Disclaimer: I don't own Beverly Hills 90210.

Author's Note: I'll try giving each character their 'time' in each chapter. Some characters are coming back and some might take a break for a while...but don't fret! They'll be back one way or another. Plus, my chapter's a really cheesy by the way!

Full Summary: Brandon, Brenda, and the gang are brought back together after years when a tragic loss takes place. The gang once again find themselves lost, loved, and strengthened with each other. It's a new and different time for them, as the stakes are much higher and there is a lot more to lose. Coming from a world of glamour and privilege, with endless possibilities in front of them, anything can happen. All in all, it's just another day in the world's most famous zip code.

"Unspoken Love" Drama/Romance. Jason Priestley, Shannen Doherty, Luke Perry. Series Brandon and Brenda, and the gang try to keep each others' spirits high after Nat's funeral. Valerie returns to Beverly Hills.

Previously on Beverly Hills 90210...

"Brandon, Nat passed away," she sliced through the phone. Brandon's sarcasm rapidly died. His eyes widened and his heart jumped up to his throat. His temperature rose and he began to tremble in his seat.


"I don't know if I told you this before," whispered Steve. "When we were in high school, Nat had a heart attack at The Peach Pit...and Brandon and Dylan were there to take him to the hospital. Brandon and Dylan saved Nat that night."

Janet took a deep breath.

"I just hope he doesn't blame himself for not being there for him this time," finished Steve.


The one that surprised him the most was his twin sister, Brenda Walsh. She stood by her parents, hands wrapped around herself. He hadn't seen her in years. Her long, dark, lavishing hair fell closely to her waist. Her striking brown eyes met his and her small lips smiled thoughtfully back at his.

"Hi," Brenda mouthed. Her sultry eyes fell down to Nat's coffin. She brushed her tears away and followed her parents to a seat in the front. Everyone's heads turned as they saw the Walsh family walk down the aisle and to their seats.


They were all breathing uncontrollably. They were all crying hysterically.

"Why," wept Dylan. Kelly clasped her hands together on her mouth. Brenda tilted her head down. Brandon squeezed his grasp on the coffin. Steve turned away while Andrea wept harder. David and Donna comforted each other. None of them could look at each other.

"Nat," whispered Brandon, so quiet only the gang could hear. "we love you...may you rest in peace." Brandon kissed the tips of his fingers and placed it on the coffin.

The quiet breeze in the room carefully clashed against their sorrows and pains.

Sanders's Residence (Old Walsh's Residence)

He sat still in his old bedroom.

He had his hands nervously clasped together, his upper body hovering over his legs, and his tired eyes sulking away.

The warm light of the sun brushed through the small windows and perfectly painted his washed out face yellow. A tear quickly jotted down his cheek and his lips trembled at the thought of never seeing Nat ever again. He fiddled with his fingers nervously and took slow, painful deep breaths. A sudden knock on the door didn't even startle him.

It was Brenda.

"Hey, can I come in?" she whispered softly. She subtly licked her thin lips and slowly shut her tired eyes. She floated swiftly across the dimmed room and carefully took a seat next to her twin.

Brandon quickly wiped his sleeve across his stuffed nose. He tried to clear his throat and made an effort to smile like nothing happened. Brenda, over course, knew otherwise. She knew him long enough to know his phases of different emotions.

"Hey, Bren," he said warmly. "I was just...I was just setting my luggage aside." Brenda looked around and found no luggage. "I can't believe Steve and Janet turned my room into a guest room, huh?" Brenda chuckled. Brandon attempted.

"Well at least you don't have a little girl in your old bedroom," muttered Brenda sarcastically. "I almost forgot how this house looked like." She sighed.

"Yeah, me too," he quickly added.

"Feels odd, doesn't it?" asked Brenda. Brandon continued to fiddle with his hands. "To be back here. Seeing everyone again. Feels like home."

"Yeah it does," he muttered quickly.

"I've missed this house everyday single day I was in London," confessed Brenda. "Even though I was in and out of this house all the time." She softly chuckled as she reminisced about all the times she had moved out and back of the house.

Brandon couldn't handle the small talk anymore. He knew that she was just trying to make him feel better and he loved her for that. But he couldn't hide his emotions from Brenda. She read him a like a book. Brandon's heart sunk so low he couldn't breath.

There was an air of thick depressing silence between them.

*Slow 90210 music enter

"Bren," Brandon attempted to say, not even glancing at her. Brenda understood completely.

