A/N: Heeeeeeaaaaaay everyone!

Well...lately I have been coming up with these crazy ideas...

and I want to get them down and uploaded on here as quickly as possible!

Anyhoo...welcome to Three Words! An interesting story...I have created.

Unless someone else came up with this...

PS. Does not own Young Justice or DC Comics! Sorry for the grammer mistakes...will be corrected someday!

Well, anyhoo...enjoy! XD

Three Words

It had been an exceedingly long and sluggish day for the six teenage heroes that consisted of and prided themselves as Young Justice. The morning had been spent in combat training with heroine Black Canary, followed by an hour long lunch break, in which was graciously provided by Miss Martian. The team was then summoned to the mission room, where the Dark Knight informed them on the new assignment.

The team had immediately left afterwards, the mission taking them to the land of the rising sun, Japan, where they were to covertly observe the two largest Japanese gangs and gather information of their activities. The mission had taken nine hours and when the team had arrived back at Mount Justice, night had heavily fallen. Batman immediately debriefed and dismissed them, to take the information gathered to the other League members.

Now, still in costume, Robin plodded along with the others into the living room of the living quarters of the mountain. Albeit he was slightly drained, he was still in a humorous playful mood, while the others were silent and moody. The Boy Wonder grinned to himself, already planning a way to rouse the others.

Robin halted, watching Kaldur, Wally, and Artemis settling themselves into the three pleather black lounge chairs, all closing their eyes. Superboy and M'Gann settled and cuddled on the matching black couch, Megan resting her head on Superboy's broad shoulder, his arm wrapped around her.

Robin placed his hands on his hips and shook his head at the scene.

The four non residents of Mount Justice had to wait for their mentors before they could go home.

So, why not play a game to pass the time?" Robin thought.

He ambled over to the others and settled himself cross legged onto the matching black coffee table.

"Let's play a game" Robin suggested and was instantly answered with five groans.

"Dude…too exhausted" Wally muttered.

Robin shook his head and tsked.

"Then get "hausted"" Robin quipped, looking at his friends.

"Shouldn't you be jet lagged, like the rest of us?" Artemis snapped.

Robin just smirked at the blonde archer.

"What kind of game is it, Robin?" M'Gann inquired a moment later, opening her auburn brown eyes and giving him a sincere smile.

"Knew I rely on you Miss M. Don't worry; this game is easy to play. It's a story telling kind of game"

"Sounds interesting Robin, I'll play…it'll keep me up for a bit, until you guys leave" Megan said lightly.

"That is totally the point, my friend" the Boy Wonder thought amusingly.

"Sweetastic!" he replied, giving her his perky grin.

"Well…if M'Gann is going to play, then I will too" Superboy remarked nonchalantly, opening his baby blue eyes.

"What is the name of this story telling game?" Aqualad asked curiously, also opening his eyes and gazed at Robin.

"Three Words!" Robin answered and laughed at the facial expressions of his three open eyed friends.

"How intriguing, I am willing to play as well. What are the rules?" the bewildered Atlantean asked.

"Get ready for this…there are only two rules…and that is you absolutely have to use only three words. Heavy on the "absolute" part and secondly, you have to try to use "Bat" as one of the words. But don't worry about it if you can't use it, the story has to make sense" Robin answered exuberantly.

"Is this like telephone?" Artemis inquired, now opening her eyes and crossing her arms.

"Oh…old school…I'm in" Wally remarked, his green eyes snapping open.

Robin smirked.

"Got them…" the Boy Wonder thought, pleased.

"This is an enhanced version Art, heavy on the "hanced", no whispering though. We'll go clockwise…so I'll begin then followed by Aqualad, Supey, M'Gann, Art, and then you, Wally. So, let's get this started!" Robin said eagerly as he clapped his hands together.

The five team mates glanced at another and then nodded.

"Okay, the theme for tonight is Batman, because he's fun to poke at" Robin said with a laugh.

"One night, Batman…" Robin began and nodded for Kaldur, who was on his right, to go next.

"And his protégé…" Aqualad said uncertainly, glancing at Robin for assurance.

Robin nodded and grinned encouragingly, his eyes moving to Superboy.

"Went to a…" Superboy said simply, with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Restaurant called the…" Megan then said.

"Burger Bat and…" Artemis added, and then glanced at Wally.

"Decided to order…" Wally said, grinning at Robin.

"A Bat Burger" Robin replied with a grin.

"And a Bat…" Aqualad said now confidently.

"Shake while Robin…" Superboy said

"Got a Big…" M'Gann said with a giggle.

Artemis: "Bat Meal and..."

Wally: "Free Bat Toy!"

Robin: "Just then, Joker…"

Aqualad: "Busted into the..."

Superboy: "Playroom of the…"

M'Gann: "Burger Bat and..."

Artemis: "Snatched Robin's toy…"

"Who began crying…" Wally added teasingly, with a wide smirk at the Boy Wonder.

The four others stifled their laughter, while Robin feigned to look appalled.

"But chased Joker…" Robin then countered, sticking his tongue out at the redhead speedster.

