HI :) I am really the worst author leaving you guys hanging like that please forgive me? anyway new chapter some serious talk... no break up! erm and yes some fluff! so enjoy :)

The meal at the Chucks was fun. The food was great Pearl had cooked it. The was general chit chat about glee, and starkid, and Darren couldn't help but boast about all of Chris's other projects and how proud he was of his boyfriend. Mrs Criss just smiled at the loving looks the boys kept exchanging. Still nobody had noticed that anything was troubling Chris and for this he was glad because he didn't want to ruin this night.

Darren and Chris decided to stay at Chuck's that night after all the apartment had 3 bedrooms. The whole family spent the night watching glee the concert movie. Chuck put on the extra scenes not realising that Chris's single ladies dance would torture Darren. When it came on Darren's eyes widened and Chris let out a small chuckle. He could see Darren shifting around in his chair finding the best place to hide his erection. His eyes were glued to the screen.

holy shit Chris's hips, oh what I wouldn't give right now to have a private "dance" of Chris preferably him being naked. and in my lap with his hips moving...ok no more of them thoughts bad Darren your mother and father are in the room.

Chris was smirking now Darren's eyes had gone black and it was painfully obvious to him that Darren just wanted to have sex right there and then. So he decided to torture Darren some more. he took out his phone. He remembered Lea telling him once that Darren liked kinky sex after Darren had admitted it in a game of truth or dare. Well game on. Thought Chris and if he was being truthful with himself he kind of wanted to try one kink... it was a bit extreme but its worth a shot

Hey love having fun? Listen I'm about to be a bad boy ;) In fact I may need a form of punishment later ;) Oh and you might want to cover yourself up with the blanket right next to you ;) - Chris

Chris had no idea where his new found sexual confidence came from and thoughts from earlier had almost completely vanished. Darren's phone dinged and he looked at it. Darren let out a groan.

"What's the matter sweetie?" Chris asked innocently. He was trying his best not to outright smirk and give the whole game away. The Criss' were all staring at them now thinking that there was something wrong with Darren, like he was sick or something.

"Oh nothing, just Ryan texting me, he's told me to tell you that we have to be on set for 5am Thursday to film 'that episode'." Darren didn't want to give too much away to his parents about the episode but they were bound to ask why he wasn't telling them anything when he usually didn't shut up. But he felt to awkward to tell his parents that Kurt and Blaine would be having sex.

"What is the new episode about Dare-bear?" Asked Pearl, she was confused "usually you can't shut up about the latest episode you are about to film."

"um itsaboutkurtandblainehavings ex" He muttered.

"sorry didn't quite catch that there son?" Darren went as red as a tomato. He really didn't want to explain to his parents that him and Chris would be filming a sex scene.

"Um-er. Kurt and Blaine have sex. So apparently me and Chris have to be on set early to make sure that our hair is done properly so it doesn't fall flat."

Chuck burst out laughing followed by Mr Criss and Mrs Criss. Darren and Chris were bright red. "Um anyway aren't we missing the movie?" asked Darren forgetting that Chris had a plan in mind.

"Hey you know I still remember all of the single ladies dance off by heart." Chris stated.

"Really show us then?" Mrs Criss asked, wanted to see Chris do the dance live once more, it was very entertaining. So Chris stood up, and Darren quickly grabbed the blanket to try and cover up the fact that by the end of the dance he would be hard and ready to go to his room with Chris in tow.

So they put the single ladies song on and Chris started to dance all the while eye fucking Darren. The movement of his hips was deliberately more provocative than usual, and he started to grunt on certain moves but made it seem like it was out of effort. Darren was ready to burst he wanted Chris badly, and yet it seemed like the boy was determined to keep torturing him. Finally the song ended and Chris bowed. By this point Chuck had sat on the couch so there was no room for Chris. Then again Darren's knee looked inviting.

"Um there's no seat but do any of you mind if I sit on Darren and give him a cuddle?" Asked Chris all the while Darren was glaring at him.

A chorus of no of course not resounded in the room apart from Darren. He said yes.

"And why would you mind Darren?" Asked Chris. Darren had to quickly think of an excuse that his family would believe.