Brenda gently slipped her hand into Brandon's trembling ones. She squeezed his hands compassionately and met his eyes half way. She watched as another guilty tear fell down his cheeks. Brandon's lips trembled hysterically.

"Everything's going to be okay, Brandon," she assured him kindly. The warmth of the sunlight danced around her. Brandon nodded his head, wanting to believe her. "It's going to get better, you have to believe that."

"How, Bren?" he asked desperately. "How? What if it doesn't?" Brandon couldn't control his emotions anymore and hid himself in Brenda's caring arms. He wept and wept and pressed his face hard against her chest.

Brenda's voice fell into a whisper, "I don't know." A sympathetic tear majestically floated down her flushed cheeks. Her heart pounded aloud. "But it just will."

Brandon slowly parted from her, wiping his eyes. He still held on to her hands. Brenda smiled warmly, parallel to Brandon's kind smile. It had been a long time since they talked like this. A long time.

"I've missed you, Bren," murmured Brandon. Brenda smiled inwardly. "It's good to have you back, sis."

"It feels good to be back," she muttered. She suddenly took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "Listen Brandon, everyone's waiting downstairs for you." She began to move towards the door. "So if you plan on going -"

"...and Bren," he called for her. She stopped at the door and carefully turned herself around. "Thanks for being my sister. I wouldn't know what I would do without you here."

She smiled sweetly and murmured, "I love you, too, Brandon."

Taylor Residence

Kelly, David, and their half-sister Erin, slowly dragged their feet into Kelly's new home. She sold the old apartment beach house a few years back and finally decided to buy a home in the suburbs when she took the position of being a school counselor for West Beverly High School.

Her house was a one story house, wide-spaced, filled with large furniture, and a front porch consisting of a white bench and a wine table. The cool breeze floated in her house while the dimmed lights hovered over the antique furnitures. Picture frames of her family and friends ran on the soft walls of her home. The wooden floors gleamed against the yellow lights.

"Okay mom," muttered Kelly on the phone. "We'll be over as soon as possible." She hung up the phone and slammed her purse on the counter.

David and Erin comfortably rested in her warm living room.

"Are you guys thirsty? Hungry?" asked Kelly anxiously. She paced back and forth in the kitchen. She did this when she was stressing and she was definitely stressing over Nat's death. "Just make yourself home, David and clean up after yourself, Silver."

"Kel," David called calmly. "You're pacing again."

"I have to keep myself busy, right?" she responded nervously. She licked her small lips and brushed her sweaty brows.

"Not like this Kelly," reasoned David. "C'mon, you're better than this."

Kelly stopped herself and took a deep breath.

"It's just really surreal," she whispered quietly. She gulped and brushed a tear a way. "I don't know what else to do." She shook her thoughts away. "This is house is a mess anyways."

David nodded his head slowly, gazing away from her painful eyes.

"This is really a nice place, Kel," added David kindly, studying the place. "I must admit, you've done yourself good." He wanted to see her smile. "I can see you still keep things organized here."

"Well maybe if you would come home more often, you'll notice I've become quite disorganized," added Kelly sarcastically. "Seriously. It's been years since you and Donna left for Japan. I could use some sibling love once in a while."

"Oh you know you love me, Kelly," spat Erin funnily.

"Of course I do Silver," hissed Kelly warmly. "But I need adult siblings, too. Beating each other up with pillows and masking each others' faces can get pretty tiring."

"I don't know what you're talking about," added Erin. "...But I'm an adult now. I don't even have my wisdom teeth anymore."

"Funny," chuckled David. "Funny how you think you become an adult after getting your wisdom teeth taken out. You're only sixteen. The peak of your teenage years. I remember those years." Kelly and David exchanged giggles. Erin pouted her lips. "I'm just messing with you, Erin."

"Watch it!" warned Kelly sarcastically. "She hates being called Erin." David looked shocked. "Shows how long you've been gone."

"But I like Erin," explained David.

"Well get over it," said Erin, getting up from her seat. "I will never talk to you again if you keep calling me Erin. It's Silver, okay?" She started moving away from the living room. "I will see you two later? Cool?"

"And where do you think you're going?" asked Kelly.

"My friend Annie needs help with party invitations for her birthday bash," explained Erin. "I promised to help her out. Is it cool if I can go? I already mentioned it to mom a few weeks ago anyways." BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "See, that's Dixon outside. He's picking me up."

"You're not going over with us to the reception?" asked Kelly, perplexed.

