A/N: Yes! My First OTH story! I am super excited to start it. I have how many chapters planned out and a few already written. I would love any kind of feedback; tell me if you love it, hate it, think I should continue or stop. Whatever it is, I want to hear it please and thank you!

Disclaimer: Je n'ai rien. English translation: I own nothing.

Chapter Title: Dare You to Move

Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be

Dare You to Move- Switchfoot

The cold air felt good against her skin. It was the end of summer and she was happy for the breeze. She's always preferred the cold, yet she's never experienced it; California was always hot.

Haley looked around and took in her surroundings. The river was beautiful and almost made her feel like home. She loved any body of water and severely missed the Pacific Ocean, but she figured the Atlantic would have to do.

She smiled as she turned back around from her seat at a bench and looked at the old, worn-out basketball court behind her. It was definitely used, but she wouldn't describe it as ratty. It didn't seem that way to her; it was just loved.

She'd only gotten here today and didn't know much about Tree Hill; her new home. All she knew was that it was where her best friend mysteriously moved to years ago and where she had chosen for her parents to ship her off to.

The blonde girl sighed then. She came here to see her best friend and take back their relationship. She looked down at the paper in her hand. She had it right there. His address, his phone number, but she didn't know what to do. She knew she was coming to Tree Hill with the intention of getting Nathan back, yet she never considered how she would do it. She couldn't imagine walking up to this strange house, knocking on the door and seeing the boy she loved like a brother that she hadn't seen in five years.

"You know, generally, you watch people play the game, not just the baskets." A voice interrupted her thoughts. He was probably referring to the fact that she was staring at the vacant basketball court throughout her thoughts. She looked up and was met with a blonde boy who didn't look rude or threatening, just friendly. She smiled at his comment.

"You play?" He asked her when she didn't respond. He made his way onto the court and shot a basket with the ball he brought with him.

"Not so much." She said, nonchalantly. She didn't want to laugh out loud at the thought of herself playing basketball. She didn't need the first thing this boy knew about her to be her lack of athletic ability.

He smiled at her and shot the ball again. "I've never seen you around before."

"That would make sense. I've only been here for about a half an hour." She smiled, than gestured to her car parked on the side of the court, "Still full of all my things. I haven't even made my way to my new apartment yet."

"Just moved here, huh? Where'd you come from?"

"California. Lived there my entire life."

"Wow. That's a big change, huh?"

"Yeah," Haley shrugged, "Sometimes change is good."

He only smiled and then took a seat next to her on the bench and stuck out his hand.


"Haley." She smiled and shook his hand.

"It was nice meeting you, but I should probably get going, I have a lot of unpacking to do. I start school tomorrow." She stated, saying the last part in sarcastic enthusiasm.

"Oh yeah? Are you going to Tree Hill?"

"Yup. Big junior year ahead of me."

"Really? Me too. I guess I'll be seeing you in school then."

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." She smiled and made her way over to her car, hopping in and heading over to her new apartment.

++++++++++++++++++++She Paints Me Blue++++++++++++++++++++++++++

She didn't know why she was so nervous; lunch was never a difficult subject. She wasn't sure if it was the fact that she was the new girl who has been receiving nasty looks from cheerleaders all day or if it was because she had yet to see Nathan and she knew she probably would see him now, but either way, she was nearly shaking. She took a deep breath before heading out to the quad with her lunch tray.

She looked around. Haley didn't know if she was looking specifically for Nathan or not, but she found him. She froze the second she saw him. She knew he'd look different and would've matured since his pre-pubescent eleven year old self, but she never expected this. His hair was darker and shorter and clearly he was taller, but she didn't expect his muscular arms to practically be bulging through his shirt. Haley knew he played basketball, but she never expected him to be so… fit.

She, surprisingly, found comfort in his eyes. Not many people did. They were icy and cold, yet Haley had always seen through it, and she still did today. His eyes hadn't changed one bit and she felt it relieving, yet upsetting at the same time. It meant that he was still suffering and that he still hadn't let anyone, besides her, in. He still held his front.

Without realizing what she was doing, her body was bringing her over to his table, closer to the boy who she once didn't go a day of her life without seeing. God, she missed him.

"Nathan." She sighed out, barley able to speak, with tears coming to eyes. She couldn't believe this was really happening.

"Uhh, hi." He replied, confusedly. He took time to check her out and smirked, before looking back up to meet the girl's eyes. Damn, she looked intense.

"Hi." He repeated, yet this time confidently and with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Ew." Haley heard a girl with bright red hair at Nathan's table say. She then took the time to look around the rest of his table; she hadn't realized how full it was of good looking guys and pretty girls in cheerleading uniforms. She started to panic; she was way out of her league here. Yet, she decided to ignore it. Her best friend was worth the humiliation.

"Nathan." She insisted, just realizing that he doesn't yet know who she is. She decided she'd give him a minute; he wasn't expecting her and it had been five years.

"Are you okay?" A curly blonde girl asked from the table. Her voice wasn't rude like the other girls, she seemed to genuinely care.

Haley continued to ignore the rest of the table and continued to stare at Nathan. She'd given him a moment; when was he going to realize who she was?

"You- you don't remember me?" She asked with a mixture of desperation and shock in her voice.

The red haired girl snickered loudly and a few guys at the table tried to hide their laughter, the rest just watched the scene go down with pity. This wouldn't be the first time Nathan slept with some random, innocent chick that he didn't remember in a drunken haze.

"Why would he remember you? I mean, in order for him to sleep with someone like you he had to be pretty damn drunk."