"Um because your kind of heavy?" A look of hurt quickly crossed Chris's face at the comment about his face but he didn't want any of the others to see so he just laughed, but Darren had noticed.

"well in that case I guess its time for me to hit the hay." Chris forced a smile. "Um which room am I staying in?" The rest of the Criss's realised that something was the matter but didn't want to question Chris in case of upsetting the young man.

"Third door on the left." Said Chuck with a smile.

"Ok well goodnight everyone." He went to the room without so much as a glance at Darren. He sat on the bed and willed himself not to cry.

Did Darren really think of him as heavy? Fat? No he couldn't be fat he'd worked to hard to make sure he wasn't of course Darren didn't know that Chris had always had issues with weight how could he? How hard Chris had to work to stay thin. He hated it when he was a child and all the other kids would call him fat. Why hadn't anyone told him he was putting too much weight on. These thoughts were whirling around his head back and forth. He was scared. Don't get him wrong he didn't have an eating disorder he was just sensitive about certain areas. His thoughts were just growing and escalating into stupid ideas. As that happened tears eventually leaked over. He could hear Darren say goodnight to his parents. For the first time in a year Chris thought about doing something that he though he had fixed.

"Chris?" Darren questioned. He saw the tears streaming on Chris's face. He walked over to the bed and tried to embrace the other man.

"Get off." said Chris calmly.

"Chris come on don't be silly. I'm sorry ok I don't know why or how you got so offended. I only called you heavy. C'mon don't be stupid darling." Darren tried to hug Chris again.

"I said Get off."

"Chris you are being so stupid. Like a fucking girl or something." Darren huffed. He didn't want to have the blame put on him again for Chris being over sensitive about things.

"stupid, silly, heavy, fat what other flaws do you want to remind me of? Fat! Big nose, pear hips, girl voice, weird mouth, weird teeth, not actually a fucking girl who can't have your children. Tell me Darren go on say them all. TELL ME NOW."

Chris was going crazy with his own thoughts.

Darren doesn't want a fat boyfriend. Fine there are quick ways to fix that. Easy ways.

"You don't want a fat boyfriend Darren fine, lets go fix that." Chris wouldn't listen to Darren's reasoning that he isn't fat. He ran to the bathroom. Darren quickly followed in pursuit. The rest of the Criss's had gone to bed after hearing the argument giving the boys some privacy. "SO you don't want me to be fat and neither do I. You see that meal I just ate as lovely as it was full of calories that go straight to my fat stomach and pear hips lets fix that." Chris knelt down by the toilet before Darren could stop him. "Chris what are you doing? Stop." Chris didn't listen to Darren he simply stuck his fingers down his throat and tried to make himself sick. Darren strode over to him and pulled his hands out his mouth. "Chris STOP." Darren shouted.

"NO let go of me I have to do this. I have to do this. I'm fat this fixes it." Chris broke down in sobs. Darren wrapped his arms around the boys waist and picked him up. Wrapping Chris's legs around his hips. and carried him to the bedroom.

"Chris baby look at me. What happened in their? How often do you do that? Do you really think you have flaws? I wish you could see how perfect you are. Do I really make you feel that bad about yourself?" Darren didn't mean to but all of his questions came out at once.

"I- I have to tell you something. When I was younger in high school I got bullied they'd call me fat a lot of the time. So I tried not eating. My mum started to notice and made me eat. So instead I started to stick my fingers down my throat and start making myself sick, it became a habit which nobody noticed. It was like my body was on autopilot. Eat everything, then make yourself sick. It was easy. The weight came off quickly. I stopped about a year ago. You called me heavy it triggered memories it made me relapse. When I stopped it wasn't because I wanted to it was because Ryan found out. I didn't tell him he put the pieces together. He had us on set for 2 weeks of filming. Meal times if I didn't eat I'd find a way to go to the bathroom and make myself sick. The last day Ryan followed me to prove his theory. He saw me go into the bathroom, he heard me make myself sick and watched me walk out back onto set like nothing had happened. He brought me into his office, and he told me he knew. My whole world- My way of staying in control of my weight cam crashing down. Ryan tried to blame the pressure of glee. I quickly argued about my high school experience. He told me I had to tell my parents. A week later I was in therapy which both Ryan and my parents insisted upon. I got better lost the rest of my weight by exercise and healthy eating- Ryan kept a close eye on me. He really is my fairy Godfather without him I probably would have died of malnutrition. No you don't make me feel bad about myself. I found that when I was at my worst I blamed everybody but myself. That is what I did tonight. I'm so, so sorry Darren." Darren was beyond upset.

