Piper Pov

I threw flat stones across the face of the lake, waiting for something to happen. My hair was flat and straight, I hated it!

I wanted to change, be free and away without him tying me down all the time. I used to call him 'my boyfriend' but now, I call him 'my personal prison'. He loves my hair, my body shape, my clothing style really everything about me, except for one thing. Fighting monsters. I'm trained to fight them and he hates me going into battle! Even if it's without swords! He loves me but hates my violent part of my personality.

I picked up a dozen more rocks and threw them all at once into the water, screaming at my thoughts.

"Piper?" I turned and saw Leo. He only had jeans on, plus his tool belt around his waist, sitting on his hips. I must say, Leo is well built for his age. He has more muscle than when we first came here, about one year ago. His curly hair has grown longer and now is straight. "What's going on?" Leo asked. His voice was the same, though, sweet, soft and deep, the way I like it.

"Nothing, I'm just fed up with stuff." I replied crossing my arms under my chest. Leo came closer and stood next to me.

"You need a break," Leo said putting his hands in his pockets. "Go somewhere nice, take a friend, have some fun. Just as long as the friend won't boss you around and tell you what to wear."

"Who are you talking about?" I asked, raising an eye brow.

"You're mother!" Leo said shock. I laughed. His jokes were better than before, they weren't stupid like a year ago, they were actually good. He's been offered to have a job as a comedian once or twice before, but he's always turned it down. That wasn't his dream; Leo's dream was to build inventions that will make the world a better place, meaning: Building swords and bombs for camp.

"Who should I take, Leo?" I asked, uncrossing my arms. "I can't believe that I'm thinking about this," I muttered under my breath.

Leo put his hands on my shoulders. "Anyone but Drew or Aphrodite." And he cracked me up again. Leo also laughed with me.

"I'll ask Chiron if we could go," I said and started to walk.

"Wait. We?" Leo asked, walking next to me. He looked concerned. "What about Jason?"

"Jason won't know about this," I said with a devilish grin spreading across my face.

"Are you and Jason having trouble?"

"Um, no, we're not. But that's it! I hate how he loves everything about me but then, when I'm really having fun, he disapproves me."

"And by fun…?"

"Fighting. Anyone." I crossed my arms again and scowled. "If we have an argument right now, Jason would pull me away to his cabin then start yelling at me. I hate it!"

Leo nodded and pulled his arm over my shoulder. "It's okay, beauty queen. If you need anything, we'll get it on our vacation."

I giggled. Ah, Leo's hot- wait what? - I did not just think that!

I took a look at Leo's face. His babyish face was cute but I've never thought of him like that.

I rubbed my arm and shook my head.

"That's the beauty queen," Leo joked.

"I'm the only beauty queen you'll ever get, Leo." And I walked into the big house.

"Leo, do you have to walk around camp with no shirt?" Chiron asked as he took one look at us. Leo smirked and pushed his hands in his pockets.

"I just came back from working out, Chiron." Leo lied. "I bumped into Piper before I could go back to my cabin to get a shirt."

"The training area is the closest area to the cabin. The lake is on the other side of camp." Chiron said, leaving Leo to think.

"I'm just awesome." Was Leo's awesome reply. I wondered what Connor and Travis would of said if they were here right now.

"You sound like the Stoll brothers," Chiron sat in his wheel chair. "Now, Piper- the important one-" Leo acted like he was hurt.

"I'm kidding, go on." Leo said afterwards.

"-What would you like, Piper." I sat on the nearest chair around me.

"Well, Leo gave me this idea of having a vacation for a little while. I was wondering if Leo and I could go?"

Chiron was silent for a long time. "No." Chiron finally said.

"Why?" Leo asked, sitting on the arm of the chair.

"Well first, get off the arm," Leo shot up. "And second, you can't leave camp grounds unless you're on a quest."

"Can I go to Rachael and get a quest for Piper to get a vacation?" Leo smartly said.

"It was just an idea." I saved. I got up and smiled. "I guess, we'll see you at dinner." Chiron nodded. "See you then… Bye Chiron."

And we left.

"Leo, you're an idiot!" I yelled as we walked back to the cabins.

"What did I do?" Leo asked, walking in front of me, facing me. "I was just being smart."

"And that's why Ares beats you up when ever he sees you." That was a long day. Ares will never get over that day. "And you're never going to end up anywhere if you do."

"C'mon Beauty Queen. You like my jokes." Leo acted like he had a tie around his neck. I must say, he was a good actor.

I pushed the tip of his nose in a little. "You're. An. Idiot. Leo. Valdez."

"I know." Leo looked a little too proud of himself.

"Piper!" I turned and saw a man running towards me and Leo. His hair was the same as always, short, blonde, choppy. His eyes were like a lighting bolt and his smile was cute but different than what it used to be.

"Look who came in town," Leo whispered.

"Has he been giving you a hard time?" I asked, also whispering.

"He's says that I spend too much time with you. He wants me to back away, so not be your friend anymore." Leo whispered back so that I could only hear.

"Jason's an-"

"Hey Piper." Jason slid his arm around my waist. "What's going on?"

"Chiron asked Leo and me to go and check in everything is in order." I said. I was lucky that I can think quickly. "Down at the forges."

"Why do you have to go?" Jason asked, pulling me closer to his side.

"Because he said so," I said harshly. Jason kissed my cheek and Leo pretended that he shot himself in the head.

I couldn't help but giggle. Leo was Leo.

"I love your giggle." And Jason kissed me. I couldn't be bothered. I didn't involve tongue, Jason was too demanding. "What's wrong?"

What's wrong is that you're here. "Nothing just tired."

"Okay." I put on a smile.

"We better go check at the forge, beauty queen." Leo said, gesturing to go.

"Don't call her that, Valdez." Jason said raising his eye brow.

"Okay, Leo. We better leave dad while he doesn't get too cranky with my nick name." And we left.

"Nice," Leo said. He pulled his hand in his tool belt and brought out a screw driver. "And I thought I was the smart one."

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Love Ya!