Hari-the waiting ends

This is an emotional rollercoaster, but it's time to meet the real Hari hidden under the super angry and funny teen!

(Shaed is the one character I own. I made him! Oh yes, reviews are very welcome!)

Okay, it's been many years for Hari, and he's tired of it all. You'll finally find out about the man he loves, and you'll see that he's tired of the world. After all, he just wants the one he loves to find him. I don't own Harry Potter or Inuyasha.

Thank my Beta or else this chapter may have never been finished. Thank the almighty Dyani! (bows down to the shrine made for the almighty BETA Dyani)

Hari sat in a clearing, resting his body on Sage.

Sage was a large white-blue dog with three tails and red eyes. Sage had once been a human named Ogita, but he had chosen to become Hari's companion. Sage was large enough to ride and rest on.

Around Hari were Oku and Shadow, both lying across his body to keep him warm. Both there to protect him.

Hari had changed through the years. He had watched Conner and Momo grow and leave. Conner was helping his real father and Momo was back with Kenpachi.

Hari knew it would happen, but he was lonely now. And he had realized the reason he was always so angry. He had been waiting for Shaed for so long, but Shaed hadn't come for him in the countless worlds he had been to, and he believed that Shaed would never come.

The realization had broken his heart, and he had cried for so many days. But all things come to an end, and so too did his tears end.

Now, he was tired, and all he wanted to do was sleep. Until he became part of the world, or until he ceased to exist in a physical form. Until then, he would sleep, protected by three that loved him dearly. Until the day that someone came to wake him. Until that day.


The forest was weird, and not much was known about it. Neither the demons nor the humans knew what lived in the forest. They only knew that a powerful creature lived in it. And that the forest seemed to come to life to protect that creature.

''Kagome, are you sure the shard is in that forest?'' Miroku asked, looking with fear at the forest.

Kagome nodded. ''Yes it's in there, but what has you so scared of that forest?'' she asked. She had noticed that her friends had not wanted to go anywhere near the forest.

It was Sango who answered. ''Long ago, something fell into that forest. No one knows what it was, but from the moment it landed, the forest protected it. Anyone who went in there never came out.'' She said, holding Kilala close.

''Not even demon's go in there. There's something that calls demons, but none of them ever return.'' Inuyasha said.

''Well, it looks like we're gonna find out what's in the forest. So let's go.'' And with those words, Inuyasha walked to the forest.

The forest was silent and dark, seeming to watch them as they walked toward the jewel shards. They were all silent as they neared the shards.

''Guys, I feel more than one shard. There are so many I can't count them.'' Kagome said nervously. ''And they're up ahead.'' She said, looking forward.

They walked forward, and soon they entered a clearing. Inuyasha couldn't believe what he saw.

In the middle of the clearing was a beautiful demon resting on a white-blue dog demon with three tails. Lying on the small demon were two other demons. A blue dog demon and a black cat demon. The three large animals kept the small demon warm and seemed to be protecting him.

Inuyasha looked closer, and saw jewel shards in the small demon's midnight black hair.

''Looks like we can take the shards easily if we're quiet.'' Miroku said.

Inuyasha nodded, and the group started slowly moving forward. They didn't get very far before the animals woke up. Red eyes, blue eyes, and yellow eyes looked at them, and tails rose preparing to attack.

Inuyasha and his friends stopped immediately.

''Who are you that you would come to take our master?'' the cat said with a soft and silky voice.

Inuyasha swallowed.

It was Miroku who answered. ''We are searching for the sacred jewel shards. And we just want the shards in your master's hair.'' He said calmly.

The cat looked at him with piercing eyes. But then it looked at the small demon.

''We will let you have the jewels, if you can heal him.'' the blue dog said, looking at them with eyes full of knowledge. ''If you try to take the jewels by force, then we will devoir you without hesitation.'' It said simply.

Miroku swallowed.

''We know a great healer. His name is Jinenji, and if anyone can heal him he can.'' Sango said, stepping forward.

The dog looked at her and stood. The cat stood as well, and as Sango watched, the demons transformed. Soon, in their place stood two men. One with blue hair and eyes, and one with black hair and golden eyes.

