Chapter 2: When they ask, just deny deny deny.

"Don't ever leave me again" Brittany whispers, walking inside the house. My feet follow behind hers "I was so lonely without you." She whimpers when I close the door, my arms dropping from her body. I can't even say sorry when I see her turn around and look at me with sad eyes. I shake my head, allowing myself not to cry. "Brits" it comes out as a helpless whisper but I hold my tears back. "San" she whispers back and I can't be any far away from her anymore. She opens her arms and I walk into them. "So this is what love feels like." She says, resting her head on mine.

"Yeah it is" I whisper into the crook of her neck. I spend a night with her but my feelings got the best of me. "San time to wake up for school" Brit calls out to me from her bathroom. It's a gift to be able to wake up to her voice. "Ah Brits can we just skip?" I ask, stretching my arms over the edge of the bed. She walks out of the bathroom, already dressed and ready. She smiles and shakes her head. I frown and make myself get off the bed.

"It was nice not to be alone when I wake up." I yawn out "yeah I agree San" she whispers. I hurry up and get ready when Brits walks out the room. We go to school in Brits car that she rarely drives I wonder why its a pretty nice car. A red Corvette its a amazing car. "Buckle up San I don't want you to get hurt." Brits nags and I finally do she buckles up too I make sure. Arriving at school is different than any other day and not because I'm with Brit because we always come to school together.

All eyes follow us inside when I lock pinkies with Brits. I just ignore them "no Cheerio practice today well we are lucky." Quinn comments making her place right beside me. We walk to Glee club when we enter everyone all looks at us and I am normally used to it but I don't know whats wrong with me today. Everything is the same thought Kurt and Mercedes sitting be each other. Finn and Rachel sitting with a chair between. I look at Quinn and see her grin before making her way to sit in the blank chair between them. I shake my head.

Artie sitting by Tina and Mike who are holding hands. Artie looks upset I don't know why I am observing people I normally don't give a shit at all. Brits look at me with concern so I hurry up and say "I'm Ok." She nods but her eyes don't leave mine. I finally walk over to sit down by Rachel. Rachel looks surprised and I realize I am suppose to hate her. I am just not feeling myself today. "I realize I need to stop being a bitch to everyone." I whisper in Brits ear and she just smiles.

I really do though I feel like my eyes are finally opening. I can see things I didn't see before because I was too busy just focusing on me. I know I love Brits, I know I have for a while. But something in me is starting to wire differently ever since last night. Maybe I am just sick I shrug. Mr. Schue walks in with his ticket smile. Trust me he is always smiling and even if they are fake he is good at pretending.

"Today's assignment is to sing a song that most describes who they are to your partner." Rachel raises her hand slowly and Mr. Schue rolls his eyes before calling on her. "Do you pick our partners or do we?" She asks so quietly which surprises everyone. She lowers her hand, waiting for an answer. There is mostly shock in Mr. Schue's eyes. "Um I am going to be picking your. partners." He stutters "Ok Quinn and Mike, Tina and Finn, Mercedes and Artie, Kurt and Brittany, and last Santana and Rachel. Be nice."

Everyone nods at their chooses and don't really seem to care anymore. I look at Rachel which is scared I touch her shoulder and she flinches. "Rachel I am not going to hurt you jeez especially not in front of all these people." She loosens up just a little bit. Ok, yeah I know I am still a jerk but it's my image, and believe me it took all my will just to say that. Quinn grins before leaning on Rachel, whispering deeply "you better be careful Manhands." I glare at Quinn out of a reflex, she just gives me a confused look. I let go of Rachel's shoulder once the bell rings she storms out of the room.

I try to walk out but Quinn pulls me back. "Brits I will be there in a minute or two, k." She nods walking out of the classroom with everyone else. "What was that with Rachel?" She asks I shrug because I really don't know. I walk fast out the classroom after Brittany before Quinn can grab me again. What the hell Is wrong with me?

A/N: I am not even going to lie I need help with this. I feel like this was a crappy chapter compared to the first. So I am going to let the readers decide what happens next. What do you want to happen next? Let me know, please.