Hey! So the time has come- the last chapter of the Potter Girl. It'll be more of an epilogue kind of thing, but still. Thanks to everyone who has been such a support while i was writing.

but watch for the next installment of Evie and Severus, which doesnt have a title quite yet, but if any of you guys have suggestions for it, id love to hear them... let me know by next week

Her head hurt, small cuts on her face and arms stung, and she felt sick to her stomach, but Evolynn opened her eyes. It took her a while to figure out where she was, but after a brief moment of bleak confusion, she realized that she was out of the chamber with the flying keys, away from that killer plant, and out of that horrible place altogether. What had happened? All she remembered was falling off that broomstick, and her head banging on the ground.

Then she saw Severus. He was asleep in a chair that he must have conjured up because it hadn't been there when Evolynn left. He looked agitated even in sleep. Like someone who had been up all night waiting for something. Then she realized; he had been up all night with her, making sure she was okay. He must have found her in the chamber and brought her home.

Bolting up, she thought of something horrible- had she caused the stealing of the Stone? Had Severus been forced to help her instead of protect it? Dread flooded over her. How could she have been so stupid? But she had to lay back down from the pain in her head. She was dizzy and she was aching all over. After settling back in her bed, though she tried to resist it, Evolynn drifted back into sleep.

When she woke, Severus was awake too. Relief washed over his features when he saw Evolynn's eyes open. Crossing over to her bed, he accepted the hug that she gave him with no regret whatsoever.

"Thank God," he murmured.

A week later, Severus received word from Dumbledore that he would be allowed to Floo home nightly so that Evolynn would be able to stay home. Both he and the girl were delighted, but they showed it in separate ways. He in his cold, reserved way of announcing the matter over dinner, and her jumping out of her chair and running around the dining room a few times before giving him a hug. Then rushing off to tell the elf with joy in her wake.

Severus almost smiled. Yes, he concluded, this girl was growing on him.