''My name is Shadow, and the dog is Oku.'' The black haired man said. Oku walked to the sleeping demon, and picked him up. The three-tailed dog stood and transformed as well. A kind faced man with silver-blue eyes.

He smiled at them. ''My name is Sage.'' He said with a warm voice. ''I hope you are not lying to us.'' He said with threat in his eyes.

They were in Jinenji's home, watching as Jinenji looked at the still sleeping demon.

''Can you tell me what his illness is?'' Jinenji asked Shadow.

''He has for a long time been running, waiting for the one he loves to come for him.'' Shadow said sadly, tracing the boy's face. ''He waited for so many years, and yet Shaed did not come for Hari. And Hari finally couldn't fight his sorrow. He cried for many days, and when his tears ended, he no longer had the will to live.'' He said sadly.

''We only wish for him to wake. He has been sleeping for so long.'' Oku said softly.

Jinenji looked down at Haru, and gasped. Large green eyes were looking at him dazedly.

The others saw and gasped, they had never seen such beautiful eyes. A they watched, the jewel shard Kagome had flew from the small jar, and imbedded themselves in Hari's hair!

As Jinenji stared, a hand came up and touched his cheek. Haru smiled gently. '' oh, you are so beautiful. Now, your body should reflect your heart.'' And at his soft words, Jinenji felt his body become warm all over.

The others stared and Jinenji's mother stared in shocked amazement.

Jinenji was now beautiful, with long white-blond hair and deep blue eyes. He was beautiful, and looked like a dream. In his long hair were leaves and small bells.

He looked like his father!

''How?'' his mother asked.

Haru looked at her and smiled as he sat up. ''I just let his body reflect the beauty of his heart.'' He said gently, placing a hand on Jinenji's cheek. ''This is what I see when I look at you. The truth of your heart. You are so very beautiful.'' And so saying, Jinenji returned back to his original form.

Haru breathed in and smiled at the people in the room. ''I am glad to be awake at last. Thank you for your golden warmth Jinenji.'' He said kindly.

As those in the room looked at him, they all thought the same thing.

There is an angel in mortal flesh.

The others watched Hari help Jinenji in the fields. Jinenji seemed to love Hari and there was pure joy in his eyes.

When they finished the work, Hari went to sleep on Jinenji's shoulder. He was so small and so light that it didn't affect Jinenji at all.

All that time, his three beasts were happy and rejoicing that he had at last awoken.

The large group sat inside the house, about to eat dinner.

The others started eating and it was a while before they realized that something was wrong with Hari.

They looked at him and could only watch as he coughed harshly and doubled over. He stopped coughing but held his stomach as he looked at the blood in his hand.

He looked up and smiled gently. ''Something, something is calling me. A jewel, so very pure, yet tainted with the blood of an evil. Oh, it calls me, it is like his voice.'' he breathed out, his eyes closing. He seemed to fall back, but instead of hitting the ground, he disappeared in a shower of black cherry blossoms.

Oku and Sage jumped up with cries of anger and fear!

''STOP!'' Shadow yelled, and the two ceased. They looked at him.

''But Shadow, someone has taken him!'' Oku yelled, shaking with his rage.

''Yes, but raging about will do nothing!'' Shadow snapped. ''We have to find the one who took him. The demon is obviously powerful and he used a jewel to take Hari.'' He said softly.

''Naraku, it has to be Naraku!'' Kagome said.

''I know of him, a human who sold his soul to demons. Now he has taken Hari.'' Sage said, sitting down.

''We have to…'' Oku stopped and stared at something at the door.

The others looked, and saw a tall man with dark hair the color of midnight. His eyes were a blue dark enough to be black, his features were handsome and his skin was a brown-grey. He wore black pants and a robe over it. The robe was split on both sides to the waist and he wore a blood red sash around his waist.

As soon as the three saw him, they knew he was Shaed; the one Hari had been waiting for.

Shaed looked at them with a cold stare. ''I am searching for someone, he is delicate and beautiful, with large green eyes and long black hair. Have you seen him? His name is Hari.'' There was love in his voice as he said the name.

Shadow swallowed, he did not want to tell this being what had happened. Because Shaed was more powerful then Hari and he may not be as kind. He swallowed, he would still tell him. He had to.

