From the sky came a meteor. It crashed on the earth and killed everyone. The end.

...Just kidding. But I'm afraid this is the end, for now. I'm so sorry, everyone, but I feel that this fanfic has lived and died an untimely death, due to a crooked plot-spine and a bad case of flat characters. Quality of the story aside, I have very little time to write these days, due to school work and what-not. I am going to have to put A Mongoose Comes West aside, until I get my act together and start whizzing through art assignments and World History chapters as fast as Marie can dodge a bullet.

Fortunately, I will not be giving up on this story completely. I plan to rewrite it entirely, revamping the characters, plot - everything. The fact that Marie still seems like a Mary Sue because she doesn't have any major flaws needs revising, and I just don't feel happy with how I changed Jake's character. One day I will come back and have a much better story to tell of Mongoose Marie and how she is brought together with Rattlesnake Jake. :) Until then, this fanfic will have to collect dust here.

Again, a thousand apologies to my readers. I really hate to do this, but I think I have to. Thanks to everyone who ever read my fanfic, even if it was just a few paragraphs, and a million thanks more to those who reviewed. You all are the motivation that binds me to this story, and the reason I most definitely will return.

Good bye for now!