A.N: Hei. this is a prequel to "Cold Protection" and will feature most of the characters in Hetalia. I'll be revealing the background stories of most of them and how they came to be members of the Mafia. at times it might be a bit confusing in terms of how old they all are - but hopefully it will all be clearer to you as you read more.

Hope you enjoy it!

He was always a bright and smiling child – forever spreading laughs wherever he went. Teachers adored him and parents deemed him an acceptable playmate for their children.

School wasn't even difficult – he had a fantastic gift for politics and anything requiring any forms of debate. He could engage anyone – a friendly smile present no matter what.

In short: Preben was heading for greatness even at a very young age.

However, at the age of 16 he dropped out and started working for an old blacksmith – his parents were in shock. They had wanted him to be a lawyer, or perhaps a banker, yet here he was 'wasting his time' making weapons and old fashioned tools. Whenever he came home it was difficult to mask their disappointment and eventually Preben's ever present smile faltered ever so slightly whenever someone mentioned his family or his future. He eventually decided to ignore any negative comments ever – resulting in a rather odd friendship with Ivan.

Ivan was four years younger than Preben – but his height made him look to be the same age. The two would steal alcohol and spend weekends drinking in the woods – playing pranks on Preben's British neighbour Arthur.

The year he turned 18 he joined the navy. At the time he deemed it the easiest and best way to get away from his parents and become independent. It was there he met his greatest enemy and best friend: Berwald.

The Swede was a year younger and training to be a Swedish Combat engineer, and unlike the spiky haired Dane he had not exactly joined willingly.

No, Berwald only joined because it was expected of him. He hated every second of it – he didn't like working with a lot of people; despite his intimidating appearance Berwald was hardly a man who liked trouble. What he did enjoy was building and taking apart things – so engineering came natural to him.

In many ways he and Preben were such stark opposites it was a mystery how the two even managed to hold a normal conversation at all.

They'd be violently fighting over the smallest things one minute and then the next minute they would be sitting on the floor laughing and sharing a joke about something no one else understood.

Eventually both the Danish and Swedish generals on the respective ships gave up trying to figure the two young men out and simply let them have their little battles whenever the two ships anchored up together.

It was a cold and windy November night in the harbour of Bergen that they meet Erik.

The Norwegian was only 19 at the time but dressed in his navy uniform and with a cold and uncaring expression he seemed a lot older, and the two older men didn't realise he was younger than them until Erik bitterly remarked he thought the legal drinking age for spirits should be lowered.

It takes the Dane thirty minutes and the calculator on his phone to figure out Erik's age with only the tiny information the Norwegian male has so far let slip.

Eventually; when Preben finally calculated the shorter Nordic's age he took pity on him and bought him half a bottle of aquavit and they continued chatting about everything and nothing.

The three kept in loose contact after that – a few letters or e-mails every once in a while and when the three boats were ever in the same harbour they'd go out and drink like there was no tomorrow. Earning them all a reputation in various harbour bars as any pub-owner's worst nightmare.

"Hey...Bear" Preben inquired as he lounged in the top bunk in the swede's private cabin – usually everyone had to share with at least one other soldier, but no one dared sleep in the same room as Berwald so he was quickly allowed his own space – he didn't really mind at all. It enabled him to tinker about with his own little inventions and creations without disturbance.

"What?" came the gruff reply from the bottom bunk as Berwald attempted to read his book.

"Ever get bored of this place?"

"All the time..why do you ask?"

"I'm thinking of leaving..."

"And do what? You're 22 and you've got no proper education..."

"So? I'll find something...just you wait and see. It will be spectacular." even if he couldn't see Preben's grin – Berwald knew him well enough by now to hear it present in his voice.

Yet all he did was shrug the older male's words away, thinking he was only making big talk.

However, a week later the smiling Dane waved 'good bye' to the large boat and walked onto dry land for good.

Preben had a plan – one that had been under construction ever since he found out about a particular family secret his parents had managed to suppress and forget.

When the smiling Dane showed up on the Germanic Family's doorstep with a document entitling him to a substantial amount of money or part of their land - Germany could only stare in shock.

However, Preben was right; and the document was very, very real.

Austria stared from the document to the Dane with a slight frown upon his face, Germany was no better – the only one grinning was Prussia.

"Kesesesesese~ didn't think great-grandpa had a soft spot for family." the white haired man smiled smugly.

"Hey, I don't give a damn about what you guys choose – but I am entitled to a a few things none the less" Preben was completely at ease despite the fact that he was unarmed and in the presence of some of the most dangerous criminals in the underworld.

"We'll give you some of the land we control." Austria finally says after mulling over the choices carefully.

"Any wishes as to what land you want? We might take it into consideration" Germany added as he studies the spiky haired youth – who was despite appearances; actually the same age.

"Yeah! I'd like land in the northern part of this city" Preben grinned widely as he gestured excitedly.

Prussia almost chocked on his drink at the statement, while Austria and Germany stared in shock.

"You...you want to be the sole owner of the land that...borders against the soviet family's lands of influence?" Austria finally managed to find his voice – the Dane as good as insane in his eyes now.