Naraku sat outside his palace, holding a small demon in his arms. This being had so much power, and the jewel kept him from waking.

Naraku had placed the complete jewel-now black-in a necklace around the boy's small neck. It had weakened him, but the boy was still able to speak.

''Shaed…Shaed.'' He kept whispering painfully as Naraku held him.

Soon, Naraku would absorb him and his power, soon.

Shaed sat down, looking at his hands. He had heard the story, the entire story, from the Shinigami to the demons now.

''I searched, I truly did search. But he never stayed in a place for very long.'' He said with a sigh. ''Though now I suppose he's realized the truth.''

''What do you mean?'' Shadow asked from where he stood.

Shaed looked at him and smiled. ''There is no other being beside myself more powerful than him. Of course I could not help but love him. After all, who could help but love the other half of their soul?''

''What?'' Oku choked out.

Shaed smiled. ''Hari and I, we were once one soul. But we were lonely, for none could ever love us. We were too powerful. So we separated, becoming two individual beings with our own souls.'' He looked up and smiled fondly. ''We travelled for so long, searching for the other half of ourselves, though we didn't know what it was we were searching for. When we met, I remembered everything, and I loved him with all my heart. But he was afraid, for in him was the loneliness that we had for so long shared. He was afraid of letting me too close because if I left him, then his sorrow would crush him. He was afraid of the pain, so he ran away from me.'' he looked back down. ''But it seems he grew tired, and waited for me. I believe he truly did want me to find him, but after so long, his sorrow may have finally taken him. And now a demon has taken him!'' he snarled angrily.

''We can get him back.'' Shadow said, taking a step toward him.

Shaed looked at him. ''How?'' he breathed out, a dark and cold fury coming forth.

''I can find my master, as can Oku and Sage.'' Shadow said. ''We will find this Naraku, and we will destroy him for daring to touch him.'' he said softly, rage hidden in his voice.

''We'll help.'' The half-demon said, looking at them.

Shaed looked around at the other people and demons. He smiled darkly. ''Then let us find that filthy demon.'' He said, his voice rumbling with power. Eyes glowing with rage answered him. They would find Hari, and they would kill Naraku.

''Aaaaaaahhhhh!'' the scream flowed throughout the air, making all who heard it shudder. In the cave that Naraku had made his, the angel was being killed.

Naraku was ripping him apart, yet he did not die!

''What are you?'' Naraku yelled, clawing at the naked form chained to the wall of the cave.

The boy breathed harshly and looked at him. He smiled softly. ''You remind me a little of Shaed, the one I love.'' He let his head fall and his hair hid his face. ''Though maybe he should not have loved me so much. Maybe he should have been cruel and cold like you. Maybe then I would have hated him, and I would not hurt so very much.'' He said softly with a broken laugh.

''I am so tired of you Naraku. I want to sleep, just to sleep. I want silence to become my being. So now I will leave.'' He said softly, and that was the last words Naraku ever heard.

Soon, he was dead, and Hari stood atop his dead carcass. His hair moved in the braid that it had made itself into. At the end of the braid was a blue orb, holding his braid together.

He looked around the cave, at the bodies of the dead. He'd killed all of Naraku's people and only blood showed where they had been.

He started walking, a beautiful white kimono appearing on him. He looked beautiful, like a true angel from a dream. He walked away, searching for the place that he could sleep. The place that he could at last rest. Before the pain ate him away.

On his throat, the jewel began to sink into his chest. The color of it was a beautiful and sorrowful blue-black swimming in soft pink.

He walked away from the cave full of the dead, walking through the plain of tall grasses. His eyes were as empty as a black void.

Shaed ran through the land, getting closer to the scent of death and blood. Over all of it was the scent of his beloved.

Soon the group of demons, humans, and immortals reached a cave that stank of death. They walked into the cave, and the women ran back out, hands covering their hands.

Inside the cave were the burned bodies of Naraku and his servants. There was blood all over the walls, and the faces were frozen in pain and fear.

''Who did this?'' Miroku asked with wide eyes. There was horror in his voice.

Shaed grinned, and that sent shivers down all their spines. ''my beloved does not like being taken.'' He said with a laugh.