"I think she's hot." A shaggy haired boy spoke up from the table. Usually, Haley would have been embarrassed by such a comment but right now she was grateful for it.

Haley was also grateful that she chose to wear shorts today. Her legs are her favorite feature and knowing that she did in fact look good today gave her a little self-confidence. A little.

"Shut up, Tim." The red head retorted, turning back to face Haley. "Oh, you're still here? You're starting to look a little desperate. He doesn't remember you, get over it and get away from this table."

"I remember you." Nathan finally spoke up. Haley beamed. She knew her friend couldn't have forgotten her.

"You do?" The red head asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I must've slept with her. I remember that scar." He said as he pointed to a two inch scar above her knee.

"You should." Haley stated bitterly, realizing that he didn't in fact know who she was.


"I hate you." A ten year old Haley told her best friend for the fifth time in a row. The boy only laughed in return and reached his hand out to help her get onto the same branch of the tall tree that he was on. She accepted quickly, glad to have the support. She hated heights.

"You hate me now?" Nathan asked as he pulled off his backpack, reached in, and pulled out a peanut butter and banana sandwich; Haley's favorite.

"Yes, but maybe not as much." She stated, greedily grabbing her half of the sandwich and shoving it into her mouth.

Nathan laughed as he watched his friend down the sandwich he made in four bites.

"What are you looking at?" Haley asked, her voice muffled by the sticky peanut butter. She grabbed Nathan's water bottle out of his hand and took a sip when he just continued to laugh.

"Stop laughing at me!" She scolded, hitting her friend's shoulder in disapproval.

"Hey!" He yelled back at her, rubbing his shoulder.

"Well you shouldn't have laughed at me." She says with a proud smile on her face, pushing him on his shoulder again.

"Stop hitting me!" He demanded, jokingly while pushing her shoulder in revenge.

The next moment was a blur as Haley was thrown back by the slight shove and lost her grip on the branch. She hit the ground hard and in a second Nathan was down next to her, panicking. Along with a broken wrist, Haley received a deep red scar from the rock that split the skin above her knee open.

End Flashback

Tears were threatening to pour out of her eyes, she was so humiliated and horrified and just upset. What the hell had five years done to this boy who she remembered as timid and sweet? She needed to get herself out of this situation before she did begin to sob. It was obvious that she had already made an enemy and she didn't need to start breaking down in front of her.

"Hey." Haley turned around when she heard a boy with brown hair and brown eyes talking to her. She felt uncomfortable, seeing as how she was still standing in front of the table where Nathan and his friends sat with their eyes on Haley and the boy who was now talking to her.

"You want to sit with me? My friend can't sit with me today and I don't want to eat alone." The boy asked her, smiling. He looked friendly and she was grateful for the escape. She could only nod, not wanting to trust her voice as she left the table where Nathan was and followed the boy, not daring to look back.

"Uh, here looks like a good spot." The boy said, picking a small table in the corner and sitting down.

"I'm Jake." He stated, holding out his hand.

Haley smiled weakly, still shaken up a bit from the encounter with Nathan, before responding "Haley."

"It's nice to meet you Haley."

She smiled in return and began eating her lunch.

"I'm sorry about whatever Nathan or Rachel or whoever, said to you. Nathan's a jackass and Rachel isn't any better."

"Are they dating?"

"No. She wishes. Nathan Scott doesn't date; he's too cool for that. He does sleep with a new girl every week-end though."

"Why is he such an asshole?"

"Because he can be. Star of the basketball team. He gets whatever he wants. And he's certainly not part of the welcoming committee, so don't take anything personally." Jake said, still worried about the girl. He didn't want her to feel bad.

"And you are?"

"No, just nice."

"Oh, so what is this, a charity case?"

"No, of course not. You just don't need their shit and I wanted to help you get out. Plus, you seem pretty cool and I only affiliate myself with really cool people."

She smiled genuinely at him. Besides the whole best friend not remembering her thing, Tree Hill isn't that bad.

"Tomorrow, that is if you want to sit with me tomorrow, my friend will sit with us too. He's really nice, his name's Lucas Sc-"

"Lucas?" Haley interrupted, "With blonde hair, blue eyes, plays basketball?"

"Yeah. You know him?"

"Kind of. I met him yesterday at an old basketball court by the river."

"The River Court." He informed her, "Yeah, if it's not school hours that is pretty much where you will find him."

"Good to know." She smiled and continued to get to know Jake. She felt that once she got over the whole Nathan thing, it was going to be a good year.

+++++++++++ She Paints Me Blue ++++++++++++

"Who the hell does that bitch think she is?"

"Damn, Rach, calm down. What the hell is your problem with her?" Brooke asked, annoyed at the fellow cheerleader.

"I'm pretty sure I made that clear. Who is she to come over like that?" A clearly annoyed Rachel asked the people at her table.

"Do you really remember her, Nate?" Peyton asked, ignoring the bitchy cheerleader who, unfortunately, sat at the table with her.

"Not really. I mean, like I said, I remember the scar. Not sleeping with her though." Nathan answered, zoning out onto the girl who he had just had an encounter with. He felt a weird vibe when she came, like they had some sort of connection that he hasn't felt with anyone else before. It was a strange and foreign feeling to him and he didn't know how to take it. "But I wish I did."

A/N: And chapter one is finished! I know that it's not the best chapter, but it's just the first one so I had to just get the story started and establish past and present relationships and such. Please review and, like I said, chapter 2 is done, so if I get positive feedback, watch out for that soon! Thank you!

-Megan AKA ToBecomeAClown