Thought I'd try this story out. Its been in my brain for a while now. I hope you like it

Disclaimer: I do not own Camp Rock. If I did then there would be a camp rock 3 already!

Even though Camp Rock had lost the camp wars they still won in the end. A lot of kids saw how fun Camp Rock was and got their parents to sign them up. Even campers from Camp Star switched. After the competition Shane's label signed Mitchie to a contract because overnight she became a sensation. 2 weeks after camp. Connect 3 and Mitchie Torres was on tour. Mitchie had got the label to allow her to have Caitlyn as one of her backup dancers and life was good. She and Shane had been with each other nonstop for almost 2 months now. The tour was getting good, Nate was dating Dana and Jason was seeing Peggy. One day all that changed.

Mitchie POV

"Wow! Atlanta is so busy!" I was telling Caitlyn

"Yeah they are always in a hurry here" Caitlyn laughed

Nate and Dana were in Nate's hotel room hanging out and Jason and Peggy were in Jason's room. Caitlyn and I were in our room and I had no idea where Shane was. Just then Shane walked in with a serious look on his face.

"Mitchie, Can I talk to you alone?" Shane asked

"Sure, Caitlyn can you give us a minute?" I asked her

"Sure no prob I will go see what Dana and Nate are up to." She said

After she left I looked at Shane "What's up?"

"Mitchie you know I really like you but, god how do I say this? I think we need to take a break. Things are moving way too fast for me and I think we need to slow down."

"What are you talking about Shane? How are things moving too fast? Are you breaking up with me? I don't understand!" I said

"I just think we need some time apart that's all" he said

I started crying. I don't understand what happened. I couldn't take it anymore so I took off running headed for Nate's room. Aside from Caitlyn, Nate was my best friend and always knew what to say to make things better.

Caitlyn POV

I was sitting there talking to Nate and Dana when Mitchie burst through the door. I didn't think much of it at first cuz well Mitchie always just walked into Nate's room and vice versa they never hide anything from each other. Sometimes it put me in akward positions though like the time I had just got out of the shower and was in our room in nothing but a towel and Nate burst into the room. Talk about embarrassing not only that but it's like he was frozen he didn't blink or move for like a minute all he did was stare.

I saw Nate stiffen, and looked up. Mitchie was crying.

"What happened?" Nate asked as he ran over to her. He had just reached her when she collapsed into the floor. Nate picked her up and carried her over to his bed

"Shane broke up with me" she said through her sobs

"HE WHAT?" I screamed

"He said we were moving too fast and needed a break" she said

I looked over at Dana and she was texting on her phone, which was weird

"Dana who are you texting?" I asked her

"Oh my dad texted me and asked where I was. I was just telling him that I would be home later." Dana told me

After talking with Mitchie for a while she had finally calmed down.

"I'm going for a walk. I'll see you guys later" Little did we know those were the last words we would hear out of her mouth.

Mitchie POV

I had decided to take a walk and left the hotel. Luckily the reporters did not pay attention and see me leave besides their main focus was the guys anyway. I had been walking for about an hour and decided to head back to the hotel when a car pulled up beside me.

"Mitchie Torres. How are you Hun?" I look over and see Axel Turner in the driver seat

"Hi Mr. Turner. I'm ok just walking back to the hotel" I told him

"Well get in. I was on my way to pick up Dana anyway, I'll drop you off. Besides it's gonna start to rain any second now" He told me

And sure enough it started to rain. I hopped into the car with him and next thing I know the lights go out.

Nate POV

What has Shane done now? Why in the world would he break up with Mitchie? She was all he could talk about before Camp Rock and now? I went over to his room and walked in.


"Nate please don't start" he said

"Don't start? I just held a balling Mitchie and tried my best to calm her down. I don't understand. Before Camp Rock it was Mitchie this and Mitchie that. What changed?" I asked him

"I don't know Nate. I started thinking about marrying her and it freaked me out. I thought if we took some time off from each other then I could work out some of my issues."

"Shane, you should have just told her that. Not broke up with her you idiot!"

"I know I just wasn't thinking straight. I didn't want to break up with her I just wanted to slow down!"

Caitlyn busted through the door

"Have you guys seen Mitchie?" she asked

"She's still gone?" I said

"What do you mean still gone?" Shane asked

"She went for a walk 3 hours ago" I told him

"3 hours ago? Where the heck is she?" He started freaking out

"I don't know. She's not answering her phone, all her stuff is still in the room and I have checked every possible place in this hotel. She is not here." Caitlyn said

"I will call Connie. Shane you try her cell again maybe she will answer it for you." I said

3 more hours later and still no sign of Mitchie. Everyone had searched anywhere they could think of. No matter what was going on she always answered when I call her. Heck I remember the time she was on GMA and was being interviewed and I called her and she answered it right there live on TV. Some people say she and I are closer than her and Caitlyn are. I believe it sometimes. But I had been trying to call her this whole time and she would not answer. My gut told me something bad had happened but I wouldn't let myself believe it. If anything bad happens to Mitchie I swear I will kill Shane!