"Yeah, you see...that's the land that my great grandpa owned before he transferred it to your great-grandpa for 'safekeeping'...I want to carry on the family legacy! So just give me the the northern part of the city and I'll be out of your hair." There isn't a hint of doubt in the Dane's voice, so after a brief meeting the Germanics agree to let him have what is rightfully his. Not that they had much use for the northern part of the city anyway – even the harbour was useless to them as it's far to close to the Soviet's land.

Prussia found the whole thing hilarious, Germany was only glad to not have to share a influence/ownership border with the Soviets any more, while Austria was the only one who was actually angry they've lost influence over parts of the city.

Preben knew exactly what he needed to do next as he walked out of the Germanic household with a grin – yet he was not quite sure how to do it. Preben is no idiot: he knows he's not going to finalize his plan without help from others . But finding the right people will be tricky.

It's while searching for the right person he bumps into Tino.

The shorter Finnish man is a mercenary for hire – despite his young age he's one of the best in the business – but that's not what Preben is interested in right now.

No, the tall Nordic male is intrigued by the sniper because upon getting to know one another over a drink they realise they have one common friend: Berwald.

It doesn't take Preben long to track down the intimidating Swede after that.

"Morning Bear" he greets as he throws the door to the café open – Berwald almost drops the tray he's holding and gapes at Preben in shock – he's not heard anything from the Dane since he left he army – yet here he is: two years later. It's too planned to simply be a coincidence.

"What are you doing here?" the swede asks over a cup of coffee and some pastries during his break.

"My plan is coming together...I just need some help."

"With what?"

"Various things..." the Dane shrugs

"Why aren't you telling me everything?" Berwald is highly suspicious – yet the smile on the Dane's face is as genuine as ever.

"Because it might be slightly illegal." the spiky haired male replies with a hushed voice.

"I'll do it."

the answer takes the Dane by surprise – yet he stretches his hand out to the swede and shakes it firmly

"Welcome to the Nordic Family, Sweden"

It's a simple job really – robbing a bank.

Especially with military training under their belts. And Sweden has done a few missions with Finland in his spare time – they're in and out for the bank a lot quicker than first planned for – giving them plenty of time to create a false trail for the cops to follow.

They sit at the dinner table and count their spoils with smiles – Denmark is grinning like never before.

However, Berwald is still a bit worried.

"What are we going to do with all of this? It'll be impossible to use it..."

"Got it covered." Denmark interjects and holds up a cellphone – the phone-book is showing a name Berwald knows very well.

Erik Alexander Sørensen.

"What on earth can he do?"

"Well...Last thing I heard he was doing a business degree..."

"That's no guarantee he'll help. He's got a younger brother to take care of..."

"Precisely." the Dane grins wickedly as he hit's 'dial' on the phone. Waiting eagerly for their Norwegian friend to pick up.

They don't have to wait long.

"Yo Erik, got a job for you."

"...pay good?" the Norseman inquires over the phone with a cold voice

"Pay is very good." Preben replies, grinning at Berwald sitting opposite of him as he fans himself with a large wad of cash.

"I'll do it." comes the immediate response.

Berwald can't say he's too surprised – he too jumped aboard the Dane's ship even if he knew nowhere about it's course or route.


It's a very tired Erik who shows up at Preben's door a week later – a tiny white haired 6 year old clinging to the Norwegian's leg. The two older men give each other worried looks – Erik looks a lot older than his 22 years of age; dark circles under his eyes only made more prominent due to his paler than usual skin – yet upon Erik's request they don't ask a single question.

In return: Erik doesn't ask questions either – instead he sets about distributing the money into various funds abroad. And within two years they've built up a substantial amount of money and a hefty reputation as a ruthless family.

Germany and Austria can't believe their ears when Netherlands drops by their mansion to confirm a rumour – the Nordics have settled the border dispute with the soviets.

They are less than pleased when Belgium can add that Finland has joined their ranks as an official member.

For the first time in his life Austria wishes he killed someone the first time he ever met them.


"People are getting suspicious..." Erik calmly admits during dinner as he tries to make Haldur eat his food – with little success.

"Can you do anything?" Preben asks with a mouthful of food

"Perhaps...there's this guy Finland worked with..."

The blonde male in question nods with a large grin.

"Switzerland is an expert at money laundering, for the right price he's sure to take the job."

Berwald and Denmark listen intently. Even if they themselves are becoming well known in the underworld – Finland has been in the business for longer and thus knows a few things they don't.

"How quickly can you find this person and convince him to help us?" the Dane inquires curiously.

The smile Erik sends him in return tells Preben all he has to know – Norway has already found him.

Even if Switzerland said it would take a long time – it's only a year of service before Norway takes over the whole operation. A smile and a promise of a huge favour in return in the future is the payment the Swiss man receives at the end – along with a promise of a secure job. The money Basch receives each month is not part of the deal – but he doesn't dare refuse it. After all, it enables him to keep Anni very safe and blissfully unaware of the future in store for her.

A.N: I apologise if this is a bit confusing – I've not done this much maths since being at school. Figuring out everyone's ages is kinda difficult, seeing as it all has to fit into the time-line for this AU.