If you have not read 'Love triangle: a sonamy story yet' then I advise you read that story first before this one. Thank you!

Well, here it is, the second part of my sonamy story series. I know you guys have been waiting for this, so I decided to write this chapter, and put it in early!

This story starts eight years before the first one, so I can give you some background knowledge on the rest of the story. Then the story proceeds to Amy's high school graduation party. This story, instead of being focused completely on their love, focuses also on Project: Ultra, which you will find out more about later on. This also gives my latest story an actual plot, making it slightly more original, though I don't know if anyone has used this idea before. Anyways, enjoy!


(Eight years ago, the oval office -Normal POV- )

The president was sitting down at his desk, signing papers and making decisions for the country, as he did regularly. He sighed, as the job did get boring occasionally. He then heard a knock. He then raised his gaze towards the door, glad to not having to look at his papers for a moment.

"Yes?" he asked.

"It's me, miss Delaney." the voice said, in a serious tone.

The president slightly grimaced, realizing who the voice belonged to. It was his assistant, miss Delaney. It wasn't that he didn't like her, it's just that whenever she came into his office, she was normally accompanied with a stack of papers for him to sign, which seemed to take forever to read, think over, and sign them all.

"Come on in Delaney." the president said, glancing away from the door to his desk.

The door opened, revealing a woman of about twenty nine, brunette hair, in a beige suit, accompanied with small high heels. She then placed a small stack of papers, about half an inch thick, on the desk. His frown was then replaced by a slight smile, as the pile was less thicker than he would have normally anticipated. She then reached under her arm, and grabbed a manilla folder, and held it out to him.

"This is the report you asked for sir, it came directly from the Central Intelligence Agency." she said, slightly above a whisper.

His eyes widened slightly at the statement, but he nodded, as he was expecting the report. Just less than a week ago, Sonic and his friends had gone home to their home planet, leaving Earth behind for their home planet, Mobius. The president had asked for the final report, just out of curiosity. He glanced over the papers quickly, then put them face down on the desk.

"Thank you Delaney, anything else?" he asked.

"Yes sir. It seems as though some representatives from the technology department wish to speak to you about a new project?" She told him, putting a statement in the form of a question.

"Why not just send it to me?" The president asked, curious.

"They say it's too important for that."

The technology department was fairly new. It was created in response to new technology attacks from doctor Eggman, after the country's department of defense told him that their weapons were seriously outdated in comparison to Eggman's weaponry and machines. Even though now that Eggman was gone, that didn't mean the newly formed department didn't have its uses anymore. But what was so important that it had to be spoken to him directly, was beyond him.

"When will they be here?" The president asked in the firmest tone he could muster at the moment.

"They called, saying they'd be here in around fifteen minutes." she told him.

Short notice, but it would have to do.

"Good...send them in when they get here." he replied.

"Yes mister president." she said back, adding a slight salute. She then walked back out the door, leaving the president alone with his thoughts.

"Now that Sonic is gone, and Eggman with him, the world is back to where it once was" he. thought. A remembrance of the ARK incident then flickered through his mind, and he added "No one here will forget you Sonic."

He sighed and picked up the papers that Delaney had recently given him. He looked over it once again, reading the details this time.

After a while of reading the report, another knock sounded on the door.

"Come in." the president muttered.

The door opened, and two men in jet black suits walked into the room. Behind them, and old man wearing a lab coat, and beige pants walked in. He featured snowy white hair, and a grin on his face. The president instantly recognized him as Chuck Thorndyke.

"Welcome Chuck, a pleasure to see you." the president told him, adding a small smile to his greeting.

"Likewise" Chuck told him, retuning the smile. "Now as you may have heard, we have important business to speak about with you."

The president nodded. "Yes, yes I have."

"It pertains to the Chaos emeralds used to help send Sonic and the others home."

"What about it?" the president asked. He was confused about what the chaos emeralds soon had to do with their current conversation.

"Well, the chaos emeralds hold a massive collection of power, which when harnessed, could be put to countless uses, many of which could help several world problems." Chuck told him, clamping his hands together. "Such as energy problems for instance."