Then he lifted his head and took a deep breath. He seemed to taste something and smiled. His eyes became lighter, and they began to pulse.

He frowned and swallowed. ''We must hurry, he's dying.'' He said softly.

''What, why, how is he…?'' Oku said.

''He's tired, he's finally had enough. I pray we are not too late. We must hurry!'' he yelled, twisting around and running as fast as he could out of the cave. The others followed him, hoping that they weren't too late.

He hurt all over. He could feel his life leaving. He hurt, he wanted it to end so very much. He closed his eyes where he lay.

The small clearing began to shiver. The wind began to blow, and haunting music began to play. The roots and leaves swirled toward him, slowly encasing him in a warm cocoon. In his wish for death, the world decided to comply.

Soon he was inside a cocoon. The inner layer was of soft moss covered by fresh leaves, and the outer layer was of roots. He would be safe, and the cocoon was taking the pain away. He could feel himself drifting away, becoming nothing, just like he had been in the beginning.

Hari remembered, he had remembered long ago. He had once been the sorrow, the sadness, the light that had been half of the being called Harry Potter. He had saved the people and he had loved them. But they had betrayed him, turning away from him. They had tried to kill him, fearing his power.

He had cried, and he had cursed all of them. No more would they have such power. No more would the world care for them. No more would the other creatures even speak to them. They became dead to the other creatures of magic. They were cursed, and they were doomed.

But then he had tried to heal, tried to find love. But none had been enough. None had truly been able to love him completely. So he had separated himself. He had died, and become two. One light and the other dark.

And so Hari came to be. He had started looking for his other half, the only one who could love him completely, he had looked for Shaed, but when he had found him, Hari had run away. Afraid of being abandoned and alone again. He had been afraid.

But when at last he waited for Shaed, he did not come. Shaed no longer loved him. He had run for too long.

Yet if he could not be with Shaed, then he did not wish to live. He did not wish to exist at all. So he would die. He would become nothing, and he would end completely.

He was inside, sleep taking him already. And so, he did not see the forms running toward him.


He could barely keep his heart from breaking as he saw the cocoon. He knew what it was, it was death. His beloved had fallen at last to his despair.

Shaed ran until at last he fell against the cocoon. His hands touched the hard surface as the tears fell from his eyes.

''Oh Hari, if only I had found you sooner.'' He whispered, pain in his voice.

He heard the others stop behind him, but he paid them no mind. They meant nothing to him. He shuddered, falling to his knees and closing his eyes. His beloved, his very light itself was allowing himself to die. No! NO! He would not let that happen!

They had been apart too long, he would not lose his Hari to death! Never again!

''Shaed, what is that?''

The voice belonged to the half-demon. He was a fool if he could not sense the cocoon for what it was.

He heard muffled gasps of horror and pain. They came from Hari's three companions. They knew what had happened. They knew that they had at last lost Hari.

''No, why. Oh why.'' The heartbroken words came from the cat as he was held by the dog. All three companions had tears in their eyes.

Shaed closed his eyes.

Oku looked at him where he knelt beside what separated them from Hari. And as he watched, a dark mist started to form around the man.

The children saw, and they stepped back in fear. Oku, Shadow, and Sage just sat where they were. What did it matter if they died? What did it matter if Hari was gone from their lives. Hari, who had loved them and cared for them. Hari who had shown them humanity and kindness. Though he had yelled so much and had seemed so very furious. He had always been sad, waiting for someone to come. He had been waiting, but now he was gone, having finally had enough of the world.

It didn't matter, the world might as well be destroyed for all that the three companions cared.

So when the mist began to form, they did not move. And their eyes were as empty as a tainted soul.

Shaed stood slowly, lifting his arms and allowing the power to flow to his fingers. He breathed out, and placed his hands on the cocoon.

The tendrils seeped into the cocoon, and he could feel the emptiness inside. He searched, going deeper and deeper. Searching for the small life that he hoped was still inside. At last after what seemed like an eternity, he found it. He found the small warmth that was his beloved.

And into that warmth, he let his spirit go. He would get Hari back, he would take his beloved back.