"Well I already made a commitment to Annie, Kel," reasoned Erin desperately. "I really have to go. Tell them I said hi." She rushed out the door.

"Gone like the wind," brushed Kelly. "Just as always." She took a seat closer to David.

"Is she always in a rush?" asked David.

"I guess so," answered Kelly, unsure. "She's been a little weird lately. It's like she's PMSing for a while and then the next thing you know, she's happy as a duck. She's been really emotionally bizarre."

"Teenage years," added David. "It'll pass." Kelly nodded her head in agreement. "She must not know Nat well enough to skip his funeral reception then, huh?"

"She didn't really know him the way we knew him, David," explained Kelly. "For us, he was like our second father. He was always there for us and loved and cared for all of us...and for her he's just another owner of an old diner." David took a disappointing breath. "He's nothing special to her, David. Plain and simple."

"It's just like what Brandon said," muttered David melancholy. Kelly nervously cringed at the sound of Brandon's name. "She missed out on knowing a great man. It's just hard finding out when a close friend dies and you never even got another chance to talk with him. Not even a small gesture." Kelly thought about her relationship with Brandon and even Dylan. "These kind of experiences are what really wakes you up and makes you realize how short life is. How it shouldn't be taken for granted."

David sighed as Kelly watched his cheeks turn red.

"I'm sure he was proud of what you're doing over in Japan," reasoned Kelly comfortingly. "You had to do what you had to, to take care of your family. I think Nat knew that."

"And how are you?" asked David sincerely. Kelly scratched the back of her head, unsure.

"Lonely," she breathed. "...a mess." She licked her lips solemnly. "I just feel a little overwhelmed with everything right now." David brushed her shoulder. "With Nat passing away, counseling kids at school, no relationships, a little sister to take care of, and...and obviously I'm bothered by the fact Brandon's back in town. Even Dylan. I just feel a little stressed right now."

"You'll get through this Kelly," assured David optimistically. "I've seen you gone through worse. You'll get through all of this. You always do."

"I hope so," she whispered, hopeful. "With him, back in town - I can't help feeling we have some unfinished business..."

"Do you still love him, Kel?" asked David. "Do you still love, Dylan?"

Kelly slowly gazed up, her confused thoughts scrambling through her eyes.

"I don't know," she muttered.

Sanders's Residence (Old Walsh's Residence)

Jim and Cindy Walsh, along with Jackie Taylor, sat around the living room with the other guests who were there. It was a peaceful sight.

"It's been far too long, Cindy," said Jackie. "I have really missed your cooking!"

"Well thank you," replied Cindy, sitting next to Jim. "I really have missed Beverly Hills. But don't get me wrong, Hong Kong is truly amazing. I have been drinking more tea than I have before in my entire life."

"It's true," added Jim. The three old friends chuckled.

Cindy sighed at the sight of Joanne weeping over at Nat's picture.

"I talked to Joanne a few moments ago," breathed Cindy. "And I can't help feeling sorry for her."

"I know what you mean," added Jackie. "Nat was a great man to a lot of people."

"Sometimes I just wonder why. Why him? Why Nat? Why now?" stated Jim, almost angry. "Why take him away from us?"

"I think I could say for him, that he lived a good life," added Jackie sincerely. "He wouldn't have it any other way than for all of us to come back together and mourn and rejoice over his death."

"At least he's not suffering anymore," added Cindy sympathetically. "I just can't help thinking all those times he cracked us up with his jokes. Classic Nat."

"Yeah," chuckled Jim. "We were actually planning to come visit Beverly Hills to see him-"

"But we were waiting for Brenda to get off tour," explained Cindy. "She was busy being an actress all over the world. I didn't even know she was going to be here when Brandon called."

"So how long are you guys planning to stay?" asked Jackie. "You have to stay!"

"We don't know yet," answered Jim. "As soon Brandon phoned us about Nat, we had to come back to the states as soon as possible. We really didn't have time to plan everything out."

"At least stay for the holidays? suggested Jackie. "It is the holidays."

"We'll see," said Jim. "I'll try getting off work."

"Fabulous," added Jackie. "You guys can stay over my place. It's always open for you guys!"


Steve walked away from the kitchen and into the living room.

"Mr. Walsh," called Steve, walking over to the three parents. "Are you all settled in the guest room?" Jim stood up and hugged Steve.

"I think we're staying over Jackie's for the holidays," replied Jim. "Thanks for the hospitality, it really means a lot."

"We love what you have done with this place," added Cindy. "It's simply amazing, Steve."