"I don't understand." the president asked, confused slightly.

"I'll explain further. What if we could create an artificial emerald, but much stronger than the originals, or at least as strong as one? The power in them could last decades, possible centuries, and could be used for powering cities, states, or even countries! We wouldn't need other sources for power such as fuel, coal,or nuclear. I believe it is possible, with analysis's of the emeralds I currently have, we could construct one." Chuck said. He then fell into silence, waiting for the presidents reaction.

"I see." the president told him, glancing at the desk, then back at Chuck. The thought of such a thing seemed... so out of reach, yet extremely inviting. How couldn't it?

"Do we have the machinery, or such to make this possible?" the president asked.

"It is possible, with the technology we captured from Eggman, such devices needed to create an emerald, could be created, and could work." Chuck explained.

"I see. I have two other questions about this..'project'." The president muttered.

"What would they be?" Chuck asked, half expecting this. It was the president's job to know all the risks and other such factors anyways.

"First off all, how much money would it take to produce such a thing? And secondly, how long could it take?"

After a small silence as he though to himself, professor Thorndyke answered.

"Well...the cost as far as I can tell is undetermined. But the time is not. I'd estimate..that if we did it right, we could get it done within a good ten years, if we play our cards right."

"I see." the president told him.

One of the men in suits, opened his coat and pulled out a sheet of paper, and handed it to Chuck. He nodded and handed it to the president, who examined it for a second.

"This is the form to pass the project." Chuck told him.

The president nodded. " I see...I will take this matter seriously. You will have your answer by tomorrow morning." he told them.

Chuck smiled, and held out his hand. "Thank you mister president, we'll be off now, as we know your a busy man."

The president then took his hand and shook it. "Alright, goodbye." he said. He then glanced at the papers on the desk and then added. "And good luck."

The president nodded, understanding, adding a small smile.

The two men in the suits exited the room first, and then Chuck Thorndyke walked out after them. The door shut, leaving the president alone, yet again in the oval office. The president opened a special compartment in his desk, and placed the paper inside neatly then shut it. This was a matter he needed to consider with the utmost care. This was a decision that could quite possibly change the entire world. All it would take was one signature to put it all into action. A seemingly impossible obstacle of time and resources could be needed for this, but the president told himself that this goal should be pursued.

He sighed, and went back to his normal work, so he could think about it until he was done with it.

(Late in the evening)

As it was getting dark outside, the president let out a small yawn, and signed the last paper of the day. He smiled and leaned back in his chair, now that his work was done. He then lowered his gaze to the compartment. He sighed. No...he wasn't done. There was still that project form to sign.

He opened the compartment and took out the form, placing it face up on the desk. He then saw in bold letters at the top 'Project: Ultra'.

After reading the about the entire project, he was surprised at the effects it could possibly produce. Less pollution, more technological advancements, and the clear possibility of nearly halting 'global warming'. If this project was started, and actually worked, the future of the world could be changed forever. He was utterly fascinated at the possibilities typed up on this simple sheet of paper.

"Well...I told them they'd get an answer by tomorrow." he thought. He then pulled out his ballpoint pen, and quickly signed his name where it went. He then neatly folded it up, and grabbed an empty letter, and put it in. he then pressed a button and the intercom to Delaney's office keyed on.

"Miss Delaney, I need you up here immediately." he said.

After a wait of nearly three minutes, a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in." the president told her.

Delaney walked in. "Yes mister president?" she asked.

He then held out his hand towards her, the letter in his hand. "I want to you to make sure this gets to the Technology Department by tomorrow morning." he told her.

"Yes sir." she told him, taking the letter, and walking out of the room.

The president then stood up, and walked out of the room, heading to bed, as it was getting late.

Thank you for reading the first chapter to the sequel to love triangle. (Yay!)

Anyways, I hope you thought of this chapter as..hopefully somewhat intriguing and review it. (I would make my day, it honestly would. The thing I love more than writing these stories are the reviews I get.)