Aqualad:"Up the play…"

Superboy: "Tubes until they…"

M'Gann: "Came down the…"

Artemis: "Slide, where Batman…"

Wally: "Waited, sipping his…"

Robin: "Shake and then…"

Aqualad:"Said, Why Joker…"

Superboy: "Why didn't you…"

M'Gann: "Invite me to..."

Artemis:"Go down the…"

"Slide with you?" Wally finished.

The team burst out laughing, all picturing the impossible scene. Wally fell out of his chair, laughing and holding his sides, Miss Martian burying her face into Superboy's shirt as she laughed and both he and Aqualad just chuckled and shook their heads. Artemis was wiping tears from her eyes and Robin was now lying on the table as he laughed.

"Let's keep going" he gasped out.

"Your turn dude…" Wally managed to say, struggling to sit up.

"Oh yeah…" Robin took a deep breath.

"The Joker grinned..." the Boy Wonder then continued.

"And shook his…" Aqualad said, grinning.

"Head and said…"Superboy remarked.

"Batsy, you forgot…" Megan added.

"To pick me…" Artemis commented.

"Up from Arkham" Wally said.

"But I'll forgive…" Robin said.

"You if you…"Aqualad spoke.

"Buy me a…" Superboy added.

"Batty ice cream…" Megan added.

"Sundae with a..." Artemis replied.

"Bat on top…" Wally commented.

"Robin frowned and…" Robin added, shaking his head.

"Said…no way…" Aqualad added.

"Don't do it…" Superboy replied, grinning.

"Batman! He will…" Megan added.

"Just throw it…" Artemis commented.

"In your face…" Wally added.

"And still steal…" Robin said, sitting back up and grinned.

Aqualad: "My Bat toy"

Superboy: "Batman shook his…"

M'Gann: "Finger at Joker…"

Artemis: "And said "Only…"

Wally: "If you promise…"

"To behave and…" Robin continued.

"Give Robin his…" Aqualad said.

"Bat toy back" Superboy replied.

"The Joker said…" Megan spoke.

"Oh fine…and…" Artemis added.

"Handed Robin his…" Wally followed.

"Toy back and…" Robin continued.

Aqualad:"Then stuck his…"

Superboy: "Tongue out at…"

M'Gann: "Robin, while Batman…"

Artemis: "Had his back…"

Wally: "Turned and Robin…"

"Returned the action…" Robin remarked.

"And then sat…" Aqualad added.

"Back at the…" Superboy commented.

"Table and both…"M'Gann said.

"Joker and Robin…" Artemis added.

"Watched as Batman…" Wally said.

Robin: "Brought them all…"

Aqualad:"Batty sundaes and…"

Superboy: "They all began…"

M'Gann: "To eat but…"

Artemis: "The Joker did…"

Wally: "Exactly what Robin…"

Robin: "Had predicted and…"

Aqualad: "Joker said "Batsy…"

Superboy: "You should listen…"

M'Gann:"To your Bird…"

Artemis: "Brat more often…"

Wally: "Then he leapt…"

Robin: "Up and took…"

Aqualad: "Off, leaving the…"

Superboy: "Two heroes alone…"

M'Gann:"You got something…"

Artemis: "On your face…"

Wally: "Robin said as…"

Robin: "He finished his…"

Aqualad: "Dessert and then…"

Superboy: "Watched and laughed…"

M'Gann: "As his mentor…"

Artemis: "Wiped and licked…"

Wally: "Cream off his…"

Again, the team burst out laughing; now realizing what had just been said. Tears ran down all six heroes' faces and all were clutching their sides.

"Okay…is it just me or did that just sound totally wrong?" Wally inquired when he and the others had calmed down.

"It totally sounded wrong" Robin confirmed with a grin.

"I didn't even think about it until now…" Artemis admitted, shaking her head.

"As did I…did not think anything of it" Aqualad added with a small smile.

"That's the point of the game though" Robin said and laughed.

"Wonder what Batman would think?" Superboy pondered out loud.

"Eh, who cares? Like Rob said, he's fun to poke at" Wally said lightly.

"Let's finish!" M'Gann exclaimed.

"Back to you, Robin" Aqualad said.

"Alright…" Robin said, rubbing his hands together.

"Face and said…"

"Game over, Robin" a deep voice interrupted.

All six heroes were so startled, that they leapt up from their seats, seeing Batman standing in the entrance between the kitchen and living room.

"How long have you been there?" Robin demanded, with a grin.

"I heard the whole thing…it was quite…amusing"

"Glad we could "muse" you" Robin replied and then turned to his friends.

"Us. Here. Tomorrow night. And the topic...Wally" Robin remarked seriously.

With a swish of his cape, Robin followed Batman out of the room, leaving the five heroes looking at one another.

A/N: Sooo...what do you think? Did you like it or not impressed?

Should I keep going or make this a one-shot?

Please let me know...and if you want me to keep going, feel free to add three words that you would like me to use.

It can be a three word phrase or just three random words :)

Yeah...this was completely random XD