"It was all Janet," confessed Steve.

"I still get a kick out of being in this house," added Jim. "I'm glad I got to stop by."

"Are you sure you'll be able to house them?" asked Steve to Jackie. "Janet and I have no problem housing the Walshes."

"Oh, yes!" answered Jackie happily. "You can take the twins! We adults need our little fun away from you all!"

Brandon and Brenda strolled down from the stairs and into the living room.

"I'm sure Brandon and Brenda would love to stay with you," added Cindy.

"Actually, mom," said Brenda, joining them alongside Brandon. "I'm probably just going to rent a hotel room for the night."

Donna danced slowly into the living room while cradling Ruby in her arms.

"Why don't you stay over at Kelly's?" suggested Donna.

"I don't know," muttered Brenda.

"Why not?" said Donna. "Kelly has an extra bedroom. Just stay over. She'll be fine with it." She cradled Ruby. "Plus, we can all catch up."

"Okay," agreed Brenda. "Sounds like a good idea to me."

"How about you Brandon?" asked Jim.

"I'll crash here tonight," Brandon answered briefly.

"Perfect," finished Steve.


A few moments later, Brandon, Brenda, Steve and Donna waited carefully in the living room.

"Look guys," said Donna, cradling Ruby. "Kelly and David made it."

Brandon and Brenda quickly looked up. This was going to be their first encounter with their friends after years without seeing each other. What where they supposed to say to each other?

Kelly and David strolled from the door to the living room. Kelly embraced Steve with a long hug, while David greeted his wife and his child with kisses on their forehead. Brandon and Brenda stood behind them.

"Where's Andrea?" asked Kelly.

"She had to go home and take care of Hannah," explained Steve. "She said she'll try and make it later tonight if she could."

"I probably need to do the same," said Donna. "Ruby's been getting sick lately."

"Give her to me," suggested David. "I'll make her feel better." Donna handed Ruby to David. Brandon and Brenda were still quiet.

Kelly reached for Brenda first.

"It's good to see you Brenda," whispered Kelly. Brenda smiled curtly. "Wow, look at you!"

"It's good to see you, too, Kelly," muttered Brenda sincerely. They both exchanged warm hugs. From over Kelly's shoulder, Brandon and David exchanged greetings as well.

"Mr. Silver," laughed Brandon. "How have you been man?"

"I'm good, Bran," answered David. "You?"

"Getting by," replied Brandon honestly.

The rest of the gang slowly parted away from Brandon and Kelly. Brenda moved the gang towards the window drapes. She introduced herself to Ruby and chatted with her old friends.

"David, you look great," mentioned Brenda to David. "And your baby is so cute." She pinched Ruby's cheeks. "She looks a lot like Donna. She's absolutely gorgeous."

"Well David did help," laughed Donna, wrapping her arm around Brenda.

"She kind of does look like David though, Don," said Steve.

"I helped a lot actually," added David, playing with Ruby.

"Too much information, David," laughed Brenda. "Can I hold her?"

Brandon and Kelly reluctantly turned to each other. There were smiles on their faces. Without words, they reached for each other.

"You look beautiful, Kel," he muttered to her lovely.

"Thank you," she kindly answered him. For a moment in time, she felt as if they were the only two in the room. The warm light passed through her heart and forced her to smile lovingly back at his kind face. Kelly calmly reached for his face with her caring hands and ran them down his jawline. He placed his hands on her small hips and smiled.

"I've missed you, Kelly," Brandon confessed.

"Brandon," breathed Kelly. But before she could speak again, her lips froze at the sight of Dylan McKay, entering from the kitchen door alongside Jim and Cindy. Dylan had been crying. It also looked like Jim and Cindy had been catching up with him and offering him some comfort and advice over Nat's death.

"It was good seeing you again, Dylan," said Cindy, hugging him.

"Talk to us anytime, son," muttered Jim.

"Thanks," breathed Dylan. "I've missed you two." Jim and Cindy smiled warmly. "Especially you, Jimbo."

Kelly's voice was drawn out of her voice.

"Dylan," Brenda muttered. Kelly quickly turned around towards Brenda. Brenda made her way towards Dylan and smiled warmly, still cradling Ruby in her arms. Dylan rubbed his jaw and combed his hair back with his hands. His heart leaped for joy at the sight of Brenda.

"I remember you," Dylan said happily through his rough voice.

"As do I," muttered Brenda.

For some odd reason, the sight of Brenda, Dylan, and a baby together bothered Kelly. Brandon clearly saw it, too. Kelly took a deep breath and sternly crossed her arms across her chest.