"Why didn't you tell me?" the hazel eyed man whispered.

"I didn't want you to see me as weak."

"Chris Colfer you are the strongest man I know. I love you. The fact you got through this whole mess explains that to me. You are beautiful and perfect." Darren hadn't finished. "Do you really believe all those flaws you listed earlier? Because I don't remember one of them because they are not true." Darren stated and he was adamant.

"I do believe those... some more than others." Chris looked down it was all about to come out.

"Which one?" Darren questioned.

"The one about me not being able to have children for you... because I am not a girl." Chris felt bad he shouldn't have been telling Darren this.

"Chris your not a girl. I know that. I've had your dick in my hand- which by the way was amazing." Darren sighed. "I don't want you to be a girl. You are Chris Colfer. You are the most amazing man- no person on this planet. Nothing can ever change that. SO yes I know you are not a girl. I've had sex with you- gay sex which by the way was the best sex of my life, all because I was with you the man I love and intend to marry, and start a family with. The fact we cannot biologically have children together doesn't change a thing. I don't care I have you. We can adopt... or use a surrogate. I love you. You are perfect." Darren looked at Chris with loving eyes he wanted to show this man just how perfect he was.

"Thank you." Chris whispered. "I cannot wait to start a family with you." Both many smiled and leant in to kiss each other. The kiss was sweet and passionate at the same time.

"So the best sex ever huh?" Chris wiggled his eyebrows. Darren laughed. Chris carried on. "My dick felt great in your hand?" Darren blushed at this one.

"It was perfect in my hand... so about the text earlier what was that about?" Darren questioned. Chris blushed.

"Um well I just thought we could try some new things in our sex life... like kinky things...but only if you want to.." Chris looked expectant.

"So by Punishment you mean?" Darren trailed off.

"Um- well spanking, and cock rings, and tying me up... with the dalton tie maybe," Chris blushed and muttered the last part. Darren just gaped, he couldn't believe what Chris was saying. Thoughts were whizzing around his head all of the possibilities.

"Fuck Chris so hot. I baby you are turning me on so much with these ideas." Darren definitely had a secret kinky side.

"We'll try them out when we get home." Chris said. He loved what he could do to Darren sometimes.

"Why not now?" Darren whined.

"Your parents are in the next room." Chris stated. Darren shrugged.

"So I'll gag you,"

Darren winked. "No Chris I understand not tonight that would be inappropriate especially after the night we've had. But soon most definitely I will tie you up and fuck you, and spank you to pay you back for that performance of single ladies tonight." Chris couldn't even think straight he never realised all the possibilities that he could try out with Darren.

"Um what about role play?"

"What about it?" Darren asked.

"Well I've kind of had this whole teacher student- sir thing in my head for a while or you know a Dr. Criss scenario in my head... lets call it method acting." Chris winked. Yet whilst he was saying it he still looked so innocent.

"Oh god yes." Darren said. "Right now though we need to get some sleep. When we go home tomorrow we"ll try the teacher one."

"Yes sir." Said Chris saucily. Darren smiled and lay them both down.

Darren started singing "perfect" to Chris;

Pretty Pretty please don't you ever, ever feel like you are nothing you are perfect to me.

"Thank you." whispered Chris.

"Any time. Its true." Both men fell asleep that night with smiles upon their faces. (I was gonna end it there but I thought you guys are awesome that I'll carry on :) )

They woke up in the morning to find Mrs Criss shaking them. Both boys were entwined together with no blanket on. Chris cuddled up into Darren's chest and Darren's arms wrapped protectively around Chris's waist. "MUM get out." Said Darren.

"Sweetie Chris's mum is ringing his phone."

"What?" Chris detached himself from Darren and grabbed the phone. Mouthing thank you to Pearl as she walked out the room.