The world he entered was cold and dark, yet inside it, there was warmth. A loving voiceless song, full of the deepest sorrow. And in the center of warmth, was Hari, curled as tightly as he could be.

Shaed walked forward, kneeling before taking his beloved in his arms. He pulled Hari closer and sat down, running his fingers through the long, ebony hair.

''My dear beloved. I am so sorry.'' He whispered, bending his head til his lips rested on Hari's head. The sorrow he felt was evident through his voice. ''I am sorry for having let you run, I am sorry for having taken so long, and I am sorry, for having let you feel such sorrow and pain.'' He said, tightening his arms around his beloved.

How sorry he was, for having left his fragile angel alone for so long. He alone had known how truly fragile and sorrowful his beloved was. Even though he wore such a well-crafted mask. He could do nothing if his beloved did not wish to return, so he held his beloved tighter. He would never again let go, he would remain in this world of spirit for as long as he had to. He would never let his beloved go again.

Hari felt something warm engulf his consciousness but didn't dare look he was already at the crossroads bridge. Why go back now? As he tried to sink deeper, remainders of his fragmented memory swirled in the waters he stared into. Memories of a time long past, swirled images showed a mirror, a giant snake, a maze and a sword. A person becomes two halves of a mirror to run their separate ways, only to search for each-other again. He watched all this run down the stream, more and more images pooling out from under the bridge as all the people he was in contact with and had made friends with washed away from him. He felt pain. What were they doing now? Did they miss him?

A new memory blossomed and Hari watched it form. Someone chasing another's shadow. Cold and alone across so many worlds the picture was bleak and white but always somewhat hopeful. It showed the chase ending at a cocoon. Hari recognized it vaguely as the one he had formed for himself. The warmth surged back again, this time stronger. Realization hit him like a bolt of lightning. It was Shaed, he had come for him at last, but he was already so close to peace. Hari hung his turned away and sank deeper. Nearing the end, he almost sank completely, going past the bridge into death. But he was topped by someone. Who else was here? Hari opened his eyes and looked up to see a line of people blocking his path. He recognized everyone there as people he had met through the years. He looked longingly for one soul, one from deep within his past. A tap on the shoulder and he turned around to find himself face to face with…

"SIRIUS" Hari shouted throwing himself onto the man squeezing the hell out of him.

"OKAY, Hari Hari, yes it's me," he laughed extricating himself from Hari's deathgrip.

Sirius looked down at Hari and smiled.

"I've missed you, but Hari," his face suddenly turned serious, "it's not your time yet there are people who still need you."

"But Siriussss," Harry whined.

"No but's," Sirius said "they are here to bring you back now." Hari followed his Godfather's sightline and saw Shaed standing there with his head hung in shame. After a moment, Hari walked over to him and reached out his hand. He stopped short-unsure if Shaed was truly there for hi-and turned back to look at his godfather,

"Harry two halves of a whole person will never find love separately, a whole person has to love himself first. Go home, your friends are waiting." Sirius smiled and walked back to the line blocking the way to the afterlife. Hari turned back to Shaed and held out his hand.

"Let's go home." Shade said, taking out-stretched hand.

Hari smiled with tears in his eyes.

Hari's companions waited desperately for Shaed to awaken and tell them if Hari was alright. Frost had formed on the man so thickly that it was like having a block of ice sitting next to you. But as they watched, the frost started to crack and the man finally moved. His eyes were focused on a bright light coming from the cocoon, catching the attention of everyone there. The cocoon receded slowly back till it was barely there. It began to crack, and as they watched, Hari fell out of it. Shaed stood with arms outstretched to catch him.

As Hari saw him, he smiled happily, and for once, there was peace in his eyes. He fell into Shaed's arms, joy making his tears fall.

''Will you stop running now'' Shaed whispered as he held him close.

Hari sniffed and nodded. ''I promise, I won't ever run again. I love you.'' He whispered.

Shaed smiled. ''I love you too, and I am not the only one.'' He said.

Hari heard the voices and turned. He saw his three companions and Inuyasha's group running toward him with tears and smiles in their eyes.

He smiled happily at them all. ''Hi guys, I'm back.'' He said with a grin, before he found himself in the arms of three tearful shifters. He was back, and finally, he was not afraid of being alone.