"Are you okay?" asked Brandon quietly.

"Just peachy," hissed Kelly.


Dylan and Brenda stood close, facing together in the backyard of the house. From a glimpse in the dining room, Kelly saw them together through windows of the backdoor. She scoffed at the two, more towards Brenda, and quickly left to the living room.

Brenda couldn't help herself but to smile before Dylan. She fiddled with her fingers and smiled softly before him. Dylan, himself, stood like a country bumpkin. He was still cool and handsome...and she still made his heart melt.

"I can't remember the last time we stood in this house together," mentioned Dylan.

"To tell you the truth, this house is bringing back memories," replied Brenda. "A lot of memories."

They both chuckled. Being in each others' company lightened up their moods. With Nat gone, they both were hurting pretty badly. But at the same time, they couldn't feel any happier seeing each other again.

But what happened in London a few years ago still left both of them a little uneasy. Dylan felt as though they never got a closure between them.

"Brenda," sighed Dylan. "I know we didn't leave on good terms back in London -"

"Dylan," breathed Brenda quickly. "I don't want to talk about it. Not here. Not at Nat's funeral day." Dylan kept gazing at her. She moved herself away and turned her back against him. "I can't do this right now."

"Brenda," called Dylan. Brenda reluctantly turned herself around, her sultry eyes gazing deep into Dylan's still stare.

"When I was in London," she began, her soft voice breaking. "I'd wake up early to take a walk down the Tower Bridge. Just to see the moon get lost in the morning light. And I'd be thinking about you, halfway around the world. Wondering if you were somewhere on the beach thinking about the same moon."

"I was," quickly answered Dylan, moving closer to Brenda. So close he could smell her scent. So close he could kiss her.

"And then I'd wonder if there was anyone else in your arms," she added. "After I while I just stopped worrying about it. I figured if there was someone else, it was only because I was there and you were here and vice versa." She didn't move her eyes. "Dylan we had each other in the past, but that doesn't erase the fact that you left me for Kelly at the time we were together in London."

"How about now?" pleaded Dylan. "I miss you Brenda."

"But do you love me?" she added quickly. She disappointingly looked away at the lack of answer Dylan gave to her. "Dylan, you know my heart. You know how sensitive it is to love. I can't just pretend like things are suddenly the same again after years of not even seeing each other or talking on the phone or anything."

"Bren," breathed Dylan hopelessly. "Please, try to understand -"

"You know, I don't think it's a good idea that we're isolating ourselves from everyone right now," interjected Brenda, hurt. "People might start talking."

"Fair enough," surrendered Dylan.

"I'll see you inside," she whispered. She turned herself around and dragged her feet back inside.


Brenda and Dylan walked back in the house while everyone was gathering in the living room. Joanne stood before the crowd with a picture of Nat in her hands. She was weeping solemnly and waited for everyone to quiet down.

"She looks so sad," whispered Brenda to Kelly.

"I am too," she added sternly, eying Dylan as he stood behind Brenda.

"Thank you," spoke Joanne quietly to the crowd. "Thank you everyone for coming today. I'm proud to say that Nat is very blessed with many friends and family who love him. Friends who have come from all over the world, thank you for your compassion." She stopped for a moment. "It's going to be tough, living a life without Nat. But I know that he's always going to be with me, everyday of my life. Thank you everyone."

Brandon smiled towards Joanne.

"May his soul finally rest in peace," added Joanne.

Some members of the congregation stood up and gave her their condolences. Kelly and Donna moved towards Joanne.

"Kel," whispered Donna. "I told Brenda it was okay that she could stay at your place."

"And why would you do that?" snapped Kelly ignorantly. Donna was taken back. "I mean. It's fine, she can have Silver's room for the night."

"Kelly, what's wrong?" asked Donna. "Is this because of Dylan?" Kelly scoffed absentmindedly and snarled at Brenda. "And Brenda?" Kelly started pacing. "Kelly, stop pacing. Answer me."

"I can't," answered Kelly, antsy. "I'm so nervous."

"Nervous about what?" asked Donna, confused.

"This house," hissed Kelly quietly. "Dylan and Brenda under the same roof together."

"Oh please," scoffed Donna. "C'mon Kel, get real."

"I cant help it," confessed Kelly. "I mean it's like im paralyzed. It's like I don't even know what to say to him. I feel like he's totally ignoring me."

"And what does Bren have to do with all of this?" asked Donna, confused.