"Hey mum."

"Hello Christopher sweetie. I'm just wondering what time you'll be getting here but judging by your tone of voice you were asleep."

"Getting here? What?"

"You said 2 weeks ago that you were going to come home for a couple of days. And don't say you can't Hannah has been so excited."

Darren was making small patterns on Chris's chest.

"Mum, I- ok. Mean woman guilt tripping me like that." Laughter rung out from the other end of the phone. Chris smiled he loved to hear his mum laugh.

"Great sweetie when are you coming."

"Um I'll be there tonight." Darren raised an eyebrow. "Um can I bring a friend with me?" Darren looked at Chris in shock a friend is that what he called him now. Darren pouted and Chris kissed him quickly. But Chris's mother heard him.

"More like a boyfriend sweetie?" She questioned.

"Yes ok mum a boyfriend. But don't tell Hannah I want to tell her. She'll be so surprised." He loved to make his sister happy she was his world.

"I won't sweetie. See you soon love you."

"love you mum bye." Chris hung up the phone.

"Oh to be just a friend." Darren straddled Chris and started tickling him.

"no no Darren stop I give I give." Chris laughed. Darren just stared down at Chris loving the laughter on his face, how his eyes would crinkle up and his head would fall back.

"You're so beautiful." Darren couldn't help but tell Chris this. He wished that the whole world could see Chris in these moments just to appreciate his sheer beauty that could only be described as being bestowed upon him by the Gods. Chris blushed.

He placed his hands on Darren's hips and just smiled at the older man. "I mean it Chris I feel like I don't tell you enough but I love you so much. Look." Darren placed Chris's hands on his chest. "Feel that it happens every time I am near you." Chris couldn't help himself.

"Marry me." He wanted it to be more romantic that this. But this moment was just so perfect.

"What?" Darren was taken aback.

"I've just asked you to marry me. I know its not a traditional proposal, but I carry the ring with me everywhere I go. I know its not the perfect moment but I couldn't help myself. It was just perfect it was us. Just me and you. Being us." Chris finished. He looked at Darren he was about to apologise for ruining the moment and say he'd ask again when its more romantic.

"Yes." Darren leaned forward and kissed Chris. "Yes I'll marry you." Chris's smile was literally from ear to ear.

"oh Dare." He murmured against the older mans lips. He traced his hands over the mans abs and deepened the kiss. Darren fisted his hands in Chris's hair and both men moaned. They broke off the kiss when they heard Chuck bang on the door.

"Dudes get out of bed mum's made us all breakfast." He shouted through the door,

"Chuck go away." Shouted Darren and Chris together both men laughed giving each other a final kiss on the lips. Chris got the ring out of his jean pocket as Darren turned around to get changed. He snuck up behind Darren and got down on one knee. Darren turned round when Chris tapped him on the butt.

He looked down at Chris and grinned. "Now I know you have already said yes- but I wanted to do things properly. Darren Everett Criss, God knows how much I love you. You are just my perfect match. My soul mate. We have been through so much the past few days and I know it will make us stronger. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to start a family together and love you forever and a day more, I love you so much you are my one and only love of my life. Will you do me the great honour of marrying me?" Chris breathed a sigh of relief the speech was what he was most nervous about.

Darren knelt down by Chris. "Yes" He murmured "1000 time yes. I love you Chris Colfer." Chris slipped the ring on Darren's finger and kissed his hand. Then hhe placed a gentle kiss on Darren's lips.

"Um Chris I kind of want you to have a ring too." Darren stated. Chris smiled.

"Already thought of that." Chris pulled out a matching ring and gave it to Darren who put it on Chris's ring finger. He mimicked the kiss that Chris had given him before. Both men stood up and got changed.

They both hid their hands on the way down to breakfast and sat down. "Um we have some pretty serious news to share with you guys." Chris said whilst looking down at the table pretending to be upset. Darren copied him.

"Oh please tell me you two haven't broken up. Please." Robert said. This shocked both men. Mr Criss was usually a quiet man to hear him say this was a blessing to Chris and Darren.

