A/N : The credit for the Momo part is performed by my lovely sister Ce-ce

Who cut her reiatsu sealer and then only half of it?

What will yamamoto say if he hears Yoruichi kept her child secret for 10 years?

please read and review thank u

Bleach ~ Kubo T

Michiko~ Me

Michiko's eyes met a pair of concerned green eyes and another pair of striking golden eyes that seemed vaguely familiar. "lil' ninja, its me your mom" Yoruichi spoke softly and gently. It was a side of her that Seiritei didn't see ever until this moment. Michiko tried to form words but was interrupted by a fierce cough attack making her small body shake fiercely. Retsu ran soothing kidou down her back into her lungs. "She has pneumonia" The medic explained the coughing fit. "She is on antibiotics now" she gestured to the line running from Michiko's arm to a bag with a liquid. "it also serves to fight of eventual infections from the hollow injuries. I took out all poison I could but there could always be a drop of it that was already too deep into her blood" Yoruichi her stomach started growling and Retsu smiled lightly amused. "Tell Isane, I requested her to fix you and Kukaku-san a sandwich and some tea" Yoruichi hesitated and looked at her daughter who leaned exhausted back into the pillows. "But..." Retsu guided the princess and Kukaku gently to the door "I am here for her and my office is close by so eventual changes I will notice at once"

After the two noble women left, Retsu tucked Michiko in and made sure everything was alright with her before leaving for her office to fill in the progression the child made. Michiko slumbered for maybe half an hour before starting to feel restless. The dream kept her busy and she had so much questions swirling in her head. She had to find the answers to her questions. With much effort she undid herself from all wires after switching the alarm off and pulled away the IV she was hooked onto. As quiet as possible she climbed out of the window. It took very much of her energy and she had much pain but she had to go away from all wires and the lady that looked too much like herself. She had to think. She didn't even know where she was going, she was wandering aimlessly. At some point she couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the ground. Momo skidded to a halt almost tripping over the small stranger "Oh my are you alright?" she exclaimed getting no reply her brown furrowed, crouching down to get a look of her face, she gentlly shook the girl trying to wake her "hey, come on, wake up!" she said softly a hint of worry in her voice. The child didn't move. She had fainted from pain and exhaust. the places where the needles were, were still bleeding a bit and she had a bandage around her head and bruises everywhere. Momo chewed at her lip looking around her seeing no one was there to help, she carefully lifted the child carrying her inside her barracks placing her on her bed and began treating her wounds with spare bandages and warm water. After some time the child started trashing around her weakly as she tossed her head to the sides restlessly and cried softly, nearly soundless. ''shh it's alright'' the small lieutenant cooed softly holding a warm wet cloth to her forehead making sure to send her a calming reiatsu, her hazle eyes filled with child tried saying something but only thing that came out was a raw coughing that made her small body shake fiercely. Hinamori smiled sympathetically, rubbing her back gently. The child's eyes were closed all the time but she slowly opened them looking at her care taker with big amber eyes that had a frightened look in them. Hinamori blinked seeing the eyes, a look of surprise on her face, but it soon faded to be replaced with a soft smile. "it's alright, I won't hurt you, you're safe" The child felt oddly comfortable with her and a weak smile appeared on her small face and she made an attempt to put her hand on Momo's cheek. Momo smiled taking the girl's hand in her own "can you tell me your name sweetie?" Michiko realized it would be no use talking with her sore throat and cough so with her index finger she made traces on the bed writing her name that way. "Michiko Urahara" she tried to tell. Looking puzzled, Hinamori went into her office fetching a pen and paper handing it to her. "Here you go, is that better?" The child gave a nod and a grateful look appeared in her eyes. "Michiko Urahara" she wrote on the paper she held against her pulled up knees. "Michiko Urahara, that's such a pretty name" Hinamori smiled ignoring that familiar tone her last name had. The child beamed at her despite her pain and revealed a few missing teeth. "Oh dear, your teeth!" She started wondering silently if she was simply at that age children lost their teeth. The little girl nodded full of pride. "What happened to them?" She tilted her head curious with the girl's pride. "Fell off" the child mouthed. "the tooth fairy will bring me big people's teeth." Hinamori chuckled child wrote again "I don't want to go back to the bed with the machines and the lady with the long hair." "You mean Unohana-Taichou? ... She's really nice Michiko-san...but...I don't blame you, I've been there for months...years even, I've grown to hate that place too, don't worry you can stay here for as long as you want" The child shuffled towards the shinigami and lay her head against the older girl's arm. she smiled gently stroking the little girl's hair. "Do you have any parents Michiko? anyone I can find for you?" The child shrugged her shoulders her made a gesture to her head and then signed that she didn't remember. "oh I see, you look alot like someone I've seen before...I can't figure out who though" The child suddenly heard a kind laughter and someone calling her angel but she couldn't place the voice and her head started hurting much. "Michiko, are you alright?" Hinamori looked down at the small girl concern in her eyes. The child's reiatsu started raising and and swirling uncontrollable before she collapsed again. Hinamori gasped pulling the covers around her, she bit her lip. "I'm sorry Michiko...I have to get Unohana-taichou..." With that Hinamori rushed to the 4th.