"She was all over him, Donna," explained Kelly. "How do you expect me to react?"

"With some dignity and maturity, Kel," answered Donna assertively. "I thought this was over."

"Yeah, me too," Kelly muttered. They finally reached Joanne. "Hi."

"Thank you girls for coming," thanked Joanne. "Nat loved you guys so much as his own." Kelly and Donna exchanged smiles. "I would love if you guys continued to stop by at the house."

"That'd be great," said Donna. Ruby began to cry hysterically. "Oh! I'm so sorry. Full diaper. I'm going to go change her really quick." Joanne smiled. "I'm truly sorry for your loss, Joanne."

"Thank you Donna," whispered Joanne. Joanne turned towards Kelly, who still seemed bothered. "Can I help you with some motherly advice, Kel? You seem a little bothered."

"More of past relationship advice," said Kelly.

"I can do that too," chuckled Joanne.

"How am I supposed to deal with a person I loved - still love - that show up after years," began Kelly. "And then to find out that he doesn't love me anymore...what am I supposed to do?"

"Well," began Joanne.

"And what if another man who loves me," cut Kelly. "Who loves me...came back after all these years to ignite the fire in my heart to love him back?" She desperately sought for an answer. "It's not fair for me."

"Kelly," calmed Joanne. "Follow your heart." Joanne held Kelly's hand and placed it gently over Kelly's heart. "But at the same time, use your head." Kelly breathed deeply. "Both of these go hand in hand to finding true love."

"It's just hard," whispered Kelly hopelessly.

"And that's what makes it worth it in the end," finished Joanne. "To go through all these obstacles and sufferings to find the one true man who's going to make you the happiest woman for the rest of your life. Who's going to care for you and love you for who you are." They both gazed over at Nat's picture.

"It was the same way with Nat?" asked Kelly.

"Yes," answered Joanne. "And he was worth every pain and joy in my body. That man loved me." Kelly smiled thoughtfully.


After the reception was finished...

The Walsh family helped clean up in the kitchen. Jim, Cindy, Brandon, and Brenda were the only ones left in the kitchen, while everyone else was in the living room. Jim and Brandon were hauling heavy objects, while Cindy and Brenda were washing the dishes and packing the trash bags together.

"Feels like old times," said Cindy, drying the dishes.

"Just a little," added Brandon, moving around in the kitchen. The four of them moved around the kitchen and found themselves gathering around the kitchen counter. "I can't remember the last time we were all together like this."

"You kids moved so much it was hard to settle at one place," explained Jim. "You being so busy as a Journalist and Brenda touring all over the world as a class act actress."

"Thank you very much," chirped Brenda, resting her head on her mom's shoulder.

"Who would have thought Nat would have brought all of us together again," muttered Brandon. Brenda smiled shortly and comforted him. "He really had a special place in all of our hearts."

"He sure did," added Brenda. "And no matter how far we all were from each other, I always felt loved by each and everyone of you." Jim kissed Brenda's forehead. "You know, I always kept a small family picture when I was acting on stage. I figured you guys were my good luck charm."

"I'm proud of you Brenda," whispered Jim. "I really am." Brenda finally witnessed the proud faces of his parents. The one she sought for her entire career.

"So am I, Brenda," added Cindy. "My little girl grew to be a wonderful woman. You conquered the world, Bren."

"How about me, eh?" asked Brandon sarcastically. Jim wrapped his arms around Brandon.

"We always knew you were meant for great things, Brandon," said Jim. "Your mother and I knew there was absolutely nothing to worry about." The four of them chuckled.

"Brandon," muttered Cindy sincerely, almost on the verge of tears. "Brenda. I just want you both to know that your father and I love you both very much. And that we're always supporting you in whatever you do. And that you don't forget to visit us back in Hong Kong, because we miss you."

"Of course we'll visit you mom," answered Brandon. "Right, Bren?"

"Yes, of course!" agreed Brenda. "Mom, anything for you!"

"Come here!" begged Cindy, opening her arms for an embrace.

The kitchen door suddenly burst open as the Walsh family embraced each other. Startled, they all turned around and faced the person who walked in. Brown, chocolate, soft, shoulder-lengthed hair, a petite waist, a malicious grin, big beautiful brown eyes - the familiar family friend strutted into the kitchen.

"Hey guys," she hissed through her teeth. The Walsh family's faces dropped to the floor.

"Valerie," muttered Brandon, confused.

She stood tall before them with a sly grin on her beautiful face.