"Um well Chris is no longer my boyfriend" Darren looked solemn. Everybody at the table looked unhappy and upset at this news. "He's my fiancée," Darren couldn't help but shout the last part. Chris started laughing. There was excitement all round. Mrs Criss was the first to demand to see the rings.

"They are beautiful. Why didn't you tell us sooner?" She questioned. Chris was the one to answer.

"It only happened this morning."

"How?" Chuck was the one to ask this. Darren happily retold the story of the morning's events.

The whole family was chatting and smiling. "We really have to go collect some stuff from my house and then go to my parents. I'm sorry" Chris was genuinely sad to leave he loved the Criss's they treated him like family. So they said their goodbyes.

"We have 20 minutes to pack now." Stated Darren. "I say 20 minutes to pack because we want 45 to have sex." He winked.

"No Darren I don't want to rush into sex. Can we wait until we get back from my parents house please so I can show you how much I worship you?" Chris wanted it to be slow and loving after they had just been engaged.

"Whatever you want baby." Darren smiled and held Chris's hand. He couldn't believe his luck.

After packing Chris and Darren headed for their 4 hour drive to Clovis California. They decided to take one of their chauffeur driven car that Glee had very generously provided for them. They wanted to cuddle in the car.

The drive was fun. Darren and Chris goofing around.

"Chris are you going to tell you parents about the event that happened last night?" Darren was curious, he knew Chris's parents would want to know. He was having an internal battle with himself to tell them if Chris never.

"I-I don't know Dare. I mean they have enough stress dealing with Hannah's epilepsy. I saw what it did to them when they found out last time. They felt guilty for not noticing sooner. They have enough on their plate I can't go running to them every time I relapse you know? I don't want to add to their stress. They shouldn't have to worry about me as well as her. I feel stupid for even telling them in the first place. Everything I was going through it was nothing compared to what she has to go through. She's such a strong young woman. My little sister is just perfect in every way, she's so brave and inspirational." Chris smiled whenever he talked about Hannah she really was a little character. She said everything that she thought and he loved her even more for that.

"Chris they would want to know after all they are your parents. Just because you don't live in their house doesn't mean they wouldn't care. I think you should tell them. They would be hurt if they found out another way."

"I'll find a way ok baby promise." Chris just wanted Darren to drop the subject now. They eventually arrived in Clovis California. At Chris's parents house.

By this time it was about 5 o'clock in the evening. Chris knew his family ate at this precise time to keep his younger sister in a routine. So he grabbed Darren's hand and opened the front door. He took their bags upstairs to his room which Darren said was 'cute' "I could totally imagine teenage Chris perfecting his master pieces in this room." Were his other words.

"No you really couldn't teenage Chris was fat." Chris let out a hollow laugh.

"Well he'd still be perfect." Darren wrapped his arm around Chris's waist and kissed his cheek. Chris smiled.

Chris walked Darren into his family's dining room. He couldn't believe that none of them had even noticed they were here yet. Chris's mother was the first to see them enter.

"Christopher dear. I thought you were bringing your boyfriend how come Darren is here?" She smiled.

"Erm Mum, Dad, Hannah Banana I know you have all met Darren before, and he was my boyfriend then we just didn't want to tell anybody so we pretended to be friends." He noticed the vacant look in Hannah's eyes she was having one of her seizures this upset Chris a lot more than he was letting on. "Now I'd like to officially introduce my fiancée Darren Criss." The room was silent for a second...

Right end of chapter. So I watched Hannah Colfer's survival video it was heart breaking. She is such a remarkable young woman. I admire her so much for her strength, courage, love and will to carry on. I suggest that if you haven't seen the video go check it out on youtube. I commend her to be so young yet so inspirational. Her story should be shown to the world and should help make a difference. I don't want to offend anybody with any atheistic views here but she is in my prayers and thoughts and I'd hope everybody would do the same. Also check out the CURE epilepsy website read up on it and donate whatever you can.

Right so did you guys like this chapter any adjustments needed do you think? Review please it would mean the world to me. :)

Again I'd like to thank Klainelover12 for being such an amazing consistent reviewer your reviews really do make my day :D So thank you so much for keeping this story and reviewing every chapter :)

Love and Hugs CrissColferendgame xoxoxoxoxox