going to be in this fic. And I started thinking and thinking and ideas started exploding like no other. So this fic will be much longer than I had anticipated. So here is chapter 6 and please do enjoy!

Chapter 6

Something Familiar

Starscream walked Alexis to her home and when they got there she turned to Starscream and looked up at him. "You know Sam…I haven't felt this way in a very long time…will I see you tomorrow?" she asked.

"Yes, yes you will. Is there a particular time?" he asked holding her hand in his much larger ones.

"The sooner the better." She whispered and got on her tippy toes as Starscream leaned down to kiss her. The kiss was like before, just as magical and the two didn't want to leave each other's side until finally Starscream started to walk away and Alexis stood there watching him with a sad look on her face. Then she too started walking towards her house.

As Starscream headed back to Rad's house something stopped him. He looked behind him to see nothing and went to walk again but when he did a big gust of air caught him, taking him high into the air. Yelling he was flipping higher and higher into the air until he was out of the Earth's atmosphere. He started looking around hoping to see anyone who had done that to him. He could breathe thankfully.

"What do you want!?" he yelled.

Suddenly Primus appeared before him. Starscream felt terror and sadness when he saw him. That meant it was near time or time. "Starscream, it is time."

"No! I need more time!" he yelled.

Primus shook his head and a bright light came out of Starscream's chest and pain erupted all over. And as soon as it hit, it was gone. He looked at himself and he was himself once more. He felt anger inside all over again. He wanted to be human, he wanted to be able to hold Alexis in his arms. He didn't want this. He didn't want to have to so gentle with her to the point he was afraid to hurt her.

Primus disappeared and Starscream was once again alone. He slowly allowed himself to fall into the Earth's atmosphere once more. This time it was a different experience. As he did this he heard engines behind him. He turned around to see a YF-19 jet heading his way. He quickly got out of the way of the speeding jet and easily scanned it when it flew past him. He transformed into the jet and quickly took off.

It had been ages since he was able to fly and honestly he did miss it. He did loops in the air and nose dives. Now the trick was to see Alexis…but still in the Sam form until she starts to get the hint of who he really is. He will not tell her. He landed in the middle of the woods and sighed, he didn't know what to do he needed to meet her in the morning and yet his human form as gone.

An idea struck him in an instant though, his human form was gone, but the Autobot had developed something to allow the transformers to blend in with the people of the planet and using that technique that's exactly what he was going to do.

The next morning Alexis woke up and looked outside her window to see no other than Sam leaning against her tree in the front yard. A smile swept across her face as she quickly got ready. Today she was going to spend time with Sam, Rad nor will Carlos come near them today.

When she came running out she came running to Sam jumping into his arms as he caught her and swung her around.

"You act like you haven't seen me in years!" Starscream exclaimed.

"I didn't think you were going to come back honestly." She replied quietly.

She looked down and Starscream gently put a finger under her chin and had her look up at him. "When I say I'm going to do something, which means I'm going to do it. Don't think that I'll abandon you after a first day together. If something happens I'll let you know."

Alexis wiped away tears from her eyes and Starscream became worried. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah…I'm fine." She whispered.

Starscream wrapped an arm around her and said, "I have a surprise for you, but we have to walk into the forest to find it."

"What is it?" she asked taking control of her emotions and wiping away the last of her tears.

"Well you will have to follow me to find out." He replied still leading her.

They continued to walk in the woods until they came to a red and white FY-19 jet that was just parked there. When Alexis saw it she froze. She looked up at him with sadness and anger in her eyes. "Who have you been talking to?"

"What do you mean?" he asked her with confusion in his eyes.

"How did you know about this jet and colors? Did Rad and Carlos tell you!?" She yelled.

"Tell me what!?" he exclaimed. He knew exactly what she was talking about. He had to keep it up until she knew who he was…until he was certain he could show himself to her. She put her hands over her face as she took a deep breath. "Did you date someone who used to fly one like this?"

"It was very similar, but yes…same colors too." She replied.

"What happened to him?" he asked knowing what happened, but he had to hear it from what she had seen…or at least tell him how she felt when it happened.

"He was blown up…I was there watching it from a safe place…" she paused for a moment, "They were testing out some new system…and something went wrong…nothing was ever found of him." She then reached for her necklace and showed it to him. "He gave me this before he died…I made it into a necklace and the day he died…it cracked."

Starscream felt guilty for what had happened. He put her into a mess of things. He had wanted the Autobots and Decepticons to work together to defeat Unicron. And he had accomplished that…with a price. He wanted to tell her how he felt and that everything was all right. But he couldn't do that and ruin everything he wanted to work for. He wanted her to fall for him all over again, the same Decepticon she met years ago.

"I'm sorry for your loss. If you don't want to go flying I totally understand." He replied turning on his heel and about to head off.

"No…he wouldn't want me to do this. He would want me to live my life instead of becoming one with the dead." She stated mostly to herself.

Starscream looked at her making sure she was fine. Yes he didn't want her to go into a huge depression because of him. He felt horrible, but it did end the war and with the transformers off the planet he could have her to his self without anyone interfering.

He climbed up on to the jet and helped Alexis into the cockpit. "Are you okay?" he asked. It was a little tight, but it would work.

"Yeah…just a little cramped." She replied. It seemed that she had read his mind. When he grabbed a hold of the instruments to fly the jet, his true form awakened. His holoform which he had been using all this time would just be holding on to the sticks as he, the actual jet, took control.

"Now remember, I haven't flown in a very long time." He spoke as they started to levitate from the ground.

"Don't you have to speed off before you can take off?" she asked.

"Well there's really no way I can speed off in the woods, it would ruin the engine and it would create a huge mess. Which would then have the officials wondering what happened here." He replied.

Alexis mouthed 'oh' as they took off into the air. Plus Starscream could take off however he liked. He was a transformer and didn't have to follow human jet rules. Feeling her sitting in his seats was like the one and only time he took her flying. She trusted him and a few days later he betrayed everyone.

They flew in silence. Alexis looking out the window and seeing everything from a wondrous view. "I haven't seen a view like this in years."

Starscream smiled. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." He whispered.

He flew higher and higher, and then went into a nose dive. Alexis gripped onto anything she could and started screaming. "SAM!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"

"Just hold on Alexis!" he yelled back and at the right time he pulled up and went spiraling back into the sky.

"What was that?" she breathed.

"Just a little excitement." He replied smiling. Alexis wasn't smiling, in face she was giving him the death glare.

He started laughing at this because it reminded him back when he first did that to her. When he laughed he had forgotten to disguise his voice and that made her jump and look at him. He quickly stopped laughing and focused on flying.

"What was that?" she asked him.

"What was what?" he asked trying to act like he didn't know what she was talking about.

"That laugh…it sounded familiar." She replied almost in a trance like state.

"It was one of my various laughs. People have different kinds of laughs you know." He replied.

She nodded and he relaxed a little bit. "But that laugh sounded like someone's I used to know…a long time ago."

Uh Starscream/Sam forgot to disguise his voice when he laughed...will Alexis find out who he really is, or will she brush it off. Also since Starscream is now a transformer again will the Decepticons and Autobots come searching for him now. Find out and see! To ask questions and get special access of what may happen in the story become a fan on my page: mrsoptimusprimefanfiction Here you can personally talk to me and I'm mostly on especially when I am writing. Look forward to hearing from you!